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Sprizen Akkamara

Ascendant sorcerer supreme to Doh'garus, and arguably the most powerful being to ever walk on Eternity. He was chosen by Deos to save the people of Eternity from the last attempts at perfection, made by the Eternals. Deos gave Sprizen unfathomable arcane power. He became ascendent at age twenty-three. (seventeen in draconin years) His road was long, with suffering around every bend, but now it is over, and he waits for one last thing that will give him peace.

Physical Description

Body Features

His is a slightly narrower form than most draconin men. That being said, he is still quite strong, able to lift more than his own weight without injuring himself, (not that he's let that stop him). His ascendence is his greatest feature. His wings of copper scales have saved his life, and the lives of those around him several times.

Facial Features

A narrow, copper colored draconic face holds blue, sorrowful eyes. Many short, spiked horns run from the top of his head, and down his back.

Special abilities

As a sorcerer, he wields vast arcane power. Like all sorcerers, his magic is pulled from an arcane reservoir within his body, that is indicated by blue arcane strands that orbit his body when he calls upon this magic. This reservoir is made much larger by his ascendance, his wings. However, if he were to exhaust this reservoir, and continue to cast, the spells would feed off of his own life force, instead of the magic within.   The wings from his ascendance aren't just for show, they allow him to fly quite fast. He is able to outfly lower grade Brimbarian Skyships with ease. This led to Doh'garus wanting to weaponize him against the Brimbarian Pirate Clans. In particular the ones who use the Brimbarian Skyships. His refusal to kill quickly shattered that possibility.

