Brimbarian Pirate Clans Organization in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Brimbarian Pirate Clans

The scum of the southern seas. To see a brimbarian pirate banner is to see the sword enter your throat. Very few have ever survived a brimbarian pirate raid. Those who do, are shaken to their core.


Each clan has one ship, named after their clan. The command structure is that which one would expect from a pirate's crew. The captain first, the rest varies crew, to crew. A group of clans is led by one clan which is part of a counsel that is responsible for keeping the elven pirates as a whole, organized.

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal of the brimbarian pirate clans is unknown. Their actions don't point to a single motive, but rather terror in general. If any were to guess, they are driven by greed, and anger.


They were founded originally by brimbarian criminals who'd been banished from their homeland. They had nowhere to go, so they built boats, and sailed off. They were not farmers, or merchants, they could not grow, or buy their own food, so they had to raid merchant vessels, and steal these necessities. Eventually, as people began defending themselves, they needed their own weapons. Soon, they wanted more than food, they sought material wealth as well. They became more, and more aggressive as time went on. Eventually, their goals were not merely survival, but greed, and anger as well. The brimbarian pirates were now the most feared force of the southern seas.


The brimbarain Pirates rule the southern seas. Any trade ships there are at risk of a brimbarian pirate raid. The waters around Brimbaria are the most treacherous, as that is where the pirates are most dense.


The brimbarian pirate clans have no military that serves them, but rather are their own military. Each vessel packed with enough weapons to launch a small military campaign.
Founding Date
9th day of the 11th month, 347P.A.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species

Cover image: by Me, With the use of A.I.


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