Brimbarians Species in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Also known as elves by other races, they may be fewest, but their intellect exceeds that of all other races. They create great machines powered by magic. These machines give the brimbarian nation its reputation for elegance in its architecture. Their lifespan is second only to dragons, able to live centuries and stay young. This allows them to form truly formidable armies, as centuries of training turn each, and every brimbarian soldier into a living weapon.

Basic Information


They are a very humanoid race, two arms, two legs, stands upright, etc.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce in the same way that all humanoids do.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer a somewhat warmer environment, with limited tolerance for the cold.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They look like a munren in the face. The only real difference is their ears, which are long, and sharp.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They mostly live in the south western side of the central landmass.

Average Intelligence

Brimbarians, as a species are extraordinarily intelligent with the average IQ. being 125.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The average Brimbarian can see, and hear better than most munren. With the average sight being at least 20/15.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names are mostly gentle, with maybe one sharp sound per name, (ex. Mildivar, Talia)

Beauty Ideals

Both genders prefer a slim, elegant body, and prefer the mind, over the body.

Gender Ideals

Man, and woman are viewed as equals in Brimbaria, with both male, and females in positions of power on a regular basis. The current ruler of Brimbaria is Queen Talia Eldrin.

Common Dress Code

Typically, a brimbarian gets their carrier tattooed onto their left arm, and a major accomplishment on their right. As such, long sleeves are a rarity. One only wears long sleeves if they are ashamed of the carrier that they have chosen.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They have always had an artistic life style. They make everything they make beautiful, and straight up magical. Gilded walls, and colored rooves. To spend a day in any Brimbarian town, is to spend a day in a classical art museum.

Common Taboos

The least likely thing to see is a muscular brimbarian. Brimbarians mostly prefer mind over matter.


Like all people groups, brimbarians came through the rift between worlds. They founded their nation, Brimbaria. Since then, they have mostly kept to their own, they don't want to be in debt, and they don't want others indebted to them. They are, however, pinned with the responsibility of dealing with the Brimbarian pirates of the southern waters.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Brimbarians mostly view other races as outsiders. No non-brimbarians are allowed to live in Brimbaria. That being said, they do frequent trade with other nations, and have alliances with Fafnia, and Dogarus.
550 years
Average Height
Average Weight
110 lbs
Average Physique
Muscle is not their most dominant trait. The average Brimbarian can only lift around 95 lbs. without injuring themselves.
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