Specialized Equipment

His longsword, found during his battle against the orc ruler, Kainox, was made from Theosite. His breastplate, borged from Blood Steel was a gift from his dearest Sudea, and has not left his chest since the first time he put it on.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Son of Doh'garus council members Crotaous, and Shatona Akkamara. He completed his training, forged his blade, and served his year in Doh'garus' military like all other Doh'garans. What made his becoming-an-adult different, is how he served his year with the branch that his father led: Horoth's Siegebreakers. Horoth's Siegebreakers were of the elite. His final task during his year, was to lead a small squad to aid Fafnia in their insurgent problem. It was there, he met Sudea Haedros, a templar of the First Pillar. They saved each other several times over. A powerful bond was forged between draconin man, and woman. During the battle, they got stranded on an island off the shores of Fafnia, and were forced to survive among a pack of Zaerta. Once they pulled through, their bond had evolved into something greater.   Sprizen returned to Doh'garus, and took up a more diplomatic role in Doh'garus' government. Every time he was sent to Fafnia, (which was quite often, as the two nations were close friends, almost allies) he would see Sudea. Likewise, whenever Sudea was on leave, she would travel to Doh'garus to see Sprizen. When Sprizen was twenty- three years old, he and his father had an argument that ended in "Training ring. Now." Sprizen and Crotaous chose their wooden weapons. During the duel, Sprizen discovered something that would change his life in the worst way. Arcane magic escaped him, and lashed out at his father. Crotaous died in Sprizen's arms. Sprizen was banished the next day. The only way for him to return, was to redeem himself, and restore his name.   No matter how many times he told Sudea it would be better to stay, she refused to leave his side. She sacrificed her own name, and status to aid Sprizen. They went to the Bilge, and met a halfling thief named Otonue Henrus. A band of thugs attempted to rob Sprizen. It was then he discovered, he could no longer kill a person. It reminded him of how he had killed his father. When they received word of the orc armies returning after over six hundred years, Sprizen needed to warn an old friend, named Mildivar Eldren, the brimbarian prince. They met shortly after Sprizen took a diplomatic role in Doh'garus. He would warn him, and by extension, all of Brimbaria of the coming attack. He did so, but still, the orcs took Brimbaria. The four were sent on a long journey to stop the orcish ruler that was orchestrating the massive war.    Through trial, and tribulation they found the orc. The orc wielded a Doom Steel blade. When Sprizen's own weapon failed, he reached for a Theosite longsword. Its bright bule glow distracted the orc just long enough to provide a window to block the attack. A few moments later, Sprizen was distracted as he saw Sudea in need of assistance, and the orc took the opportunity to strike. The orc thrust its blade all the way to the hilt through Sprizen's back, and threw Sprizen off Sunset Ridge. As he fell, Sprizen received a message from Deos, saying how his purpose has not yet been fulfilled. He brought Sprizen from the edge of death, and gave him great dragon wings. Sprizen was now ascendent. Arcane fury surged through Sprizen as he gained infinite spells, and near limitless power with said spells. He was victorious. Sprizen did not kill the orc, but instead, brought him to Doh'garus as proof that he had restored his name.  
"If I redeem myself by doing the exact same thing that got me banished in the first place, am I really redeemed?"   -Sprizen Akkamara, to the Doh'garus council
  Sprizen, and Sudea would eventually marry, and in doing so formed an alliance between Doh'garus, and Fafnia. Sprizen took his father's place among the Doh'garus council. Sudea moved to Akkara, the capitol of Doh'garus, to live with Sprizen. After a while, Sudea bas blessed to be with child. Towards the end of this time, Sprizen was tasked to go meet Midor's new king, and establish friendly relations with them. There was something off about the king, he was not the young, spry dwarf that he was made out to be, but was grey, and pale, with a demeanor to match. He was not able to complete this mission. He returned home to his wife. Not long after, a dwarven army attempted to invade Doh'garus. He told Sudea to stay in the temple of Horoth, and draw her blades only if the temple is breached. He could not persuade his mother to stay though. He did not think much of this, as he had seen the woman reduce a Siegebreaker to tears. Sathona could handle herself. Regardless of what Sprizen said, his wife, Sudea followed, and almost got herself killed. Sprizen was barely able to find a templar in time. He wished the same could be said of his mother.   Once Sudea had come to, Sprizen decided that he would go to Midor, and end the war before it escalated. Both Mildivar, and Otonue were in Akkara at the time, and had survived the battle. They would join Sprizen on this mission. He told Sudea she would have to stay in Doh'garus, and promised that he would return before the child is born. Sprizen hired a boat to take them to Midor's northern shores. On the first day of the journey, Sprizen discovered that Sudea had stowed away on the boat. He was forced to let her join on the mission as they were too late to turn back, and she refused to stay in an inn. They discovered that the dwarven king was being magically manipulated by a member of the Children of the Eternals. They banished the source of the manipulation, and ended the war.   Shortly after they returned to Doh'garus, the child was born. A healthy baby boy, who the two named Sereth. Sprizen did everything with Sereth. He vowed to be the father that he had taken away from himself. Sadly, it was not to last. Shortly after the boy's tenth birthday, a band of mercenaries broke into their home, and killed the boy in the night. Sprizen was mere nanoseconds too late into the fight. A longing for vengeance preyed of Sprizen's mind. He would avenge his son. Sudea, a Fafnian was taught never to take up arms unless instructed to by your government. Sprizen, being a Doh'garan was never taught this. When Sudea asked Sprizen why he was leaving, he did not fully answer the question.  
"You need not worry where I go. I will return within a fortnight."   -Sprizen Akkamara, to Sudea Akkamara
