Legio XII Tenax Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Legio XII Tenax

Legio XII Tenax serves as a standard, mixed-race legion within the Atreshian Empire. Currently led by Legate Maxima Priscus, an eager and relatively new leader who took over after the previous legate perished during the demonic invasion of 1373 of the Second Age, this legion is keen to establish its mettle.   For years, Legio XII engaged in near-constant conflict with orc tribes from Black Tooth, gaining considerable experience and renown from the early 1360s up until the demonic invasion. Though one of the most seasoned units at the invasion's onset, the relentless fighting left it severely depleted and in need of restructuring.   Now rebuilt and reinvigorated, the legion is stationed in the southeast of the empire. Here, it guards both the mountainous regions and the border with the Middle Sorewenian Kingdom. In the year 2 of the Third Age, the legion provided support for ongoing humanitarian efforts during the Sorewenian Famine.   Comprising 5,000 legionaries, 300 officers, 120 cavalrymen, 1,500 servants and non-combatants, and 2,000 pack animals, its mixed-race makeup offers a versatile approach to military engagements.   The vexillum of Legio XII Tenax features a white bull set against a purple background, symbolizing the legion's unyielding strength and determination.

Never Routed, Ever Forward

Military, Army
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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