Archmage Dulacar Character in Kobos | World Anvil

Archmage Dulacar

Archmage Dulacar Xgryctireen Lórhén (a.k.a. The Reaper, The Monster, The Destroyer, The Juggernaut, The Slayer, Gwathrenúan (To the elves))

"Deluer went after Gwathrenúan last night. The monster was abroad without any guards, so he thought he could bring it down at a distance. The thing let him let him take three shots before it cut him almost in half. Then it interrogated the corpse, and started coming after us. I never saw it move faster than a walk, but it was always there, around every corner and around every bend. It had summoned it's minions and they started swarming the woods. We had to abandon our prisoners to lighten our load, but they still got all of us in the end.   "The six of us that survived were trussed up and put on our knees on the beach of the lake. One by one, the creature touched our foreheads and I watched the light of intelligence wink out of the eyes of my warband. When it got to me, it just chuckled and let me go. I left my friends behind, they were gone anyway, and I ran. I will never take up arms against that monstrous tower again."   ~Tuiffael, the bandit (retired)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dulacar grew up not fitting in. His own mother feared him, the humans distrusted him, the goblins on the other side of the border were so horrified by him that they sent greenskin assassins to kill him the minute they found out he existed. This made it dangerous to be near him, and people learned to keep their distance. When he displayed magical talent, his mother did not hesitate to send him off to the Gold Tower, but they soon realized that the young boy would be better off in the Brass Tower, where he could be taught to discipline not just his magic, but also his rage and seething hatred.   As a tyro, he distinguished himself as part of a partisan squad hunting wild elf raiders. He relished the deeds, and rarely took prisoners. He raised quickly through the ranks, the technocracy of the Brass Tower recognizing his talent early.   He was soon in charge of such raids himself, and then he did begin taking prisoners. The flow of elf captives was so steady that the tower launched an investigation into his behavior to make sure that he wasn't violating treaties with the elves to accomplish it. No charges were ever filed, and he was soon promoted out of the field to assist Archmage Ghada in her tragically short stint as archmage. When she died, Dulacar was quickly nominated to become Archmage.


Dulacar has two wives that live on the island surrounding the tower. Not much is known about them aside from the fact that they despise each other. Their exact identities are kept secret.


Dulacar was trained as a war mage, but he also insisted on attending the training of the arcane warriors. As an archmage, he's unparalleled in talent and accomplishment. Were he simply an arcane knight, however, he would easily qualify as a captain or commander despite his youth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dulacar is the youngest archmage ever raised in any of the three towers since their founding.

Mental Trauma

The circumstances of his birth has left Dulacar with a burning hatred of elves and outlaws.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dulacar is intelligent, calculating, and quick-witted.

Morality & Philosophy

Dulacar is a pragmatist, and once he sets a goal there is nothing he won't do to accomplish it. Luckily, he is actually fairly low on personal ambitions and thus his pragmatism does work for the strengthening of the Brass Tower.


Dulacar does not accept failure. There is simply succeeding and not being done yet.


Archmage Dulacar

Ally (Important)

Towards Grandmaster Jeren



Grandmaster Jeren

Ally (Important)

Towards Archmage Dulacar



Witchfinder General Kill-Sin

Enemy (Important)

Towards Archmage Dulacar



Archmage Dulacar

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Witchfinder General Kill-Sin



Year of Birth
929 Y 66 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Dulacar was born to elvish parents, which resulted in her flight and refugee status in Cambreath.
One set of pupils is blue, the other is violet-red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Old Tongue


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