Legio VII Ferox Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Legio VII Ferox

Legio VII Ferox serves as a versatile, general-purpose force within the Atreshian Empire. This legion is proficient in a broad range of military operations and is currently held in reserve. Newly appointed Legate Nero Praeconius, who took over after the previous legate retired, leads the unit.   The legion's most notable achievement came in the year 1343 of the Second Age, when it played a key role alongside Legio X in the subjugation of the Land of the Goliaths. Although this is not a point of fame, it stands as a significant accomplishment in the legion's history.   Currently stationed in Upper Atra, the legion is held as a reserve unit, well-positioned to be quickly deployed to different fronts as the need arises. Its strategic location and mixed-race composition enable a broad range of capabilities and adaptability.   The legion comprises 5,000 legionaries, 300 officers, 120 cavalrymen, 1,500 servants and non-combatants, and 2,000 pack animals. Its racially diverse makeup allows for a wide array of talents and fighting styles, creating a unified and effective combat unit.   The vexillum of Legio VII Ferox prominently features a white, snarling wolf set against a purple backdrop. Above this image, the designation "Leg. VII" is displayed, while the word "Ferox" is inscribed below. This emblem serves as a potent symbol of the legion's tenacity and fierceness in battle.

The Wolf Strikes!

Military, Army
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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