Peasants' Republic of Aussel

Vaameresvepsrik ven Aussel

We defied our lords and fought back. No one expected us to win, but we achieved the impossible. Now we have to prove ourselves as capable statesmen and leaders. They all expect our country to collapse, but we will prove them wrong again.
Valten Kuglar, Chancellor of Aussel
  Aussel, officially the Peasant's Republic of Aussel, is a sovereign state in Southern Lethea. Aussel is ruled by democratically elected politicians who ideally serve the interests of their people in the Argent, the Ausselian parliament.

The largest city and the capital of the Peasant's Republic of Aussel is Steendern, and the country's other major city is Lipsig.  


Aussel is a parliamentary representative democratic republic in which the Chancellor of Aussel is the head of government. The history of Ausselian politics is one of instability and chaos, but as a result of Chancellor Valten Kuglar's reforms, the situation has restabilised. The parliament is called the Argent, and three main factions dominate it.   The country's head of state is Consul Franzek Eders of the Peasants' Party of Aussel and the head of government is Chancellor Valten Kuglar of the Reform League.  

Administrative Divisions

Aussel is divided into eight regions and two free cities. Each of these divisions has a number of representatives in parliament that correlates to the regions' or cities' power and influence.   Power is typically related to the number of eligible voters present, but there are exceptions. For example, the free cities are outnumbered in terms of population, but they are home to the main centres of trade and remain vital for the economy.

Administrative Division Representatives Population Status
Steendern 16 14,812 Free City
Lipsig 10 7,846 Free City
Herle 10 182,979 Region
Sarzin 8 82,776 Region
West Holnen 8 147,255 Region
Tilnessen 6 156,839 Region
Tuener 6 69,706 Region
East Holnen 4 113,273 Region
Feltgof 4 60,993 Region
Lasser 2 34,853 Region


The early days of our fragile democracy were a mess. Whoever came up with the idea to hold an election whenever someone was upset, should be nailed to a cross.
— Disgruntled voter
  Ever since Chancellor Valten Kuglar's reforms, the elections in Aussel have been taking place every six years. The voting system uses open list proportional representation and the threshold of votes required to get into parliament is 1%. Since 1519 AA, the sessions of the Argent have taken place in Velkberge Castle.  

Voting Rights

Aussel has been described as a Hillenistic democracy, because of the way voting rights are in the country. Female members of the clergy and secular men above the age of twenty are allowed to vote in all of the elections.   The age restriction doesn't apply to women, and male members of the clergy aren't allowed to vote. Voters must prove that they live in Aussel before they can cast their vote.
  Throughout the course of Aussel's short history, three factions have emerged to dominate parliament. The first two were the Peasants' Party of Aussel (PPA) and the Silver Alliance (SA). The two claimed to represent the peasants' and city folk respectively and quickly established a two-party system.   Frequent acts of political violence, snap elections, and all-around instability forced a new party to rise. Valten Kuglar, a vocal advocate for reform, founded the Reform League and after gathering support for a few election cycles, he crushed the established factions and formed a new government.

