Munren Species in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Munren (Moon-ren)

The most numerous people of Eternity. They are not the strongest, or the smartest, but they're not the dumbest, or the weakest.

Basic Information


They are humanoid creatures. They have two arms, two legs, stands up straight, etc.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce like all other humanoids.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are largely omnivorous. Able to eat anything that doesn't contain any poison.


Munrek generally don't stop working. To them, there's always work to be done, there's always a problem to fix. Farming is a common profession, as many say it is the best way to contribute to society.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The man almost always has the lead role. The woman's job is almost always to the children. However, in times of war both genders can join the military.

Facial characteristics

They mostly have narrow, and sharp faces. Hair ranges from black, to blonde.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in most of the central landmass in their nation, Heodar.

Average Intelligence

They aren't the smartest, but they're not exactly stupid either. The average IQ of a terran is about 100.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The average munrek is exactly that. 20/20 vision, average hearing, etc

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names function like that of what the real world might be. (ex. Michael, Joseph, Susan, Aurora)

Beauty Ideals

Their beauty Ideals function similarly to that which you may expect. A curvy, slim body in the women is considered attractive. A strong, muscular body in the men is preferred from the perspective of a woman.

Gender Ideals

The man has the lead role in the family, and the woman is expected to raise the children.


They, like all peoples, came to Eternity from the old world to escape certain death. They founded their nation, and capital right where they landed. Their nation is called Heodar, and their capital is the City of the Dawn. Since then, they've been spending their time developing their nation, and culture from the ground up. They've always had a rivalry with the draconic nation Dogarus. This rivalry started when the munrek knight Belimir Derther killed the dragon Belon. Since then, they'v fought many wars, and lost most of them.

Historical Figures

Belimir Derther is one of Heodar's greatest heros, if not the greatest. Aurora Derther  was the first sorceress of Heodar.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They have always had a rivalry with Dogarus. The rivalry started when the Terran knight Belimir Derther slayed the dragon Belon.
75 years
Average Height
Average Weight
130 lbs.
Average Physique
The average munrek can lift 125 lbs. without injuring themselves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is from a light tan to a near pale.


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