Eternal of Greed Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Eternal of Greed

The Eternal that corrupted Belon. His ability to manipulate the thoughts, and souls is beyond all his Siblings. On the old world, he instilled greed into the hearts of many men, and women, and he instilled the same greed into the heart of Belon, and eventually, took full control of the dragon.

Divine Domains

He once would travel between Eternity, and a pocket dimention between Eternity, and the divine realm. Now, he resides only in a small realm filled with nothing, where his power simply doesn't exist.

Tenets of Faith

You must swear to fulfill the Eternals' greater plan, being to destroy all mortal life, and return Eternity to its original perfection.

Physical Description

Body Features

His dark green chrystaline form represents his desire to accumulate more, while the hole in his chest is the void which he wishes to fill with said accumulation.

Special abilities

His magic is beyond anything on Eternity, and it seems only to cause suffering.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once a being of purity, like his siblings. After being created by Deos, he aided him in the creation of the yet-to-be-named Old World. He made all that was precious, all that made the land beautiful. Like his siblings, when their world was complete, they anticipated it to be just them, and Deos sharing their creation. Deos denied him this, and instead, created all manner of lesser beings that had seemingly replaced him, and his siblings. His first thought was to rid his world of these things by turning them against each other. He would instill a need to take what others had. He instilled a need to take what was wanted, and to never stop. To take beyond all reasonable levels of satisfaction. The more they took, the more they wanted. He took the name of this sin and made it his. The only ones who he could not give this need was the dragons. His failed attempt to do so is how they were able to tell Deos what he, and his siblings had done. This sparked a particular hate for the dragons. His final corruption was to convince the non-draconic peoples that the dragons all needed to die. He watched as the dragons rapidly fell as he and his siblings were banished from the Old World, and into an empty realm.   In this empty realm, he and his siblings would create another world. A world free of the mortal filth that had infected their first creation. Once again, he made all that was precious on this new world. He, and his siblings would leave this new world so it may grow, and flourish on its own. When they returned, they discovered that the same mortals that had seemingly invaded the Old World now walk the new, and have even named it, Eternity. He saw that three dragons had survived the fate he had intended for them. He, (like his siblings) tried to blame Deos for this. Deos told them all that the sin they had implanted on the Old World had caused it to slowly collapse. His only option to save his creation was to instruct what few dragons were left to gather what few good people were left, and create a portal taking them off the Old World, and onto the new.   After his brother Pride failed, Wrath corrupted an orc conqueror and waged his war against the mortal infestation. When the dragons would search for he, and his siblings, he made himself known. He attached himself to the young dragon with scales green. He attached himself to the dragon Belon. This time, he succeeded in corrupting the dragon, giving him a need to take more. He would use that dragon as a weapon against the people of this world. It bothered him not when the munren knight Belimir Derther slayed the dragon, as he got to watch one of his most hated mortals die. On top of that, the act started a war between the munren, and the draconin. His corruption caused the second most death, following Wrath's.   He'd watch as his siblings tried, and failed to cleanse their world, and sided with Envy as he proposed to end the world all together. In what would have been the task's final moments, the draconin sorcerer that had bested Wrath's chosen showed himself, calling himself Sprizen Akkamara. One by one, the boy bested the Eternals, and banished them to yet another realm. A realm where the Eternals' power simply doesn't exist. Now, he sits in this realm, with not even his own power to his name.

Gender Identity

The Eternals do not concern themselves with concepts like gender, and sex. However, he knows the form he is in, and does not intend to change it.


He knows everything there is to know about his world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was involved in the creation of two worlds.

Failures & Embarrassments

The beings that replaced him on the first world now walk his world, and those same mortals banished him from his own world twice.

Mental Trauma

"More, I need more. Never enough. Deos left me with nothing, so now I must hold on to everything, and always reach for more."

Personality Characteristics


He wants more of everything. There is no such thing as enough, he was left with nothing, and he will not go back to that.

Vices & Personality flaws

Greed is his defining trait. If he sees literally anything, he will take it simply for he concept of having it.

Wealth & Financial state

His wealth is beyond anything else, and it only grows. That is, until Sprizen Akkamara banished him to the next realm, and stripped him of his power.
Divine Classification
Infernal Force
Current Status
Slowly descending into madness in the next realm.
Year of Birth
75000 B.A. 76005 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was the third creation of Deos.
Dark green, flaming
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
varies based on his desired height.
Aligned Organization


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