Why do we even need the consul? Our most esteemed chancellor has been doing a great job both leading and representing this mighty fine country.
— Gretka ven Toiksten, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  The consul serves as head of state, and they are selected by the parliament. Each faction in the Argent can select a candidate from their ranks, and the person that gets forty votes becomes the new consul for the next six years. A consul can run for reelection two times, but after the third term, they will be barred from running for the position.   Chancellors are the leaders of whichever faction formed the government and they stay in their position until their party is unable to form a new government. Both faction leaders and chancellors have to be at least thirty years old, the parent of two or more children, they have to speak one of the official languages of the country, and both them and their parents had to be born in the country.  
List of Cabinets
Duration Chancellor Consul Factions
24 Tiennor 1516 -
24 Tiennor 1520
A. Tieter (PPA) - Peasants' Party of Aussel
Authoritarian Democrats of Greater Aussel
24 Tiennor 1520-
27 Vernavar 1522
A. Tieter (PPA) - Peasants' Party of Aussel
27 Vernavar 1522-
19 Fennor 1524
G. Oders-Bieren (SA) H. Alajsis (LAB) Silver Alliance
League of Ausselian Baglamists
19 Fennor 1524-
27 Vernavar 1526
L. Alessen (PPA) C. Vehlow (IMA) Peasants' Party of Aussel
Independent Monarchist of Aussel
27 Vernavar 1526-
27 Vernavar 1530
L. Alessen (PPA) - Peasants' Party of Aussel
Ausselian Democrats
27 Vernavar 1530-
3 Tiennor 1534
V. Netterholz (AD) - Ausselian Democrats
27 Vernavar 1534-
27 Vernavar 1538
Z.D. Ferschke (SA) - Silver Alliance
27 Vernavar 1538-
1 Tiylavar 1540
Z.D. Ferschke (SA) - Silver Alliance
League of Ausselian Baglamists
1 Tiylavar 1540-
27 Vernavar 1543
C. Vehlow (IMA) K. Maternsen (IMA) Independent Monarchist of Aussel
27 Vernavar 1543-
27 Vernavar 1547
C. Vehlow (IMA) B. Hittel (PPA) Independent Monarchist of Aussel
Peasants' Party of Aussel
27 Vernavar 1547-
19 Tvenor 1548
B. Hittel (PPA) C. Vehlow (IMA) Peasants' Party of Aussel
Independent Monarchist of Aussel
19 Tvenor 1548-
27 Vernavar 1548
C. Ribbeck (PPA) B. Hittel (PPA) Peasants' Party of Aussel
27 Vernavar 1548-
27 Vernavar 1554
C. Ribbeck (PPA) - Peasants' Party of Aussel
Reform League
League of Ausselian Baglamists
27 Vernavar 1554-
27 Vernavar 1560
C. Ribbeck (PPA) Franzek Eders (PPA) Peasants' Party of Aussel
Silver Alliance
27 Vernavar 1560-
27 Vernavar 1566
V. Kuglar (RL) - Reform League
Independent Monarchist of Aussel
Ausselian Democrats
27 Vernavar 1566-
V. Kuglar (RL) Franzek Eders (PPA) Reform League
Peasants' Party of Aussel



As has become normal in Aussel, the demographics of the rural parts of the country are vastly different from the urban centres such as Steendern and Lipsig. While those on the countryside enjoy their peaceful homogenous Rükish society where the peasants proudly call themselves Hillenists, the urban populations situation is completely different.

Diverse Cities

For centuries the cities of Steendern and Lipsig have been home to wealthy merchants from all around the continent. While most originate from the lands around the Great Cinnamon Gulf, some from as far away as Sarala and Enlitica have made a name from themselves in the great trade hubs.   Other than originating from different parts of the continent and having different values from the rural natives, many of the cities' inhabitants hold heretical beliefs. Baglamism has seen a resurgence in recent decades as more and more people from Rükenland and Alminthas have moved in, bringing their beliefs with them.   Many of the Hillenist merchants and craftsmen in the two free cities have converted to Baglamism in order to fit in with the wealthy elite. This open acceptance of heresy is looked down upon by the majority of the peasants who find the foreign values and beliefs to be a danger to their independence.

Species Percentage
Humans 98%
Panedur 1%
Others 1%
Ethnicity Percentage
Rükish 91%
Alminthians 4%
Others 5%
Religion Percentage
Hillenists 86%
Baglamist Church 11%
Others 2%
Irreligious 1%
Founding Date
1514 AA
Geopolitical, Republic
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Land area
10,373 mi²


Active Personnel
0.1% of Pop.
Active Units


Lipsig Defense Force
General Manpower Units
Jekel Kantz 450 3
Name Type Tier
1st Lipsig Infantry Company HI Trained
Lasser Woodsmen LA Veteran
Daughters of Hillen ME Trained

