Legio X Gemina Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Legio X Gemina

Renamed from Legio X Montis in the year 1 of the Third Age following the demonic invasion, Legio X Gemina serves a unique role within the Atreshian Empire's military. Often acting as a shock army due to its exceptional composition, this almost exclusively non-human legion has proven its worth in various military engagements.   Led by Legate Ramza Dawnspear, the first non-human and a half-elf to attain this rank and a bastard son of the late emperor, this legion has earned both respect and loyalty from its troops. Initially met with skepticism and prejudice due to his lineage, Dawnspear has proven himself an exceptionally skilled Legate, earning the deep respect and loyalty of those he leads.   In 1343 of the Second Age, Legio X, then Montis, partnered with Legio VII Ferox to subjugate the Land of the Goliaths. Following the conquest, the legion was stationed in the frigid north for 15 years, adopting a substantial number of Goliath soldiers into its ranks. Its involvement in the Northern Rebellion of 1373 further bolstered its numbers with a 4,000-strong Goliath auxiliary force, making it one of the largest legions in the empire. Currently, Legio X Gemina is stationed to the south of Legio III Draconis and Legio IX Gemina. It plays a crucial role in countering incursions from the lands of the Black Tooth, while also maintaining a watchful eye on the border with the Falcon Empire and the mountains to the east.   The legion is made up of 5,000 legionaries—nearly all of which are non-humans, with Goliaths making up about 30%—300 officers, 120 cavalrymen, 1,500 servants and non-combatants, 2,000 pack animals, and an auxiliary force of 4,000 Goliaths. This racial diversity brings a unique set of skills and adaptability to the legion, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.   The vexillum of Legio X Gemina is a white upside-down mountain with a moon rising behind it, set against a purple backdrop. Above this image, the designation "Leg. X" is displayed, while the word "Gemina" is inscribed below. This emblem serves as a complementary mirror to Legio IX Gemina, reflecting the twin legions' shared destiny and unique attributes.

Rising with the Moon, Steadfast as the Mountain

Military, Army
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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