Kaoru hardlight Character in Laria's Ninth World | World Anvil

Kaoru hardlight

He is an easygoing individual, short and plump with a good taste for crafting, tasting and sharing, food and ale, this combined with his ability to amplify any food source he got his hand on, draw many to his house for some food, drink and good conversation, so much so, that one day while deciding, how his skills could help the new form community move forward, he decided to put an alehouse signal in the door.  


Kaoru worked in Greenleaf as cook and housekeeper for Gurner Fron. Their relationship started, as Kaoru loves the idea of exploring the outside and finding new ruins and numenera, but like he discovered when joining, Gurner Fron excursion, not so much the practicality of it. After this discovery, since they had quite a good chemistry, they made an arrangement. Kaoru would keep to the house, taking care of it, while Gurner Fron was out there, finding new ruins. In exchange, he would get a small part of the bounty and all the exploring histories.   Some years, in this arrangement, Kaoru meet Edara hardlight, and she moved in as well, to help Kaoru with his responsibilities, as Gurner Fron was moving up on society and the house required more care.   After The white masacre of Greenleaf, so they decided to follow the expedition, as it was a good opportunity to get some land of their own and start a new life.    

Physical Appearance

He is smaller and stouter than his wife by difference. At first sight, you don't think he would be able to perform intense physical labour, but then you focus on his arm, muscular and firm, and you reconsider, if he is actually plump, or if he just pretends to be. He has black hair and a simple straight black moustache, he likes to play with, when he is speaking with anyone, specially after being consulted about anything important. A small metallic structure surround his left eye, barely visible under his skin, from the eye, it comes down toward his ear and the neck after that, to disappear completely under his clothes. A good observed will be able to spot, a similar metallic design under her left-hand skin.    

Personality and motivation

Kaoru likes a good quiet life. Cooking, eating and chatting with anyone who wish to talk with him. He is a simple man, who has simple motivations. He tried to live his dream to become an explorer and adventurer, to discover, he loved more the idea of adventure, than adventure itself. So he became an adventurer's cook instead.
Current Location
Current Residence
dark brown
Pure Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm ivory
Ruled Locations


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