Sarzin Conflict Military Conflict in Lethea | World Anvil

Sarzin Conflict

The Blunder of Broken Bonds

Upon the desolate plain, cometh the foreign horde. Blood spilt in vain; they run back to their Lord. Why were they here, in the service of the other? For us 'tis a grim year, brother against brother.
— Count Gawin of Pessen
  The Sarzin Conflict, also later known as the Great Blunder or the Divorce, was a conflict fought in 1540-1542 between the Peasants' Republic of Aussel and the Aristocratic Republic of Rueken over the Sarzin region of Aussel. The military conflict also involved the forces of Count Gawin Aue of Pessen who felt an obligation to defend his fellow Hillenists against the pagan Ualish mercenaries that the Chancellor of Rueken, Kilas ven Leiberge-Kattel, had hired.  


Relations between the two ethnically Ruekish states of Aussel and Rueken had been strained ever since the serfs had defied their landlords and defeated their former overlords in the Ausselian War of Independence. Several statesmen in Aussel and the majority of the Hillenist nobles in Rueken had seeked to repair the bond between their kindred people. Progress was being made, but that all changed with the death of Chancellor Karl ven Mierholz of Rueken.  
Sarzin Conflict
The previously tolerant and peaceful leader of the aristocratic republic was succeeded by Kilas ven Leiberge-Kattel, the Duke of Nordhei. The young and charismatic statesman won over the hearts and minds of the majority of the councillors with promises to reclaim lost territories.   He spoke truthfully about what Rueken had been through, but unlike many of those who had ruled before him, he offered viable solutions and showed a strong passion for restoring the country to greatness. Kilas III made it clear that under his rule the Hillenistic dream would never become reality.  
Every step we take is for the restoration of our country, yet for centuries we've been stumbling backwards. Our coffers may be filled, our people prosperous, but all that we have lost still haunts us.
— Duke Kilas of Nordhei, 1539 AA
Ausselian flag
Ruekish flag
Conflict Type
Start Date
Tlealēlcpēh 26, 1540 AA
Ending Date
Tlealēlcpēh 27, 1542 AA
Conflict Result
Ausselian victory
Belligerents Leaders Strength
1530 total
1170 Ausselians
  • Royal Guard
  • Sarzin militia
  • Lipsig Defense Force
360 Pessenians
  • Aue retinue
1720 total
720 Rükish
  • Nordhei Army
1000 Ualish
  • Takai Band


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