Dragonborn, Head of the Phalanx Species in Korinthos | World Anvil
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Dragonborn, Head of the Phalanx

Morzavur Embertongue breathed in deeply with a sigh, taking in the crisp cold air, savoring it on his tongue. Today was the day that he killed an Emperor.
  With a sigh, he lifted himself from the back of the Guard Drake he rode and slid to the ground, letting his scaled feet thunder onto the hard stone. With a grunt he glanced upwards, staring down his red-scaled maw and eyeing the various Dracan Furies that lined the Palace's entryway. They stood a little straighter as he, Morzavur Embertongue Seneschal of the Dragon Phalanx, began his slow approach to the palace. Flanking him, on either side, the various heads of the phalanx marched with their eyes on the palace and hands resting casually on their weapons. They knew that today would be a day of slaughter. Morzavur climbed the steps one after the other, the cool marble clicked beneath his feet and every eye was upon him as he marched, resplendent, in the Seneschal's Garb. Today, he was justice. Today, he placed an heir upon the throne of The Holy Dracan Empire and began what would undoubtedly be a long and arduous civil war.
  Morzavur continued through the Exalted Hall and eventually crested the top step. Here he turned right and went down a long hallway until he could hear the sound of raised voices. He lifted a closed fist, halting the advance of the phalanx behind him before continuing onward and striding into the War Council.
  Emperor Draco Valentus I himself stood tall and commanding at the head of the war table. He locked eyes with Morzavur for a moment before sweeping his gaze over several others that sat nearby. First, his eyes lingered only briefly on Vulcan, the First Blade of the Empire, a truly genius military mastermind and commander of the First Dragon Battalion of the Imperium. Second, his gaze swept over his sons Decimus, Caeso, Cossus, and Primus (from oldest to youngest). Other lesser generals and commanders followed until his eyes landed on his only daughter, Juventia, who sat prim and stoic by herself.
  "How nice of you to join us, Morzavur." The Emperor said as he quietly reached up and stroked the head of the ancient Blue dragon, Veltariasen the First Spark.
  Morzavur nodded his head in acknowledgment and went to sit to the side of Primus.
  The Emperor then continued once Morzavur was seated. "Vulcan, if I am to understand the debrief you offered the savages of Valklema are proving a great nuisance than previously anticipated. Is it true that they managed to kill Zilanthar and his rider?"   "Yes, my lord. They shot harpoons with a net attached to them across a narrow pass and pulled him right from the sky. He might have been an arrogant commander, but its a shame to see such a skilled soldier go so easily like that."
  "Nothing's more frustrating than a crafty underdog. We must crush them quickly. No more dallying, no more wasting time."
  Morzavur leaned over to Primus and whispered to him. "Now."
  Primus sat a little taller and coughed loudly.
  The Emperor turned slowly and fixated his youngest son with a stare. "Yes . . . my son."
  "Ah, yes, father . . . I would like to propose a potential solution to our plight."
  Primus sat staring at Draco who in turn stared back at him. "Go on." Draco prompted with a sigh of frustration. "Out with it already, boy."
  Primus's cheeks flushed beet red before he continued. "I have been informed by some of our Susurri that one of the lead rebels, King Wulfric "The Thunderer", will be sailing aboard his raiding vessel southward in the next day or two. If we were to capture this . . . King . . . we might be able to torture him for information and kill a major dissident at the same time."
  Draco stared at Primus for several long moments, letting the youth squirm in his seat. "Yes, yes that is not a bad idea. Pray tell, in the future, which Susurri you used for this information. They may deserve a promotion."
  Morzavur smiled to himself as the other sons of the Emperor turned to regard Primus with envy and anger. The youngest son had taken an important step today. Today, he had received his father's approval. Already the cracks were beginning to form and Morzavur would guide the youth to slaughter his father, his brothers, and, eventually, the entirety of this splendidly corrupt empire. It was his duty, as a sworn paladin of Bahamut and as the head of the Dragon Phalanx he would not allow them to continue in their corrupt rituals and terrible crusade against those they deemed "less than they."

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn usually take harsh-sounding first names which are then supplemented with a last name, received from their parents.
  Examples: Morzavur, Arzhivax, Berikar, Verithax, etc.

Major Organizations

The Dragon Phalanx - The most honorable and highly esteemed military station a dragonborn can hope to attain.
The Vox Dracus - Respected and skilled orators from among the dragonborn might end up here, representing an ancient dragon or serving as one of their esteemed servants, bringing food and working to serve their needs.
The Vox Periclus - Dragonborn skilled in the art of magic might be sent here to study and serve the imperium. Here, they learn and study old and new magics, looking for ways to utilize them in the empire's growth and defense.
The Sojourners - A secretive group of dragonborn who wish to leave the imperium indefinitely and find freedom and refuge amongst the Caer hidden cities or to find the supposedly hidden free dragonborn city of Caer Obscurus.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Dragonborn are among the noblest and honorable species one is likely to meet. That being said, not every dragonborn fits this mold. There are plenty of power-hungry backstabbers among the dragonborn, but, as a rule, most dragonborn seem keen and content in living honorably. It is expected, then, that in your dealings with dragonborn that you act honestly and respectfully. In doing so, you will earn their honesty and respect and potentially their trust and regard. This tradition is of honor is often observed through freely giving compliments and sharing something that you hold dear when others share what they have.


The Dragonborn of Caedus have not called Caedus their home in quite some time. Ever since the Holy Dracan Empire emerged from the Arborweald the Dragonborns have been subject to them completely. They form the backbone of the Empire's shock troops and serve in honored positions as bodyguards and generals for the Imperium. Dragonborn only have five remaining great cities, hidden away in five secret locations. They are called Caer Draco, Caer Sanguinus, Caer Squama, Caer Oculus, and Caer Unguis. These cities raise the new generations of the Dragon Phalanx and serve as places of education and training for that same phalanx.
100 years
Average Height
6 - 7'6" feet
Average Weight
250 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonborn come in one of three varieties. They are either chromatic (red, blue, black, green, white), metallic (brass, bronze, gold, platinum, and silver), or gem (sapphire, emerald, amethyst, topaz, and obsidian). These colors are not inherently good or evil, instead, they simply affect physique and the type of elemental breath they can summon. Sometimes, though it is rare, a dragonborn may receive dual parentage in which one color may be the primary color and another the secondary OR, in some rare cases, the colors mix to form new effects entirely.


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