Haseti Organization in Laminarum | World Anvil

Haseti (Hah-set- ee)

The haseti were the first ruling class of humanity. They were sea voyagers, law enforcement, pillagers, judges, jury, and executioners. The various haseti would rarely come on land unless it was to lay down the law. Their ships were extensively designed to hold dozens of sailors comfortably so that they were always available when the baron needed their skills.   Becoming a member of the haseti was simple. Were you a friend of the Baron and strong enough to win a fight? If so, you were an easy addition. Different hasetis employed different fear-mongering tactics, but often they would slay the disabled or elderly members of families. This tactic stemmed from the fact that humanity had begun caring for the elderly and disabled mere decades before the first haseti's formation. Hasetis typically went without names until their extinction, though the recurrence of the concept has seen the "Bowhead Haseti" come to life within the Snow Rock Isles in recent decades (ca. 1947 NG).


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