A strange cave. Brimsdall has the Clasp. Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

A strange cave. Brimsdall has the Clasp.

Goodmonth 5, 592 CY   Unknown Location       The adventurers were in a metal room.   The room they stood in was 18 feet deep and 20 feet wide. It was dark enough that Toph had to light his lantern to see.   The south wall where the door they entered from was curved slightly inward. A pair of 10-foot-square doors stood open in the north wall. It had parted to reveal a large entry area beyond.   The door behind them was closed.   "Did anyone close that door?" Stones asked.   Everyone shook their head. They hadn't even heard the door close at all. One moment it was open, the next it was closed.   Toph looked at the door. He tried to put his small fingers along one edge of the door but he couldn't figure out a way for the door to open. "There are no handles on this door. There are no hinges either."   The group stepped into the entry area.   There were two nearby doors and a strange cylindrical chamber in the middle of the entry area.   Stones walked up to one of the doors. It was smooth and clearly made of metal. A strange slot, barely wide enough to stick a dagger through was located on the door frame. Stones noticed the color purple painted right above the slot.   He moved to join the others.   The cylindrical chamber in the middle of the entryway was about 20 feet in diameter. Its interior was accessible by a pair of open archways facing one another on opposite sides of the chamber. Within the cylinder, a pair of wide bands bearing metal handles spaced 8 feet apart ran vertically down the other two walls.   "Those bars look like ladder rungs," Brimsdall said.   "Yeah, for a very tall person," Stones said. "The rungs are 8 feet apart."   Sarros drew the group's attention. "I think I hear voices coming from the eastern corridor."   The group moved towards the direction of the voices.   Down a wide corridor, they spotted Asandra and the mercenary. Both had spotted the adventurers also.    
  The adventurers fought Asandra and her mercenary.   The battle was hard-fought and had almost cost Wink his life after Asandra used a staff to cast a lightning bolt at the giant badger.   In time, both Asandra and the mercenary were killed. During the encounter, Asandra yelled that she was too close to solving the secret of this strange cave they were in and had traveled to Toril to find the Clasp of Vergren which would make her more powerful as a wizard.   Afte Asandra was killed, they searched her and found her spellbook, the Clasp of Vergren, and a staff she used to cast the lightning bolt. However, without an identify spell, they wouldn't be able to learn what the staff could do.   Because Brimsdall had killed the mercenary with a wall of fire, his weapons and armor had not survived the fire.   The group gathered together and decided on what to do next.   However, something nearby caught their attention.   A small metallic thing resembling a gnome crossed with some type of insect lay slumped against the corridor's southern wall.   They started examine the strange construct when a scream coming from another corridor leading north drew their attention.
Session played on February 5, 2021


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