A deal with vegepygmies. Slaying Black Six-leggers. Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

A deal with vegepygmies. Slaying Black Six-leggers.

Written by RealmsDM

Goodmonth 6, 592 CY   Unknown Location       The intrepid adventures have made an unlikely alliance with a tribe of vegepygmies. In exchange for a magical key that would enable them to further explore the strange metal dungeon, they would first have to slay the tribe's greatest threat: a den of deadly "Black Six-leggers".    

The group was led by the vegepygmies to their chief.   Along the way, they passed multiple rooms. Each one seemed to serve as a home for a family of vegepygmies. Beds with dirty blankets and tables with filthy dinnerware occupied each home.   The walls in each home were stained green by mold and the air was filled with the stink of mildew. Most rooms also held a nest of plant matter.   Eventually, they were led down a corridor and into a large room that may have once been a common area. Now, however, scavenged bits of strange metallic objects, nearly-ruined furnishings, colorful but filthy clothing, and other looted odds and ends cluttered the room. Some of the furnishings appeared used, while others were displayed like weird trophies of past battles.   They were introduced to Chief Rugass, who appeared to have little interest in the adventurers. At one point he almost seemed to appear ready to have them ordered slain on the spot.   However, with Brimsdall and Jonihr working together, they were able to effectively negotiate with Chief Rugass.   The group asked the chief if he or anyone in his tribe had seen elves passing through the area. Brimsdall pointed to the Jonihr and said his father and others with him may have passed through the tribe's area a few days ago.   Chief Rugass said no scouts had mentioned anyone matching the description of Jonihr's father or any others for that matter. However, the chief said that even if they did pass through the area, they wouldn't be able to go through many of the rooms and chambers unless they had a special key, like the two he possessed.   The group asked if they could have one of the keys the chief spoke of.   He agreed to give them one of two keys he had if they completed a task for him.   The group asked what the task was.   Chief Rugass said the task was simple...kill all the Black Six-leggers that have been killing and eating many in his tribe.   The group realized the Black Six-leggers the chief spoke of were Displacer Beasts.   When asked how many of the creatures were there, the chief held up all of his fingers and said, "One."   Shaking their heads in disbelief, they reluctantly agreed to help the vegepygmies. Although, it did occur to Brimsdall that it may be easier to just slay the chief and take the key by force.   But, he capitulated and asked if they could be allowed to rest before leaving to hunt for the black six-leggers.       After sleeping in two small rooms provided for them, the adventurers prepared themselves for a fight they knew could prove deadly.   They were led by two scouts into an area where the displacer beasts made a den for themselves.   There, the group realized just how deadly the battle could be.   There wasn’t just "one" six-letter as Chief Rugass claimed. Instead, they would have to fight five displacer beasts!   Jonihr cast Invisibility on himself since he knew he wasn't skilled enough to face off against one displacer beast, let alone five.   Sarros transformed into a large dire wolf for the battle. Brimsdall readied his most powerful spells, while Stones and Toph respectively armed themselves with a crossbow and a shortbow.
The group moved down a wide metal hall just as the displacer beasts spotted them.       When the battle was over, five displacer beasts lay dead.   Although they had prevailed, the displacer beasts were able to injure some members of the party. Sarros quickly healed them as they made their way back to the vegepygmies.   As proof, they took back with them the ten tentacles that grew out of the creatures' backs.   On the way back, they stopped to investigate another one of the strange cylindrical chamber they first saw when they arrived inside the metal dungeon.   This one was lit by a magical circular light source hanging from the chamber's ceiling.   What made this chamber different, however, was that the metal handles spaced 8 feet apart were moving!   When the group examined the chamber further, they were surprised to see that an individual could levitate once he stepped into the chamber. They were surprised to find out that they could float up and down the chamber by simply grabbing onto any one of the moving metal bars.   They also spotted what seemed to be another level below the one they were on. They realized they could levitate down into the lower level, but agreed to come back later.   Perhaps they would find Jonihr's father there or at least learn more about the strange dungeon they were in.       Back in the vegepygmies lair, Chief Rugass seemed surprised to see the party return with their grisly trophies.   However, he was delighted to know the six-leggers would no longer trouble his tribe.   He gave the group the key he promised them.
The key didn't look like a key at all. It was a rectangular piece of lightweight glass, reddish in color. It measured about two inches by three inches and was thinner than a dagger's blade.   The chief said the key could be inserted into the 'holes' found next to most of the metal doors throughout the dungeon. The red key was special as the chief described it. It had powerful magic and could open many doors, even ones that had holes with black stripes painted above them.   The group wasn't sure if Chief Rugass was telling the truth, but they had to take their chances and find out.   They figured that having a special key was better than not having a key at all.   Chief Rugass offered to have the group stay for a special feast. But considering what the group had seen the vegepygmies eat--decomposing plant and animal matter--they respectfully declined.   They bid farewell to Chief Rugass and left the vegepygmies’ area to continue exploring the strange dungeon and find Jonihr’s father.

Session played on February 19, 2021

Chief Rugass


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