Tilnessen Retinue
General Manpower Units
Elger Bork 360 2
Name Type Tier
Ausselian Guard HI Trained
Steendern Cavalry LC Trained


Ausselian Parliament

aussel parliament

Political Groups

Government (47)
Opposition (27)

Rükenland and Aussel

Cover image: Farm Land during Sunset by Pixabay

Struggle Period

1514 AA 1520 AA

  • 1514 AA

    24 Koicaiteril

    Declaration of Independence
    Political event

    Fed up with the wealthy aristocrats who ruled over them, tired of oppression, their open adoption of Baglamism and negligence of the Ausselian territories, the peasants were ready for change. On the 24th of Fennor a group of influential peasants gathered a mob and declared independence from the Aristocratic Republic of Rükenland in front of Velkberge Castle in Steendern.

    Additional timelines
  • 1514 AA

    4 Vānsulrpēh
    1517 AA

    11 Bricteril

    Ausselian War of Independence

    The local nobles heard of the Ausselian declaration of independence around a day after the event. They gathered their retinue and raised men to suppress the peasants, but many of their serfs refused to fight. With only a handful of knights, the aristocrats engaged rebel forces in Steendern on the 4th of Sesnor, starting the Ausselian War of Independence.

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  • 1516 AA

    24 Kateaqteril
    1516 AA

    19 Iqtīlapoiteril

    First Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    As the Ausselian War of Independence raged, the people and politicians were hard at work figuring out how to form fair governments that would represent the people of Aussel. Once a system had been designed, the election campaigns had begun. Votes were cast on the 24th of Tiennor, 1516, but it took another month to figure out the result. The decision was made to hold new parliamentary elections every four years.

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  • 1517 AA

    15 Tielaqteril
    1520 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Tieter's Land Reforms
    Political event

    After the Ausselian War of Independence, the first Chancellor of the new state, Albert Tieter, passed a series of reforms that resulted in the disappearance of the aristocracy from Ausselian lands and the abolition of serfdom. This was seen as the final act that secured the country's position as the guardian of the peasants and their rights to freedom and democracy.

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  • 1520 AA

    24 Kateaqteril

    1520 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    Albert Tieter's Peasants' Party of Aussel crushed their main opposition, the Silver Alliance, in the parliamentary elections. His party had won enough seats to create a government without having to form a coalition with any of the other parties.

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The Unstable Years

1521 AA 1549 AA

  • 1521 AA

    29 Tlealēlcpēh

    Chancellor Tieter's Death
    Life, Death

    Chancellor Albert Tieter, the man who had led Aussel through a period of difficult reforms that had brought more freedom to the peasants, had been found dead. Murdered in his own home, the news had sent both the parliament and his supporters into a panic. Accusations were tossed around by both the Peasants' Party and the Silver Alliance, but the truth had remained a mystery.

    Additional timelines
  • 1521 AA

    8 Ailelpēh
    1522 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    Emergency Elections
    Political event

    With Chancellor Tieter dead and the government in chaos, several prominent members of parliament called for a new parliamentary election. The Silver Alliance and the League of Ausselian Baglamists used the chaos to their advantage. Both parties spread the tale that the chancellor was murdered by jealous members of his own party and that a coalition between them would bring the criminals to justice. The election resulted in a SA-LAB minority government.

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  • 1524 AA

    10 Bricteril
    1524 AA

    19 Koicaiteril

    Collapse of the Government

    Following a series of votes of no confidence directed towards Chancellor Gisko Oders-Bieren and other ministers from the Silver Alliance, the parliament fell into bickering and neverending conflict. For months the ruling coalition failed to pass any new laws until finally on the 24th of Atheus, 1524, a vote of no confidence succeeded against the chancellor.

    The Peasants' Party demanded to dissolve the government so that they could step in and form a new one until the 1526 elections, but the ruling coalition refused to step down. On the 19th of Fennor, the opposition factions rallied together with their most militant supporters and they stormed Velkberge Castle, putting an end to the SA-LAB coalition.

