Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Cult Resurgence in Heodar
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Cult Resurgence in Heodar

Criminal Activity


The cult has always been densest in Heodar. It was only a matter of time before they returned, even after they were pushed into obscurity. Now, Heodar's streets are once again run by the cult.

Heodar had finally recovered fully from the Years of Chaos event over a century prior. They all thought that the cult was gone for good, and they stopped hunting the cult districts, and hideouts. This allowed the Children of the Eternals to grow. Once they had the numbers, and the power, they made their presence known. They burned a major city to the ground. There were no survivors.   Heodar's king at the time assigned the Honor Guard to lead strikes against the cult outbreak. When Heodar looked outward for help, they were refused. Historically, they had gone against the other nations, and their relationship with Midor was restricted to only trade. They were alone in this battle. Even without the help of other nations, Heodar held their own against the cult. The Honor Guard led Heodar's armies to victory, after victory.   This did not last. Heodar was only wining because the cult was letting them win. They were tiring the Honor guard out to prepare them for one strike. In the City of the Dawn, when the Honor Guard's numbers had slimmed, they made their strike. They quickly overrun the city. The Honor Guard made their last stand outside Heodar's king's palace. They fought valliantly, but it was not enough. Heodar's Honor Guard was slaughtered, and so was their king.   All of Heodar was controled by the Children of the Eternals. The surviving munren were forced to flee. Most begged for sanctuary in Brimbaria. Most were refused, and were forced to live on the streets. Those who went to the draconic nations were immediately turned away. Some went to Midor, where they found work, and began to form somthing that resembles a life.   Heodar was now a mass gathering place for the Children of the Eternals. Every day, one can see black, and green clouds swirling over head. A dark magic sphere surrounded Heodar at its borders. No one who was not a member of the cult could get in, or out.

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