Legio III Draconis Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Legio III Draconis

Legio III Draconis serves as a versatile force within the Atreshian Empire, known for its ability to adapt to various roles but most frequently deployed in offensive operations. Commanded by Legate Vergillia Corculum, who formerly served in the XI Legion, she grapples with the legion's infamous reputation while striving to uphold its responsibilities.   As a standard-sized legion, Legio III Draconis comprises 5,000 legionaries, supported by 300 officers, 120 cavalrymen, 1,500 servants and non-combatants, and 2,000 pack animals. Among its ranks are a cadre of highly skilled siege engineers, a specialization that sets it apart from other legions. Additionally, Legio III Draconis has the distinction of being the Empire's most battle-hardened unit, having seen action in more campaigns and battles than any other legion.   Legate Corculum took command after replacing her mad predecessor, inheriting a unit whose reputation she now seeks to change. While her leadership is viewed as competent and disciplined, the uphill battle to shift the legion's notorious standing is a weight she alone seems keen to carry.   Comprising solely human members, the legion carries the weight of the Empire's former biases. Its history is fraught with military engagements and war crimes, causing tensions both within the ranks and with other legions. Currently, it is stationed near the dwarven city of Kalath-Dun, sharing the eastern border with the IX Legion, where they serve as a defensive wall against orc invasions from the lands of Black Tooth.   The legion's vexillum follows Atreshian standards but features its unique symbol: a white dragon biting a human against a purple backdrop, with 'Leg. III' displayed above and 'Draconis' below. This fearsome banner strikes dread into the hearts of its enemies, serving as a reminder of the legion's battle-hardened reputation.

Purified by Dragon's Flame!

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