    Additional timelines
  • 1525 AA

    1 Bricteril
    1526 AA

    24 Iqtīlapoiteril

    Rise of the Paramilitary Wings
    Military action

    The new Chancellor of Aussel and leader of the Peasants' Party, Lenne Alessen, saw a need to form a paramilitary wing for her party. She already had plenty of militant members, many of whom had supported the party in the toppling of the previous government, and so the decision was made to form the Peasants' Guard. The other major factions saw the move as a threat to their freedoms and formed their own paramilitary wings. As the election campaign was kicking off, the militant groups clashed with one another. All sides intimidated their opponents to stay home and rallied their own people to go and vote.

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  • 1526 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1526 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    The 1526 Ausselian parliamentary elections had been the bloodiest in the young country's existence and as a result, voter turnout was at an all-time low. Many feared to leave their homes and those who did had hoped to rely on the protection of their faction's paramilitary wing's men. At the end of the day, Chancellor Lenne Alessen had managed to stay in power, but to the surprise of most, the previously insignificant Ausselian Democrats went through a surge in popularity, ending up third in the election. The Peasants' Party of Aussel formed a coalition with the Ausselian Democrats, leaving their old partners in the Independent Monarchist of Aussel behind.

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  • 1529 AA

    13 Ilisiaqteril
    1530 AA

    29 Gileiqteril

    Corruption Scandals
    Life, Crime

    Chancellor Lenne Alessen's coalition had been able to work in relative stability for nearly three years, but that all changed and the hurling of insults all returned when evidence of the chancellor's corruption leaked to the public. An anonymous informant had told a Baglamist preacher of the details, leading many to believe that the LAB was involved.

    According to the allegations, the chancellor had given out positions in high places and significant sums from the treasury to two of her friends. There was some speculation regarding whether the two women had been Chancellor Alessen's lovers, but those rumours faded out as more members of the Peasants' Party were accused of crimes. The Independent Monarchist of Aussel had caught several ministers taking money from Rükish and Alminthian agents and diplomats.

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  • 1530 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1530 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    After the scandals had shattered the Peasants' Party's reputation, the Ausselian Democrats received additional support from those who used to vote for their coalition partner. The AD's innocence in the corruption affair had made them the preferred alternative to the Peasants' Party and many voters had even turned their backs on the other parties in the opposition, hoping that the Ausselian Democrats could bring some desperately needed change and restore the stability and peace that the country enjoyed under Chancellor Albert Tieter's government. All the promises and hopes resulted in a landslide victory for the Ausselian Democrats, giving them enough seats to form a government on their own with Chancellor Valten Netterholz in control.

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  • 1531 AA

    9 Bricteril

    Alliance Offer
    Diplomatic action

    Seeing as the Peasants' Republic of Aussel was surrounded by dangerous countries who could threaten to end its independence, Chancellor Valten Netterholz looked around for potential allies. Although they were ideologically quite different from the republic, the Empire of Pallernia seemed like a strong partner who could guarantee Aussel's existence. On the 9th of Tvenor, 1531, the chancellor sent out an offer to Emperor Heinrich Pentiwichen, but the foreign monarch refused, claiming that an alliance with an unstable and corrupt state would only hurt his empire.

    Once the failed alliance offer became known to the public, the Independent Monarchist of Aussel organised a demonstration against foreign influences and the Ausselian Democrat government.

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  • 1534 AA

    1 Kateaqteril
    1534 AA

    3 Kateaqteril

    Netterholz's Coup
    Military action

    Believing that his days as chancellor were numbered, Valten Netterholz came up with a plan to extend the length of his term. On the 1st of Tiennor, around a month before the election day, Netterholz seized control of Velkberge Castle with the strength of the Ausselian Democrats' paramilitary groups. Seeing the move as a threat to democracy, the Silver Alliance, the Peasants' Party of Aussel and the Independent Monarchist of Aussel joined forces to storm the castle. Outnumbered and out of ideas, the chancellor took his own life to prevent his capture.

