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Draconic Religion

The religion followed by the draconin, and their dragon masters. Followed only within the borders of the two draconic nations, they worship three divine figures, being Deos, the creator of everything, Horoth, one of two saviors, and protectors, and Arotha, the second of the two saviors, and protectors. Templars of this belief are more common than in the common religion, because of their greater number of divine figures.


The draconic religion has three divine figures which followers worship. There is Deos, the one god, and creator of all things. Just below him are his two greatest servants. Horoth, a draconin warrior durring his mortal life. He gave his life to fulfill the next phaze of Deos' grand plan. He died protecting the refugees during the exodus between worlds. His sacrifice earned him a place next to Deos. Arotha, she was a dragon born on the Old World. Like Horoth, she died protecting the refugees as they escaped the Old World.   The last two Dragons are viewed as prophets, as they preach Deos' original teachings. The draconin serve them faithfully in their temples.


They believe that Deos made Eternity the same way he made the Old World. As such, they give thanks in every way they can, whenever they can. One of Deos' first teachings, preached by the last two dragons, "If you would not wish it upon yourself, do not wish it upon others." Followers of this faith do their damndest to carry out this rule, making most draconin a little kinder to each other than their warrior's persona would suggest.

Public Agenda

They seek to drive themselves ever closer to Deos, and his two servants. Through good works, and faith they hopw to meet Deos in his realm.


The draconic religion started in the first age as a sect of the common religion, as both have Deos as their main figure. However, once the draconic nations grew spiteful of Heodar,they separated themselves from the common religion entirely. This faith has been enforced unto the people of the draconic nations, and has been all but banned elsewhere. Since its forming, there have been several templars that pull their power from Horoth, or Arotha. THese templars have since shaped the world, or at least the draconic nations.

Divine Origins

This belief started in the first years after arrival. As templars gained their power from making oaths to Horoth, and Arotha's divine souls, this became a religion followed by almost all draconin.

Cosmological Views

They balieve that Does made everything, and everyone. The story of creation is as followes: Does made the Old World, and saw that it was empty. He filled it with his own personal servants, which would help him shape the world into a perfect form. He called them dragons. The original dragons had four wings. These servants served him better than he could have asked, and so, he saw fit to give servants to his servants. He took two of their four wings, and made draconin man, and woman.   Next, he would make the brimbarians out of the pure magic that made up the Old World. He made them with a natural curiosity for the magic what made them. He made the dwarves of stone, and they naturally wanted to be among stone, They made massive underground cities, and made works of metal. He made munren to work the soil, and further shape the world. Halflings were Deos' final mortal creation. Each, and every one with a heart of gold.   Over time, corruption, vice, and sin set in. From the fist sin, orcs were born. This sin only grew to the point where the old world began to crumble, and all but four dragons were killed. These four dragons were instructed to gather the last few remaining good people, and take them through a rift from this world, to the next. They did so. The draconin refused to set foot on a world where dragons were not there first. Three of the four dragons went through the rift first, and the people followed. Just as the people started moving, and army marched over the horizon. A draconin warrior, named Horoth, who had left the life of war to find a more peaceful one took this as a call to arms, and drew his blade. He would not fight alone. The last dragon on the old world, Arotha joined the fight. They died on the Old World, so the last few good people could see the new.

Tenets of Faith

The most basic rule that encompasses all others is as follows: "If you would not wish it upon yourself, do not wish it upon others."

Granted Divine Powers

Divine warriors are called templars by all religions. Templars of the draconic religion typically get their power from either Horoth, or Arotha. Horoth grants powers of war. In exchange, you must swear never to refuse a call to arms. You can channel his wrath in any way you see fit. If you swear an oath to Arotha, it is never to seek out violence, but rather to protect. She grants you powers thereof. Be it to make a shild for one's self, or to protect others. This is not their only use, as templars of Arotha have used their shilds to bring down their enemies in ways that others couldn't imagine.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The draconic nations are governed by this belief, and base many of their laws around the dragons' teachings, to the point where it is illegal for any draconin to follow any other faith within the borders of the draconic nations

If you would not wish it upon yourself, do not wish it upon others.

Religious, Divine Host
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