Faenthezare Character in Kobos | World Anvil


Archdruid Faenthezare

"Faenthezare is a great Archdruid. Lousy father. He always cared more about the will of the grove than his 'little cub'."   ~Grassgrove LaughingpeltDeputy of Alcedene

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Faenthezare is a massively strong slab of muscle and sinew, resembling a lion in his prime.

Facial Features

Faenthezare has a lion's muzzle, and though his eyes are a light-reflecting amber they have not lost their humanity.

Special abilities

Faenthezare is a master of transformation and stealth, able to become a feline of any species with a mere thought and sharing their quiet steps and savage potential for violence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faenthezare was born in Catamount Grassgrove. He did not join regular human society at any point, instead opting to disappear regularly into the grove to commune with the spirits. He would spend weeks at a time running with the cats and hunting without tools. He mastered the ability to transform early, and enjoyed being feline more than being human.   He rose through the mysteries with rapidity, and eventually took on the role of the Archdruid. Before his ascension, he had an inkling that it was near and sent his daughter to Alcedene to give her the option of being human, knowing that there would be little paternal connection when he was acting as conduit for the grove.


Faenthezare was popular with the ladies of the grove until his ascension. After he rose to the rank of Archdruid, he had little interest in such petty biology.

Mental Trauma

What remains of Faenthezare's humanity regrets the distance between himself and his daughter, Deputy Grassgrove Laughingpelt

Intellectual Characteristics

Faenthezare is an easygoing Sanguine personality.

Morality & Philosophy

Faenthezare is a Consequentialist, observing the interconnections of nature and knowing that no act is truly in isolation.


Faenthezare would never bring harm to his grove.

Personality Characteristics


Faenthezare cares for his grove above all else.

Likes & Dislikes

Faenthezare really does prefer cats to people.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Faenthezare spends an outsized amount of time grooming himself and relaxing.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
920 Y 75 Years old
Brown, Auburn mane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden fur
Thickly yet sleekly muscled
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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