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The Holy Dracan Empire

Strength from Beyond

  The Holy Dracan Empire was not always a powerful world player. The Dracan Elves, once beholden to Ravessus, were only strong because of its close ties to magic. In this empire, magic determines stations, so the High Elves stand at the pinnacle of society followed by the Moon Elves and then the Wood Elves. This association with magic made them useful to Ravessus, but unable to break free from their superior numbers, martial prowess, and advanced technologies. However, as Ravessus began to fall to The MagiBlight Plague, The Holy Dracan Empire became stronger when they opened a rift into the ArborWeald and freed the dragons from the savage plane. Along with their release, a connection was forged with Tiamat and the Holy Dracan Empire suddenly became a powerful world player. They swiftly moved into the neighboring Mashhad and began a war with Valklema all the while waiting for Ravessus to fall to their own hubris. Now, nearly a century later, the Holy Dracan Empire has subjugated most of Northern Mashhad, the Lichiya Plains, and still seeks openings in Valklema. Its eyes are set upon the fallen Ravessus and Korinthos, all that keeps the empire at bay seems to be a fear of the plague that overthrew Ravessus and respect for the military might of Korinthos. The current, and first, Emperor Draco Valentus I has made his belief clear that the Dracan Empire and its dragons will not be stopped for long.

New Ravessus

    The Dracan Imperium still maintains many of the same customs and beliefs of Ravessus, namely that of conquest, expansion, and progress. For this reason, many of the current powers of Raef have named The Holy Dracan Empire the "New Ravessus." With their Dragon Phalanx, an order of Dragonborn Knights who serve as the shocktroops and spearhead of Dracan assaults, the Furies, the numerous rank and file of the Dracan Imperium army, and the SunEaters, skilled dragon riders and their bonded mounts, the Dracan Imperium seems to be in an even more poised position to conquer lands previously inaccessible to Ravesuss including the lands of AhinRaj, Silus, and Xi'anZhou. This "New Ravessus" employs a highly powerful army of dragons and skilled elven warriors separated into ten "wings." The Wings of the Dracan Imperium are the Blue Wing, Red Wing, White Wing, Black Wing, Green Wing, Brass Wing, Silver Wing, Gold Wing, Bronze Wing, and Copper Wing. Each Wing is lead by a Praeceptorem, or commander, who leads their respective wing and communicates with other Praeceptorems. The Dracan Imperium manages all wars and political discussions from their capital, Caer Lux Alta. In recent years, the Dracan Imperium has aggressively expanded its influence Southwards, leaving their most esteemed general, Vulcan the First Blade, and his adult red dragon mount, Charikhast the Red Tempest, to handle the war in Valklema while the rest of the might of the Dracan Empire turned its attention Southwards.
  As New Ravessus expands South now, they have begun to contend fiercely with the remaining four Sultans of Mashhad. Many already flee the resplendent city of Cairan, entering Alexaria, City of Crossroads in droves. Basileia Veta Palladius has passed an open migration policy for the time being, but time will tell if the policy will remain or if it will be abused. The Dracan Empire shows no signs of relenting in its expansion, however, and as it threatens Cairan it is rumored that southern powers look to each other to potentially form a defensive pact against the threat. Emperor Draco Valentus I has made it clear that such a coalition will demand that the Dracan Empire declare war upon all of the "weak southern lands" and that they should leave Mashhad to its fate.


The Holy Dracan Empire controls much of Central Raef. This area includes the lofty Steel Peaks, the DireWoad, the Duskwood, the Spears, and the Isles of Budvik. They also control much of the Eastern and NorthEastern sections of Masshad, a large portion of Southern Valklema, and the intermediary Grey Waste Fen. This is to say that their empire covers many biomes and landscapes. They seem to prefer to construct their cities in lofty places though. Caer Lux Alta itself sits among the Steel Peaks, atop the highest mountain therein named The Dragon's Fang. Other cities, however, such as Caer Lacertus rest high up in the branches of the DireWoad or atop the edge of deep chasms penetrating deep into the Bleak Warrens such as Caer Nox. The Holy Dracan Empire though has set its eyes on expansion southwards and looks towards the comfortable climes of Korinthos and Aegea.

Dracan Military Groups

  Dracan Furies - The Furies are the rank and file soldiers amongst the various wings of the Holy Dracan Empire. Furies are either conscripted, or join for honor and glory. This is, however, where every soldier must start no matter the purity of their blood or honor of their soul. Every soldier must learn the discipline to stand shoulder to shoulder in the muck before they can ascend into the sky.
  Dracan Phalanx - This group is a special unit amongst the Holy Dracan Empire. Only dragonborn may join the phalanx and they are widely respected as highly skilled warriors and veterans of many fights. The Phalanx is a place of discipline and serve as the honorguard for important Dracan High Elves of the Imperium, or as the shock troops for important engagements.
  The SunEaters - The SunEaters are an elite unit of the Dracan military might. These soldiers are tried and tested veterans who have proven themselves worthy and honorable enough to bond a dragon wyrmling. These elite soldiers raise their wyrmling, becoming inseparable from it until it can fly. They are then trained in the way of the SunEater and serve as the powerful vanguard and scout units of the Dracan military. They practice relentlessly and have been known to turn the tide of many a battle for the Dracan Empire.
  The SkyBreakers - SunEaters, and their mounts, that survive enough engagements to reach this status are feared by all nations. A SkyBreaker consists of both a veteran SunEater High Elf Rider and an adult, or older, bonded dragon mount. These terrors demolish battlefields and inspire the might of the Dracan Empire.
  Fragori - Fragori are lesser, but more common, versions of SunEaters. Their name, translating literally to "the thunder," is reminiscent of the sound of this cavalry unit rushing into battle. The Fragori ride upon the backs of huge Guard Drakes and comprise the singular ground cavalry unit of the Dracan Empire. Both rider and mount are terrors to face upon the battlefield as tons of power covered in nearly impenetrable hide come bearing down on entrenched enemy positions.
  Susurri - The Susurri are an elite organization of spies, assassins, saboteurs, and political masterminds who comprise the core of the Holy Dracan Empire's spy network. The Susurri trade-in whispers and death and are feared even by the greatest of Dracan General. It is said that the Susurri serve as an extension of the Emperor's will and even assassinated his own brother upon his command. This organization, however, are believed to be capable of changing their faces through magic and are master actors and manipulators.
  The Vox - The Vox are the magical elite of Dracan society. These High Elves are chosen for their innate talent and power in the arcane arts. Trained from any walk of life, these elite mages and spellweavers are devastatingly powerful, calling down fire and lightning upon the battlefields of men. The Vox also speak for the Dragons and are assigned to speak for and interpret the will of the Primes or the most ancient and veteran dragon of each of the colors both metallic and chromatic. Vox are separated into three groups: The Vox Dracus (those Vox who speak for and serve the whims of the Primes and their brood), the Vox Imperatus (the Vox who serve as honorguard and counselor to the emperor and his council), and the Vox Periclus (the Vox who research new magics and additionally serve as ambassadors and negotiators for the Dracan Empire). 

Symbol of the Holy Dracan Empire

Emperor Draco Valentus I Current Emperor of the Dracan Empire
Alternative Name(s)
The Dracan Imperium

Dracan Furies - Foot soldiers of the Holy Dracan Imperium

Caer Lux Alta - Seat of the Holy Dracan Imperium


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