Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Dark Forces Stirring
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Dark Forces Stirring

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


For the last century, the people of Eternity wonder how this world came to be. Now, these beings make themselves known to those who seek them out, and those few were better off not knowing.

Young elven wizard Sojern Orota was only a student of the arcane arts. He learned from his uncle Eitr, who took him in after Sojern's mother died. Eventually, Sojern discovered, his uncle holds a dark secret. Not only was he a strong wizard, but he was involved with beings that claimed they could make him stronger.   He would demonstrate his power, and his pride thereof by doing something that none ever have. He'd bring back a life that was lost. His pride drove him to seek out even more power. Then, he'd prove that he was far above everyone else in every possible way.   Sojern discovered that this magic would destroy Brimbaria. He foile his uncle's first attempt at the ritual, and his uncle lashed out at him. Sojern barely escaped with his life. He spent the next month in exile. On the run from his uncle's power, he traveled to every nation of Eternty, and forged alliences in all of them. His friends aided him in the task of stopping his uncle. He learned about Eternity's magic, and accumulated the power needed to complete his task.   Sojern finally returned to Brimbaria to stop Eitr's plans. Their battle was fierce, as cosmic magic forces clashed. Sojern eventually did foil his uncle's plans. After he struck the final blow, the dark being that was corrupting his uncle rose. It said to Sojern, "I am the end of days, and claimer of wills. Mortal beings are the only imperfection in my otherwise perfect world. As such, they will be exterminated. These are not my words, but the words of the being I serve." He saved Brimbaria, but destroyed his village. From that moment on, he was viewed with bittersweet opinions, as he saved Brimbaria, but destroyed a village in the process.

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