Leaving the "Unoerthly Cave". Jonihr is reunited with his father. The group returns to Faerun. Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Leaving the "Unoerthly Cave". Jonihr is reunited with his father. The group returns to Faerun.

Goodmonth 6, 592 CY   Unknown Location       As the adventurers wander through the strange metallic dungeon, they come upon another construct. After, they encounter Jonihr's father and two other elves with him. Together, they all leave the mysterious dungeon and return home.    
  After wandering around hoping to find any sign of where Jonihr's father and the elves with him had gone, the group came upon a strange metal construct.   The construct spoke in an unknown language and seemed to be commanding the group to do something.   When Brimsdall cast comprehend languages, he was able to understand that the construct was ordering all of them to return to their "sleeping units" or will be arrested.   Not responding quickly enough to the construct's orders, it began to use force.   The group responded in kind although the thing proved quite tough to beat. At one point, it used some kind of magic to levitate Toph. It then tossed him down the hallway to slam hard against a metal wall.   The battle raged on with the construct striking with its metallic skeletal arm and tentacles. It even pulled out a strange wand from inside its round metal body and tried to shoot one of the adventurers with a white ray that emitted an intense amount of heat. Fortunately, no one was struck by it.   When the encounter was over, Toph tried to remove the strange ray-emitting wand. But it was connected to the construct's arm and broke in the attempt.   Not wanting to encounter any more of the construct, the group moved on deeper into the dungeon.   Soon after, they heard footsteps coming towards them.   They prepared for battle.   However, it turned out to be Jonihr's father, Prince Arikkor, and two elves in armor and carrying weapons.   Upon seeing his father, Jonihr ran up to him and hugged him.   Prince Arikkor introduced himself to the adventurers and thanked them for keeping his son safe. He said he and several elves from their city explored the lower parts of the mysterious dungeon.   He said the lower levels were very dangerous. One level held an indoor forest with strange beasts and plants, both harmless and carnivorous. He said he lost most of his soldiers to the beast and plants there.   He also added that they came upon the skeletal remains of three adventurers. Nothing was left on them save for a map that they were barely able to make out. Fortunately, whoever drew the map was an elf for the words they saw on the map were written in elvish.   The map showed a mountain range called The Barrier Peaks. The map indicated a spot deep in the mountains. The words, "Unoerthly Cave" was barely legible but possibly indicated the location of the strange dungeon they were in.   The prince said they left the map where they found it.   With Jonihir reunited with his father, the group no longer felt the need to stay in the dungeon.   They all made their way to the front entrance, which they found open. They then left the dungeon looking back once and wondering who or what could have built such a strange otherworldly dungeon.   Prince Arikkor and Jonihr, along with the surviving elven soldiers, escorted the adventures back to the town ruin where the portal was.   There, Brimsdall was able to activate the portal.   Jonihr gave everyone a hug and thanked them again for helping him find his father. He told everyone he hoped to see them all again someday.   Prince Arikkor said they were always welcome to visit their city, SerĂ©ne, in the Feywild.       ***     As the adventurers stepped into the portal on the floor, they found themselves transported to a similar tower at the edge of a forest.   However, the forest looked different and there were no ruins nearby. They knew they weren't in the ruined village of Thundertree in Neverwinter.   It was nighttime. And it was chilly but not freezing. When they last left Faerun, winter was fast approaching. But it wasn't as cold as they expected it to be in this forest.   Sarros, the druid, said they must be farther to the south of Neverwinter. Even farther south than the city of Baldur's Gate even. If they were in fact, in the Realms.   Looking up at the sky through the roofless tower, they saw the moon, Selune and her tears--bright points of light that follow the moon. They were definitely in the Forgotten Realms but where?   The group trekked to the edge of the forest which was less than a mile away. Upon reaching the forest's edge, they saw lights in the distance. A small settlement perhaps.   It looked like it was several miles away but they decided to press on.   Around midnight, they arrived at a roadside building. To the east, they the lights they saw earlier. It was definitely a small settlement of some kind. But they were tired from walking.   A sign above the building front door read, "Hawker's Cleaver". Despite the late hour, they could hear singing coming from inside.   The group, tired and hungry, opened the front door and stepped inside.
Session played on March 26, 2021


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