Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Elven Pirates on Fafnia's Shores
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Elven Pirates on Fafnia's Shores

Criminal Activity


The elven pirate clans will never stop expanding their operation. Even if it takes them inland, they will pursue their greed, and take out their rage on the innocent.

Etaria Haedros chose to live on a coastal town with her husband, T'kah, and her children. At this time, the Elven Pirate clans were aiming to expand their operations inland. Fafnia was their first target. Their first raid was on Etaria's hometown. T'kah fell protecting his children while Etaria was dashing to her home. She only narrowly saved her children. She couldn't motivate herself to lift a blade for some time after T'kah fell. She nearly ceased operations with the Pillar Warriors. As she was going to resign, she received news of the elven pirates raiding another coastal town. She was called to the capitol of Fafnia. A city called Sairoia. She was told how these raids will only keep happening unless she utilizes her Pillar Warriors.   In the following months, she posted her First, and Second Pillars along the edges of the coastal towns, and villages of Fafnia. They kept the elven pirates off their land with little effort. Once the elven Pirate raids had finally stopped on the shores of Fafnia, she resigned from the Pillar Warriors, and lived a quiet life. She still had her divine powers, but only used them to protect those she loved most.

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