Session 4 Report Report in Lanyir | World Anvil
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Session 4 Report

General Summary

The party slowly made their way to the top of the cave, under fire from a Danoran at the top and ambushed by a shadow creature that appeared to follow the Danoran's commands. Eventually, the party's pleas were heard, and they were allowed to climb out of the littoral cave and into the mine at the top. The man firing at them introduced himself as Nicolas Dupiers, the foreman of the mine the party was in. His crew had been killed by the Duchess's allied fey just outside the mine. Nicolas carried two golden icons around his neck, items that gave him control over allied spirits in the cave. A third icon was foudn in the littoral cave itself, atop a broken marble pillar. The party convinced him to turn over the icons and guide them to the sea fort.   Outside, the party encountered evidence of the Duchess using extremely harsh measures to ensure that the island was secure. A restless night's rest was taken, each watch haunted by odd sounds, smells, and visions.   Aeldrith spoke to multiple ghosts on the journey to the southern archeological ruins. Many ghosts noted that most of the population had been taken to the sea fort, and that anyone that hadn't been in the towns when the Duchess's forces came through never received the word to surrender. More intense visions assaulted the party during the trek, putting everyone on their guard.   In a few hours' time, the party arrived at the southern ruins, neutralizing the rebel soldiers present and freeing the prisoners taken there, including the fort's chief architect, Lisette DuBois.
Salus Populi
Eoghan Connell
Sigefert Smith
Mairi Lomashney
Ældreth Ældredsson
Player Journals
Off to a Hell of a Start by Sigefert Smith
Report Date
10 Nov 2022
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