Sapphire uprising
This cannot be tolerated. Execute them and their co-conspirators.
Lerra has been relatively stable over the years, but when a conflict between two assins guilds came into conflict something was bound to spill over.
The Conflict
The Sapphire Knives was a guild of assassins rivaling the Blood Red Roses. The Knives were failing to keep areas falling to the Roses, so in order to strengthen their position they decided to take control over Lerra.
Their plan was to have a dozen assassins strike at the ruler and the nobles present in the castle at the same time as other assassins would try and wrangle control from nobles in other towns.
However, Lerra was tipped off, some say by the Blood Red Roses, as such the castle was on full alert, armed and ready when the strike came.
The Engagement
Striking in the dead of night the Kives thought that the castle would be relatively unguarded. However, the guards were ready and hidden, so when the assassins came out they were quickly overwhelmed and captured. Three got away after the initial strike, having killed two guards and injured a third.
Very quickly they were hunted down by trackers with dogs. One had been injured in the conflict in the castle and surrendered, only to be executed later, one was found dead by blade with a red rose placed on their chest. The last one was never heard from again.
Over in the other towns things were a little different. Because they had not received warning of the incoming attack many were ill prepared for a proper attack.
Particularly in Erion things got bloody. The lord in charge as well as the lady were killed and the Knives doing the operation tried to take control, but failed when the local population refused to comply.
When aid came from the capitol they found that Hilde von Ileni had successfully taken back control with the help of the population. For her work she was ennobled to lady and put in charge of the town.
Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year! Have a wonderful day and I hope we see you on the awards ceremony!
World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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