  His hunt took him up into Brimbaria, where he found the mercenaries in the middle of a long dirt road. He drew his theosite blade. It had no glow in his hands now. He butchered the mercenaries, and loved every second of it. His first victim was a man with a longsword. Through one of his oldest maneuvers, Sprizen deflected the sword out of the man's hand, and drove it into the mercenary's mouth His next victim was a man with a bow. With Sprizen spent some of his arcane reservoir and pulled the man close. The momentum allowed Sprizen to plunge his clawed, draconic hand into the man's chest. The next, had his legs slashed at the knees, and fell to them. Sprizen planted the edge of his sword across the man's eyes, pulled the sword away, brought it around, and removed the man's head from his shoulders. His fourth, he used a a little more of his reservoir to pull the man close. Another spell sent a red arcane mist up the man's nose, and down his throat. The magic squeezed the man's heart, and lungs until they popped, and blood poured from his mouth. The fifth rushed Sprizen with a warhammer. Sprizen caught the hammer by the handle mid swing, and beat the man to the ground. With the warhammer now in his hands, he proceeded to pummel the man's face out of recognition. There was one mercenary left, the leader of the group. He wielded a doom steel blade dripping with acid, and a shield that Sprizen had only read about in books. A shield that all but makes you invulnerable to attacks from a draconic foe: the Shield of Belon. Sprizen simply smiled, now that he will have earned his vengeance. Their battle was fierce, as their blades clashed, and Sprizen's unblocked attacks simply flew towards the shield, involuntarily. With one more spellbound strike, a dark red fire erupted from his blade, and struck the shield, cracking it in two. The man fell to his knees and begged for mercy, saying he didn't realize that his target had a sorcerer for a father. Sprizen simply laughed, and said, "Regardless of if I were a sorcerer or not, I would have come for you. I wanted to watch you suffer. I wanted to watch you all suffer, and I am but one last strike away from this liberating desire."   Sprizen raised his sword to deliver the killing blow, when from behind him shouted a familiar voice. Sudea had followed him from Akkara. She saw what Sprizen had done, and was terrified. As much as Sprizen tried to explain what he did, and why, he could only see fear, and sorrow in his wife's eyes. When the mercenary told Sprizen who had hired him, he wasn't entirely surprised. Selas Netumbe, the head councilman of Doh'garus, and the man who has had it out for the Akkamara line since before Sprizen was born. He tied up the mercenary, and took him back to Akkara, where he used the man as proof to accuse Selas of treason, and used the man's Doom Steel blade as proof of heresy. Selas would instantly lash out at Sprizen. Using the magic of the Eternals, Selas became ascendant, and would take their battle to the skies. The display of clashing spells could be seen all the way in Midor. Ultimately, Sprizen was victorious. He thought back to the things Sudea had said, and instead of killing Selas, he threw him in the deepest prison cell in Doh'garus. When he returned, he noticed all of Sudea's personal belongings were missing, and a note was left on her side of the bed.  
Dearest Sprizen,   Our last meeting showed me something I had hoped I never would know. In your eyes I did not see Sprizen Akkamara, but an animal wearing his face. I saw a rage incarnate that has broken every oath he has sworn in a very short amount of time. I have moved to the councilman's housing district at the northern end of Akkara. Our vows are still intact, but before we speak again, you need to figure out what purpose you serve. Are you the man you claimed to be? Or, are you the embodiment of sin I saw in Brimbaria? Until you figure that out, we will only see each other during council meetings.   Sincerely, Sudea Haedros.
  For the next year, Sprizen, and Sudea only saw each other during council meetings. Sprizen could not answer the question that Sudea had left in the note. He could not figure anything out at all. One day, the Doh'garus council was attacked by the Children of the Eternals. Leading this attack was a man that Sudea seemed to know. As Sprizen tried to face the attackers, he soon realized he could not thwart the attack, even with the help of Sudea. He sent a projectile to open a hole for Sudea, and the other Councilmen to escape through. Once everyone else escaped, he made his own exit hole in the ceiling, and flew out of the council hall. He saw only terror, as the cult runs rampant through the city. He flew through the city, searching for Sudea, and the other councilmen. Once he found them, in their fortified alley, Sudea made known who attacked the council chambers, being Ekrivan Baanus, a former templar of the Second Pillar, and a former love of hers, before Sprizen.   The scale of the attack showed Sprizen that it would take more than a single sorcerer, and templar to undo this attack. His first thought was to get one of the most powerful, and well-known templars in existence involved. he needed Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth. Much to Sprizen's luck, the man had been performing in town during the attack. He found Skolas locked in mortal combat with the cultists, and provided aid. Once the area was cleared, Sprizen told Skolas that his aid was required to stop the attack. Skolas told Sprizen, it would take much more than just one more templar. He told Sprizen that Akkara needs Horoth's Siegebreakers. Sprizen agreed. Upon returning to Sudea, he told her this new plan. They were forced to work together one last time. The three made the journey to the Siegebreakers' fortress, and found it under attack by the Children of the Eternals. That night, they incapacitated the cult's attack force, and secured the Siegebreakers' fortress. Come sunrise, Sprizen told the Siegemaster, Araal Kurai what was happening. The Siegebreakers rode toward Akkara. On thw way, Sprizen made it known to Sudea that he wants to change to his former self, but he need Sudea's help. Sudea told him that if he helped to free Akkara, then she'd help him. Spizen, Sudea, Skolas, and the Siegebreakers arrived at Akkara, and struck at the cultists that held the city hostage. Sprizen, Sudea, and Skolas marched to the council chambers. Sudea was ready to face Ekrivan. Through Sprizen's aid, she was able to do so. The loss of their leader caused the entire cult to retreat. Sprizen and Sudea had reclaimed Akkara, and stopped the Children of the Eternals. Sudea moved back under Sprizen's roof to help him become a better man. In the end, he turned out better than he was even before his vengeance.   Their final adventure, was forced upon them when the Eternals decided they'd destroy Eternity entirely, and start again. They awoke the Thrasher Snake, and began to force Eternity to crumble. The Deadlands came to life with green, evil magic energy. Sudea, Otonue, and Mildivar all aided Sprizen on his journey to the Deadlands. They faced the Thrasher Snake, and every cult district of the Children of the Eternals. This adventure brought Sprizen, and Sudea closer than ever before. Within only two days, they made it to the edge of the Deadlands. Sprizen made it known that his friends would have to stay, as for them to set foot in the Deadlands would see them torn to shreds, and their souls tormented forever. His arcane power would protect him. He faced off against the Eternals, and won. However, in doing so, he removed the beings that were maintaining Eternity's stability. Sprizen was forced to take their place. In doing so, he became so powerful that if he were to walk Eternity's physical plane, it would threaten its stability even more.   Deos granted Sprizen one day, and one night to spend with the ones he loves. He waited until Sudea had returned home to Doh'garus. When he returned her, they drank, and reminisced about all the adventures they had. He made it clear, he couldn't stay, but he told them all of Deos' realm. A place where only good souls were granted entrance. A place of endless rolling hills, of golden grass, a place where thoughts of wrath, or lust simply do not exist. A place where they could run forever, and fatigue would never grip at them. A place of peace. He said how he could maintain Eternity, and walk in Deos' realm. He could be with them. All that was needed, was time. He would wait there for their souls to leave Eternity, and join his there. Then, Sprizen would find peace. That is where he is now. He waits for his friends, and watches over Sudea, as she raises his second son, conceived on Sprizen's last night on Eternity. He can't wait to meet the boy.

