BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Deos (Day-ose)

The Creator

The creator of all who live on Eternity. He is known to directly help those whenever it benefits his grand plan. Though they all rebel, He loves every single one of his creations.

Divine Domains

He watches over all. He accesses all realms and pulls all strings. He uses joy, and sorrow to guide things toward his grand plan. If you pay attention, you'll find small things that point to him. He will sometimes grant divine power to those who work to guide his plan to completion.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Deos has one single goal. He seeks to have his creation return to perfection. Those who serve him in this way will sometimes ascend to his realm. Two examples are Arotha, and Horoth.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

No one knows what he looks like, as no one ever sees him. They only hear his message, and he makes himself known to all who seek him out... They only need to pay attention.

Special abilities

He controls the very fabric of existence. He decides what happens, and what purpose(s) that any one being has.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the beginning, he was all there was. He was lonely. His first creation was seven lesser beings that he named the Eternals. Each of these seven Eternals would help him with his largest project. The Old World. The Old World was good, but not yet perfect in Deos' eyes. One more thing was needed. The Old World lacked life. His first creation was the Dragons . Massive quadrupedal reptilian beings, each with four wings. They would be his servants on this first world. Serve him they did. They served him well enough so he saw fit to reward his servants with servants of their own. He put all dragons into a deep sleep, and one by one, he took two of their wings, and with them, he made draconin man, and woman.   When the dragons awoke, they told the Draconin not to swear themselves to the dragons, but rather the dragons swore themselves to the draconin. In a way, the dragons viewed themselves as the fathers, and mothers of the draconin, and saw it as there duty to guide them. And the draconin had a sense of duty to their dragons. Deos was strongly impressed by his dragons and their sense of loyalty. However, they were complacent, and had no need to explore the world that Deos had made for them. His next creation was the Brimbarians. He made them with the magic he had put in this first world so they would feel an attachment to it, and would further explore it. And, it was so. The Brimbarians would explore everything on the face of the Old World, but they would not explore anything that lies beneath the surface. For this, Deos made the Dwarves. He made them with the stones from the deepest levels of this world, giving them a desire to dig, and explore the sublayers of his creation.   While each race was doing what they felt was fulfilling, there were none to express creativity, or to make new things, or to use their imagination. For this, he made the Munren from a little bit of everything, so they'd feel an attachment to everything. They did just as they were intended, and would create all manner of art, fiction, music, and architecture. His creation was better, but still not yet perfect. In giving each of his creations a unique purpose, he failed to give them something to unite them. He made the Halflings to be a passive, and friendly people, to socialize with the other races, and to unite them. Now, his world was perfect.   The Eternals did not see it this way. When Deos shifted his attention away from them, and to this world that they had made, they grew jealous. Less than a century after the halflings came to be, they lashed out against their creator. Not in an outright fight, but through much more subtle means. Each one seeded a vice, or sin in the hearts of Deos' creations. The only ones to be untouched by this were the dragons, due to their ancient connection to Deos. It was this connection that allowed them to alert Deos of whet the seven Eternals had done. When he confronted his Eternals, he no longer saw the seven perfect beings he created, but seven embodiments of sin. Seven perversions of concepts he had given to the people he had made. When he tried to place the Eternals elsewhere, they fought back. Of all seven of them, the eldest, who had named himself after his sin, Envy fought the hardest. Ultimately, as seven Eternals were cast into the next realm where they could no longer harm his creation.   For a millennium, he searched for a solution, a way to undo what was done. Sadly, there was no way to do so. The closest thing to a solution was to move what little good was left off this dying old world, and onto the next. His seven children, the Eternals had just finished making their own world, free of mortal beings. In all the chaos, and sin that had engulfed the Old World, all but four of his dragons were killed. He instructed these four dragons to serve him one last time. He told them to use their arcane power to create a portal from this dying world, to the next. While they were doing that, Deos secretly put a ward over the Eternals' new world making it impossible to directly interact with it. Just as he finished that task, the refugees from the Old World had arrived. Right as the portal was shut, he collapsed the Old World, and erased its sin from existence. This act broke his heart, and cost him much of his own power. He was now sealed off from this new world in the same way the Eternals were. He now could only contact the spiritually, and only if they truly listen. The same day the Old World collapsed, he saw two souls worthy of a place not just in a place of peace, but directly at his side. The souls of the draconin warrior named Horoth, and the dragon Arotha. Their sacrifice allowed the refugees to leave the Old World, safely to the new.   When the Eternals tried to blame him for this, saying how he now corrupts their world, Deos told them that in corrupting his, they forced him to take action. This was the only action that could be taken. For the last thousand years, Deos has been watching, and guiding his creations, granting them the power needed to stay clear of the Eternals' corrupting influence. Recently, he chose a draconin named Sprizen Akkamara to wield the arcane magic in its purest form. He chose Sprizen to be a sorcerer, as only a sorcerer more powerful than the dragons could defeat the Eternals, and only a draconin's power thresh hold could expand to where it needed to be. Impressed with Sprizen's performance, and sorry for the suffering that was inflicted, Deos granted Sprizen a place equal to Horoth, and Arotha. Now, Deos watches as his creations continue to develop, and change. He watches as yet another threat approaches.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He made seven perfect beings, and with their assistance, made an entire world. On this world, he made each and every race that now inhabits Eternity. When the Old World was ready to collapse, he gave them salvation.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to see the jealousy of his sons and daughter. This led to them corrupting his creation, and ultimately destroying it.

Personality Characteristics


Deos seeks to join his creations, and to bring them all to their true home.
Divine Classification
God of all
Has no origan
Known Languages
He knows all of Eternity's tongues, and dialects.


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