Grumur Peaceswift

Knight Captain

The leader of the Holy Order of the Bringers and Protectors of the Light Resplendent, or Lightbringers, in the small town of Nedev, he currently holds the rank of Knight Captain of the Light.   Knight Captain Peaceswift wasn't with Baron Zazar Nocroth during the founding of Nedev. He moved to Nedev ten years ago when his mentor, the High Priest Olafradas Crysmir invited him to come and establish the Monastery of the Light in Nedev.   Sir Peaceswift is known as a just and fair man, who is doing what he can with the very small contingent of Lightbringers under his command. He has started actively recruiting prospective acolytes and hopes to double the number of swords under him in the next year or two.


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