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  • 1534 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1534 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    With their leaders dead or in hiding, their paramilitary wing disbanded, and their reputation ruined, the Ausselian Democrats pulled out of the election campaign. The storming of Velkberge Castle had repaired the peoples' view of the Peasants' Party, but that hadn't stopped the Silver Alliance from winning a majority. The party's leader, Gal Zobeslaus Ditwin Ferschke, had been declared chancellor and he promised to look out for the interests of both the peasants and his main voters, the merchants and the urban minorities.

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  • 1538 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1538 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    Chancellor Ferschke's first government had been able to work in peace. The occasional bickering was still there in the parliament, but that had been tame compared to the instability of the previous decades. The Silver Alliance used the government's stability to their advantage and promised to keep things that way. The move helped them stay in power, but they couldn't form a government on their own anymore as the Independent Monarchist of Aussel had seen a surge in popularity. To counter the radical isolationists, the Silver Alliance formed a coalition with the League of Ausselian Baglamists.

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  • 1539 AA

    19 Tielaqteril
    1540 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Baglamist Reforms
    Political event

    With both the Silver Alliance and the League of Ausselian Baglamists in power, the two brought up the topic of a Baglamist reform. Their factions had desired to lift religious limitations that restricted Baglamists from gaining land and leading the country's armies, back during Chancellor Gisko Oders-Bieren's government, but the government's collapse had shattered those dreams back then. With the parliament stable and the two back in power, new laws were passed through the Argent lifting restrictions on non-Hillenists and significantly increasing the free cities representation in parliament.

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  • 1540 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Hillenist Coup
    Military action

    The Baglamist Reforms weren't well-received by many of the peasants who the Silver Alliance had promised to take care of during the previous election campaign. Determined to get rid of the reforms, they turned to the Independent Monarchist of Aussel. The Independent Monarchists had been coming up with plans to deal with such a situation since the 1530 elections. They knew that the Silver Alliance posed a threat to the Hillenist commonfolk and the independence of Aussel and so they plotted to overthrow the government.

    On the 1st of Tiylavar, 1540 AA, just as the reforms were supposed to go into effect, members of the IMA ambushed the chancellor, arresting him and everyone else in the ruling coalition. As news of the coup spread throughout Steendern, the ruling parties' paramilitary wings rushed in to take back Velkberge Castle. The pro-government forces had fallen into an ambush and a brutal fight between unarmored men and women wielding bludgeouns, daggers, and whatever else they could find, ensued. At the end of the day, the Independent Monarchists had come out on top.

    Their new Chancellor, Cilie Vehlow, promised to call for new elections once all of the previous government's reforms had been reversed and their crimes investigated.

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  • 1540 AA

    26 Tlealēlcpēh

    Start of the Sarzin Conflict
    Military action

    Ships from the Aristocratic Republic of Rükenland blockaded the ports of the Ausselian region of Sarzin. The local peasant militias attempted to fight back as their enemies disembarked, but they were all cut down by the better-equipped professional Rükish infantry. The slaughter of the militiamen and the blockage led to the start of the Sarzin Conflict.

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  • 1540 AA

    16 Kateaqteril

    Wartime Dictatorship
    Political event

    In order to fight back against the Rükish and to delay the promised election, Chancellor Cilie Vehlow declared that the country was in a state of war, effectively allowing her to bypass her own party in parliament and becoming the absolute ruler of the entire country.

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  • 1542 AA

    27 Tlealēlcpēh

    End of the Sarzin Conflict
    Diplomatic action

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  • 1543 AA

    19 Gihppēh

    Establishment of the Reform League

    Dissatisfied with the rampant corruption, frequent snap elections, and unqualified representatives, Valten Kuglar, a young political activist, founded the Reform League. The party rapidly gained support among the peasants and the lower class workers in the free cities.

