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Otonue Henrus (O-tonn-u Hen-rus)

Halfling thief, and close friend of Sprizen Akkamara. He has seen trials, and tribulations that most halflings could only read about. He is the type to act like he's handing you a coin, and steel three. His sense of humor matches. What he lacks in morals, he makes up for in loyalty. If you prove yourself an ally, he will never leave your side, weather you like it, or not.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He spent his early life on the streets of the halfling nation, New Moonfall. He spent his time picking pockets of all who passed his little alley. He was caught, and beaten quite often. In his adult years, he still had the same routeen, but this time, when he was caught, he was sent away. The only place he was "welcome" was The Bilge. There he made a name for himself, but not a good one.   One day, he was caught in a rather compromising position with the bride of a munren man who was already out to get Otonue. The man proceeded to chase Otonue halfway across the Bilge, until he ran between the legs of a draconin, in an attempt to force the man to stop. To his surprise, the draconin stopped the man himself. After the draconin turned the man back, he identified himself as Sprizen Akkamara. Otonue instantly became attached to his savior, and would go on many adventures with him. No matter how Sprizen tried, he could not rid himself of Otonue. It mattered not. Sprizen had saved Otonue, and Otonue would be damned if he didn't do the same. This was the one dept he wanted, and the one dept that he was proud of.   Eventually, he would get this chance. One day, Eternity would begin shaking, and would start to crumble. He was in Akkara at the time, and knew that Sprizen would get involved in whatever madness was going down. He assumed correctly. Sprizen told Otonue that their journey would be to the deadlands. But first, they needed to get to an eastern port. When they reached the port, and were ready to board the chosen ship, the port was attacked by the Children of the Eternals. Otonue kicked aside the boarding ramp, and cut the ropes that tied the ship to the dock. He looked his foe in the eye, and was miraculously able to hold off the cult just long enough so Sprizen could sail far enough away so the cult could not harm them. As he saw his friend sail away, he told him no to intervene, saying Sprizen would need his entire arcane reservoir. In death, he had repaid his dept.

Gender Identity

He knows the form he was made in, and does not want to change it.


He has one love, and she is the only good thing in his life.


He is not the smartest halfling. Some even say he is rather uneducated. But what he lacks in brains, he makes up for in dextarity.


He has no job, or source of income.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He helped Sprizen through all of his quests, and has saved him on several ocaisions.

Failures & Embarrassments

He never once became the great thief he strove to be.

Personality Characteristics


He strives to be Eternity's greatest thief. Every chance he gets, he will steal something that will get him noticed. However, he has yet to have any sort of success in this goal.

Virtues & Personality perks

If you prove yourself an ally, he will never leave your side. Once you get past the morbid, and sometimes vulgar sense of humor, and his tendancy to get into every form of trouble, he is one hell of an ally to have.

Vices & Personality flaws

He simply can't help himself. Whenever he sees something of potential value, he will attempt to steal it. This alone gets him in trouble mre often than not.


Contacts & Relations

He has ties to the Dogarus counsel, as Sprizen's beloved, Sudea Akkamara still holds a counsel position. He has a nasty habit of using this as an insurence policy to keep himself out of trouble.

Wealth & Financial state

What wealth?
Chaotic Neutral (leaning toward good)
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
4th of Anorin, 972 P.A.
972 P.A. 1003 P.A. 31 years old
New Moonfall.
Place of Death
One of Doh'garus' eastern ports.
Dark blue
light brown, short, shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
50 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well that went well."


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