Gender Identity

He is prideful of the form he was made in, and refuses to change it.


He had one love, Sudea Haedros. The two had many adventures together, and saved each other several times over. They had two children together, and Sprizen has only met one.


He is a very smart young draconin man, able to understand, and manipulate Eternity's arcana in ways never done before.


Like all Doh'garans, he spent the beginning of his adult life in Doh'garus' military. Once he had served his year, he decided that the military life wasn't for him. He took a more diplomatic role in Dog'garus' society.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He aided in stopping a second Fafnian civil war, stopped the second orc conquest, and ended the war that had Been ravaging Eternity since the beginning, the War of the Eternals.

Failures & Embarrassments

He watched his son die, and compromised the rest of his life in reaching for vengeance.

Mental Trauma

"Everyone I've loved has come to harm because of me. My father fell because I let my anger get to me, and it forced the magic out of my veins, Sudea nearly fell because I didn't pay close enough attention to what was behind me, my son was taken because I wasn't causious enough to properly lock the door. Every time I think I've done it right, someone falls."

Morality & Philosophy

After he had killed his father, he refused to kill another soul. Only when a band of mercinaries killed his son did he let his anger (As righteous as it was) get the best of him. Outside of that, he will never kill another person.

Personality Characteristics


He never wanted to go on any adventures. He only ever wanted to keep those around him safe.

Virtues & Personality perks

He will never leave anyone to die, no matter how much they caused Sprizen to suffer. He will never strike first, or leave a problem unsolved.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too often he puts the weight of the world on his shoulders, and too often this causes him to stumble.


Religious Views

While he followed the draconic religion, he had a higher understanding as to how Eternity came to be, and the prophecies that were laid forth. He knows that Deos made the Old World, but also knows Deos had nothing to do with the creation of Eternity. The creation of Eternity was the work of the Eternals. As much as he wants to give this truth to the world of Eternity, he cannot intervene with the affairs of the mortal world any further.

Social Aptitude

He is very inviting and kind, with empathy unseen among the draconin. Raised as the son of two Doh'garus council members, his manners are at peak standards.


Though his speech is gentle, his voice carries a presence. Many credit this to his ascendence.


Sprizen Akkamara

husband (Vital)

Towards Sudea Akkamara



Sudea Akkamara

wife (Vital)

Towards Sprizen Akkamara




They met on the field, during the Fafnian insurgence. Sprizen had just become a member of Horoth's Siegebreakers, and was assigned to lead a small squad to aid the Pillar Warriors in pushing back the rebels. Sudea was a templar of Fafnia's First Pillar, and was a part of the charge against the rebels from the Fafnian side. Sprizen saw a Pillar Warrior struggling in the middle of the battle, and moved to assist.   In doing so, Sprizen was knocked off his mount, and was forced to fight on the ground. A powerful bond was formed there. After the battle, they found themselves stranded on an island in Dares Pass near a pack of Zaerta. The two struggled to survive until help could arrive, but they made it through. They would go on to have several adventures together. Sudea would bear Sprizen's son, and the two named the boy Sereth.   Sereth was eventually killed by mercenaries. Sudea, being a Fafnian was taught never to bear arms unless instructed to by her government. Sprizen was a Doh'garan, and was taught never to be afraid to use the blade. He violated his prior refusal to kill, and exacted his revenge. Sudea was only able to stop him from killing the last survivor. Sprizen fell into a deep depression.   Their final adventure was when the Eternals decided that they would destroy Eternity, and start again. Sprizen was forced to enter the deadlands to banish the Eternals to a realm where they have no power. In doing so, he removed the beings that were keeping it stable, and was forced to take their place. In doing so, he became so powerful that if he were to walk Eternity's physical plane, it would threaten the world's stability. Now, he maintains Eternity from Deos' realm, and waits for Sudea to join him.