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  • 1543 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1543 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    After the military conflict between Aussel and Rükenland had ended, Chancellor Cilie Vehlow fulfilled her promise and called for new elections, freely letting go of her wartime powers. The Independent Monarchist chancellor's actions and leadership during the war had resulted in a surge of popularity resulting in their victory. Unable to form a government on their own, the faction formed a coalition with the Peasants' Party of Aussel.

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  • 1547 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1547 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    The Independent Monarchist of Aussel had frustrated the public with their isolationist policies and as a result, their membership continued to drop. Their partners in the old coalition, the Peasants' Party of Aussel, gained many of the IMA's voters, eventually ending up with the most of the seats as the results rolled in. The Independent Monarchists gained the second most amount of seats and the Peasants' Party formed a new government with them.

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  • 1548 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Creation of the Lipsig Treaty Organisation

    Following increased international tension between the Empire of Pallernia and those who saw the country as a threat, military alliances formed to counter the empire's expansion. Crown Prince Hans, threatened by the development, approached the Peasants' Republic of Aussel as they had asked for an alliance in the past. The two saw benefit in a military alliance and so the Lipsig Treaty Organisation was created on the 1st of Tiylavar, 1548 AA.

  • 1548 AA

    19 Bricteril

    Minority Government
    Political event

    The Independent Monarchist of Aussel had attempted to prevent the creation of the Lipsig Treaty Organisation but they were outnumbered by the Peasants' Party and many of the other reprasentatives in the opposition who all wanted the alliance. The leader of the Independent Monarchists, Cilie Vehlow pulled her party out of the ruling coalition, leaving the Peasants' Party with a minority government.

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  • 1548 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    Snap Election
    Political event

Kuglar's Era

1550 AA 1567 AA

  • 1550 AA

    1 Gihppēh

    The Six-Year Act
    Political event

    The Reform League's leader and member of parliament, Valten Kuglar, pushes through his first reform. Originally the fixed limit on the length of a parliament was four years, but the Six-Year Act set the maximum duration at six years.   The purpose of the change was to allow the voters to live a healthy life without always having to deal with election campaigns and to allow the governments to work longer so that they could do more of what they promised.

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  • 1553 AA

    21 Oceiaiteril

    First Attempt to Pass the Competence and Anti-Corruption Act
    Political event

    Valten Kuglar and the rest of the Reform League tried what they could to reform the political system with their Competence and Anti-Corruption Act (CACA), but the other parties rejected it. Only a total of three people from the Peasants' Party and the Silver Alliance voted in favour of the act.

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  • 1554 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1554 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event

    Many in the Peasants' Party of Aussel and the Silver Alliance feared Kuglar's reforms as many of their members would have lost the opportunity to run for reelection in the future.   The established parties were used to the old system that had made nepotism and corruption easy and to protect their old ways, they launched a smear campaign against the Reform League. Their propaganda turned out less effective than they had hoped, forcing the two parties to work together to form a government.

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  • 1557 AA

    19 Tlealēlcpēh

    Anti-Corruption Demonstration
    Political event

    Despite being kept out of government, the Reform League's morale was at an all-time high. Their members had faith in democracy and believed that they would come out on top during the next election. To promote the party's values and the Competence and Anti-Corruption Act that they had tried to pass through parliament before, the Reform League held an anti-corruption march in Lipsig on the 19th of Nivlayavar, 1557 AA.

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  • 1560 AA

    26 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1560 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event
  • 1563 AA

    5 Gileiqteril

    Competence and Anti-Corruption Act
    Political event

    Chancellor Valten Kuglar talked the rest of his coalition in to supporting his Competence and Anti-Corruption Act. The reform changed the political system into what it is today.

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  • 1566 AA

    27 Iqtīlapoiteril

    1566 Ausselian Parliamentary Elections
    Political event
    Additional timelines


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