The Underground City (Aodios) Settlement in Kreworis | World Anvil
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The Underground City (Aodios)

“A town with no crime is too poor to have anything worth stealing!” – aa, Thief Guild Head Master
  Under the Main Body there lies beneath the streets, a thriving shadow community in which criminals and monsters interact, do business and kill one another, while the poorest of the poor try to survive the day in the Underground City. The people of the Underground City shelter in rotting slums, infested with rats and nasty vermin.   The crowded Underground City is the first destination for all who seek a game of chance, a cheap beer, a warm body to share their bed with or gray-market and semi-legal services. Even though much is relatively harmless fun, there is also a darker side where other business can be transacted away from watchful eyes. In the dark corners and back alleys the black market where sprawls illicit or restricted substances like strong and fast-acting poisons, tranquilizers, drugs and explosives, traders with stolen goods, smugglers and any other illegal service are easily found, readily available and deals are done minutely. But many more find them self as a resident of the Underground City because they are simply too poor to even afford a simple rooms within the Main Body. Even though the people of the Underground City live an unpleasant life, being confronted with violence, crime and disease daily, they are still immensely grateful to live inside of the walls.
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Vertixico


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