Belimir Derther (bell-ih-mear der-ther)
The man what saved Heodar time, and again. He has faced orcs, monsters, and corruptions. His duty is only to Heodar, and by Deos' might he carries it out.
Physical Description
Body Features
Large arms hold long, slashing scars that run through those arms, and into his chest. His prosthetic theorium arm glows whenever he is not carrying his gilded plate armor.
Facial Features
A face with sharp, narrow features hold eyes wit a sharp gaze under a scar on his left eyebrow. The blue, arcane swirling behind his eyes betray his distant Brimbarian heritage.
Identifying Characteristics
The theosite arm is his famous identifier after the orcish conquest.
Specialized Equipment
He infused his sword with some of Belon's essence. That essence gave his sword the power of fire. Those few who could survive a strike from this theosite blade call it, the Unmaker.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
From the moment he first opened his eyes, there was a shimmer of arcane magic behind his gaze that betrayed his brimbarian heritage. His father was in Heodar's military, and his father before him, and so one, and so forth. Naturally, Belimir would keep the family tradition afloat. From the moment he could hold a sword, he had a desire to learn how to use it.
When the orcs invaded his nation during the first orc conquest, He was among the few that had lived long enough to fight in Heodar's resistance, as disjointed as it was. With the help of a woman by the name of Elizibeth Hasting, he would unite the resistance under one banner, and gave the munren a chance to not only survive the conquest, but to take back their homeland. With a theosite greatsword in hand, he would lead the Battle of the City of the Dawn, 341 P.A., and won. During the battle, he lost his right arm. He freed everyone that the orcs had taken prisoner, including Heodar's king. After the battle, the brimbarians would build him a prosthetic that was multitudes stronger than his original arm.
He was named captain of Heodar's guard, and had a place right next to the king as his personal guard. The time he had spent in a war with Elizibeth had caused the two to fall in love. They would marry in the years immediately following the war. The two would have two children. One son, one daughter.
Eight years after his first child, he would receive another call to arms. The dragon, Belon had descended from the Midor Mountains, and rampaged across Heodar. He was tasked with facing Belon. Elizibeth volunteered to join. Belimir begged her to stay home, and protect the children, but she wouldn't listen. They would leave the children temporarily in the care of a close friend.
They would find the beast. Belimir's goal was to save the beast. He could see the supernatural corruption in the dragon's eyes. In combat, Belimir's ability to counter Belon's strikes came from his arm of metal, and magic. Elizibeth had no such aiding factors. When Belon realized her vulnerability, he struck her down. In rage, Belimir struck down the dragon. He would then take some of the flaming essence that lied within Belon, and infused it into his theosite greatsword. He returned home, and was forced to raise his children on his own. Never again did he take up arms for any reason. He would die peacefully with his son, and daughter at his side, and their children by their side.
He peruses a lover's relationship with his closest ally, a woman named Elisabeth Hasting, a prophet of Deos.
He knows enough to lead, and maintain an army. He knows how to wield a sword with deadly efficiency. He knows enough to survive everyday life.
From the moment he was old enough to enlist, he has been Heodar's most faithful soldier.
Accomplishments & Achievements
He saved Heodar with one single battle at the City of the Dawn. He made a family, and protects them well.
Failures & Embarrassments
On his final quest, he tried to pull an Eternal from one of the three dragons from the old world named Belon. He could not pull the Eternal from the dragon, and was forced to kill Belon. This triggered a war between Heodar, and Dogarus.
Mental Trauma
"I failed. Deos's might I failed! I could have saved Belon. Now he's gone, and good men and women are suffering because of my failure! Both munren, and draconin. I failed."
Personality Characteristics
He fights to protect his people. His duty is absolute. His role is clear, and he plays it well.
Virtues & Personality perks
He will only kill if absolutely necessary. If there is a way for his foe to be spared, he will find it.
Current Status
Date of Birth
17th day of the 4th month, 317 P.A.
Date of Death
3rd day of the 10th month 392 P.A.
317 P.A.
401 P.A.
84 years old
Short, dark blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark peach
170 lbs.
Deos (creator)
Aligned Organization