Legacy of the bound The Hunter and the Fox
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The Hunter and the Fox

Criminal Activity

15/5 1400:00

The party encounter Edgar Kruger-Ysern, his guards, and the mercenary Clarity Merelsdochter, attempting to apprehend Isobela di Peron di Cameri, Alana Catarinsdochter and Oneira Athelsdottir, three werefoxes(species:aee5d15f-565f-4b84-977e-1fe782bf9c0e) who are alleged fugitives from @[Aldernord, in an attempt to recover the stolen Ring of Zaal. A fight breaks out and Edgar Kruger-Ysern is killed.   In gratitude for their rescue, and knowing that should they keep ahold of the ring that the Alderni would continue hunting them, the werefoxes give the Ring of Zaal to the party. They are thought to have headed to Cameri, with the intention of seeking refuge in Lith Terrin.

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