Vixion Plains Geographic Location in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Vixion Plains

The Vixion Plains are an area of open land to the west of the Veilwood, in what is now Savura. Historically, they were part of theDuchy of Cameria, controlled by House Zaal of Aldernord.


The Vixion Plains are an area of open land south of Lago di Coletta, bounded by the Veilwood to the west and the Lapizulan Hills to the east. Their southernmost extent ends where the uplands of Steppa Nezr rise above the floodplain of the River Rekten. The plains are divided into eastern and western parts by the River Vixos.  


  The Vixion Plains are mostly taken up by arable farmland, and are scattered with small villages and hamlets.   Three larger settlements exist on the Vixion plains - Colisettio in the north, and Bregzana and Cameri in the south, on the banks of the River Rekten.  


During the Age of Ice, said to have begun some ten thousand years before the First Founding, the area is said to have been buried under glaciers a mile thick, which carved the land into the shape that it takes today. The earliest known reference to the area is to be found in the Book of the Flood:  
“Then the King of the Giants brought down his rod a third time, and broke the westernmost finger of Tak Azem, which rushed into the lands below; and from where the the ice had departed came forth a valley and a lake, and the valley would be called Kel Enda’nara”
  Most scholars agree that the lowland clans of the dwarves were the first to settle on the plains, prior to the Aeon of Ice, though this is as much based on speculation as anything else as little from that most ancient of ages has survived to the present day. During the Aeon of Ice it is believed to have been mostly uninhabited, save perhaps for the dwarves of Vash Ossai, now known to have existed beneath what is now Cameri - though the extent to which that subterranean city was connected to the surface at this time is unknown.   The Chronicles of Vash Edom speak of King Warad-Yar crossing the "fields of Kel Enda'nara" to reach the mountains where he built his citadel of Vash Edom; whilst Warad-Yar’s historicity is endlessly debated, estimates of the construction of Vash Edom tend to give a date around 1500 BFF (approximately 4250 years pre-AK), and other archaeological evidence suggests that there was extensive farming on the floodplain of the river Vixos by this time. By the third century Before First Founding (approximately 3,000 years pre-AK), the city of Kel Ishetu - better known as Kaliset - had been founded.   By 2,000 years pre-AK Kaliset had been destroyed, thought the circumstances that surrounded the destruction of the city are unclear. The region was resettled over the following centuries, and eventually was annexed by the Empire of Kataris. After the fall of the Katari Empire the northern part of the plains fell under the control of the Greenstone Alliance of the mages of Lapis, the rath of Lith Terrin, and the dynastic princes of Cameri, who retained control of the region until the Alderni conquest of the region in 694 AK. The plains were considered part of the Duchy of Cameri until the late 1330's, when they were seized by the Savuran following the defection of Lapis and the subsequent battle of Cameri.
Alternative Name(s)
Kel Enda'nara
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