Session 6 - Hold the Lighthouse Report Report in Lanyir | World Anvil
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Session 6 - Hold the Lighthouse Report

General Summary

Over ten minutes, waves of the Duchess's soldiers realized what was happening and stormed the lighthouse at the sea gate. If they had time to organize, assess the situation, and then push, the party likely would have been completely overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Instead, small groups tried to retake the lighthouse, and were swiftly repulsed.   Things began to turn desperate when Aeldrith fell beneath the warriors' sears, but when one grabbed Aeldrith and threatened to execute him if the party didn't immediately surrender, three glowing bolts of magic ripped through the wayward warrior's chest. The King's marines had arrived and the tide of battle is beginning to turn.   If the attackers had time, even this wouldn't be an issue for too long. However, less than a day remains before the island must be turned over to Danor, or war will erupt.
Salus Populi
Eoghan Connell
Sigefert Smith
Mairi Lomashney
Ældreth Ældredsson
Player Journals
Tower Assault by Sigefert Smith
Report Date
28 Nov 2022
Primary Location


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