Tower of the Zenith Building / Landmark in Kobos | World Anvil

Tower of the Zenith

"(a=u|4v2-w2|, b=v|4u2-w2|, c=4uvw)*(d=w3, e=u[4v2+w2], f=v[4u2+w2])"   ~Treaty of Zenith

Purpose / Function

The Tower of the Zenith was built to harvest the energies of the node connecting the Hochriss overhead to the Gelrime in the aquafer below. Properly prepared solutions can be converted into Thairin Gwâs.


The wooden structure is built on the ruins of an older, ancient structure likely built for a similar purpose. The original tower is more recent than the Grimlocks, but much older than Tilane. It boasts an impressive underbasement, which has largely been sealed over by the more recent tower and is more or less unexplored.


The old tower which forms the foundation of the new tower was built on and into a tall, steep earthwork around which the artificial hill of Neklek was built. The old tower was built with closely fitted, irregular stones. The new one is built with wood timbers sealed together with a cement made from limestone and quartz powders and bound with thick rope. The whole structure is regularly painted with flame retardant paints.


The Tower of the Zenith was built on a mysterious and ancient foundation that had itself formed the basis of Neklek. It was built by the The Golden Tower according to a floor plan observed by a member of the tower who was exploring the Beastlands. Within minutes of its activation, an embassy from the Ley Empire of Gnomekin contesting ownership of the structure. The conflict was nominally resolved peacefully with the two sides sharing the tower's output and dividing it according to a complex algorithm that is essentially impenetrable to outsiders.   Naturally, this has caused conflagrations on a regular basis.
Refinery / Industrial complex
Parent Location


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