Relationship Reasoning

Sprizen, and Sudea forged a powerful bond with each other on the day that they met in fire. Sudea, and Sprizen both had substantial status in their home nations, and to marry would cause an alliance. Their bond was powerful, more so than most others, so they jumped into the opportunity.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

At first, Sudea didn't care one way, or the other weather she killed her foes or not. Eventually, Sprizen taught her the true value of all life, and that it is better to preserve all life. They both knew that violence is sometimes necessary, but they shared a refusal to kill after that.

Shared Secrets

It was kept secret that Sprizen had sought out vengeance for the loss of their son.

Legal Status


Sprizen Akkamara

Father (Vital)

Towards Sereth Akkamara



Sereth Akkamara

Son (Vital)

Towards Sprizen Akkamara




Sereth was born into Sprizen's family, and was welcome with open arms. Sprizen poured his all into raising Sereth to be the best that he can be. The two did everything togeather. Sprizen taught Sereth how to use the blade, and Sereth learned well. Sadly, it was not to last. In the middle of the night, Sereth was killed by mercinaries. He died in Sprizen's arms as Sprizen sang a soft song to give his dying child one last semblence of comfort. Sereth's dying words were, "Its okay daddy, We'll meet again some day."

Relationship Reasoning

Sprizen was Sereth's father. Not only was it Sprizen's duty, but he jumped into the task of raising the child.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have a distinct love for music, in all of its many forms. They both however, find themseves strongly leaning towards draconic battle tone.

Shared Secrets

One weekend, while Sudea was in Fafnia on business with the Pillar Warriors, Sprizen took Sereth to a consert held by Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth. They never told Sudea of this.

Wealth & Financial state

He was born into the wealth of a Doh'garus council member.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Waiting for his beloved Sudea to join him in Deos' realm.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He was a Doh'garus council member, and Sorcerer Supreme to Doh'garus.
Year of Birth
963 P.A. 42 Years old
Akkara, capitol of Doh'garus
gentle, sorrowful, deep blue reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
copper scales
310 lbs. muscular
Follows the draconic religion.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He knows draconic, the common language, and dwarvish.
Character Prototype
If Legends of Eternity were to ever to become a massive Hollywood production, the person that comes to mind to play Sprizen would be Henry Cavil.


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Oct 16, 2023 14:13

in personal history paragraph 4 there is an extra m in limitless,   in paragraph 5 there is a (bas).( i really dont understand that sentence in the first place. "After a while, Sudea bas blessed to be with child")   in paragraph 8 there is a (whre) in the first sentence   nice.

Oct 16, 2023 14:44

also i dont know if you are into this kinda stuff but killing somebody is a big deal and killing somebodies kid for no real reason is an even bigger deal even if you were hired to do it you decided to kill a kid.   at that point i was feeling bad for them and when you hear he is about to go get revenge just to be met with " He butchered the mercinaries, and loved every second of it. He found their screams satisfying." and that being just about it, is kind of disappointing.   i want imagery of how he made them suffer and the fear they felt while they had to watch the others die. i want the hear them beg to be spared. you can even go the common route and have one of them pretend to beg for their life and then try to pull one over on Sprizen even trying to sacrifice the others. just to show how much more they deserve what is coming to them.   to really feel the emotion Sprizen felt about his kid even thought i just found out about the kid 5 seconds ago.   that is my only complaint.   the rest is great. i love it

Oct 16, 2023 17:20

Yeah, rereading this, I feel it was kind of rushed, and maybe a little lazy. I should probably go over most of my articles and try to fix this.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 16, 2023 18:36

Thank you very much for the input.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 16, 2023 19:33

You were absolutely right! It was a little unsatisfying to just say he enjoyed his vengeance, without any details. So, I did as you suggested, and gave it some detail. Please pardon the graphic violence, I just wanted it to be realistic, because he is not only the most powerful being to walk Eternity's physical plane, but also the angriest.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Oct 17, 2023 04:39

I like that a whole lot better. I read the revised part like 3 times. I would point some other things now that i read parts of the story again but i dont think to much more context is or elaboration is needed.

Oct 17, 2023 17:02

thank you.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Nov 16, 2023 05:19

Even got the glowy sword

Nov 16, 2023 15:55

The funny thing is, when I first imagined the character, that is almost the exact face I had in mind. And, yes, the glowy sword is there to which makes it that much better.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Mar 13, 2024 13:38

The new pictures look cool

Mar 13, 2024 18:29


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16