Imperial Bloodline Organization in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Imperial Bloodline

The imperial bloodline (also known as the Mhanek family by outsiders) rules the Udynea Empire. It is a mercurial line that, despite having both land and prestige in excess, holds no actual family name. This has been true for many centuries, no matter which household has control over the throne.   The current ruler is Jagesh Mhanek. His day-to-day tasks involve serving the Imperial Council and maintaining societal order in the Crystal Court. It leaves little time for him to manage personal affairs or that of the many imperial estates, but such tasks have long been divided amongst trusted officials (often high-status slaves).  


The title of Mhanek means, in its direct translation, 'Great One' and is the equivalent of being called an Emperor.   Each title below that references the closest standing a person has to the Mhanek. Titles such as vris Mhanek and vlos Mhanek are reserved for the eldest son and daughter respectively and, whilst as they translate merely to 'son/daughter of the great one', it is more correct to call them Crown Prince or First Princess. There is also the title of vrissin/vlossina for younger princes/princesses.  


Despite having many children, Jagesh Mhanek has but one son, and therefore, one heir: Darshan vris Mhanek.   However, despite Darshan being healthy, the family as a whole has bounced from one succession crisis to another owing not only to Jagesh losing his wife, Falak, during the birth of their second twin, but the simple fact the crown prince showed interest only in those of his gender and rejected any idea of siring an heir himself.   These fears were mildly alleviated after the birth of the Mhanek's first grandson by his second eldest daughter, Onella vlossina Mhanek. With Darshan having also recently married the exiled Prince Hamish Mathan of Tirglas, there are also whispers that they are expecting a child.  


As with any powerful family, there are rumours circulating about what goes on in the imperial palace. These rumours come not only from servants, but chatter through the Crystal Court, which is often awash with controversy and speculation about anyone who dares to show their face.  
  • The Imperial Family has long had to defend itself against rumours that their bloodline is weakening due to keeping their marriages limited to the same small selection of families (a problem many within the upper nobility face in their quest to maintain strong magic lines). There is some truth in regards to the previous two Mhaneks suffering from mental decay. But with Jagesh's wife coming from lower nobility, it may be that his heir will evade the fate of his forebears.
  • The hottest gossip in the Crystal Court is centred around Darshan vris Mhanek and his new husband. Many speculate on Hamish's ability to 'tame' their unruly and hedonistic vris Mhanek. This is often conflated by the fact the foreign prince is of an impressive stature compared to many Udyneans and, due to his more conservative upbringing, doesn't make use of the public bathing facilities.
  • A long-brewing speculation is that of a possible coup under Onella vlossina Mhanek. It is well-known that the princess despises her half-brother and believes she would make a far better ruler and is bitter over the patriarchal tradition of male heirs. It is said that she has been behind numerous deaths amongst her half-sisters, and their male children, in an effort to keep her son as the only available heir in order to seize the throne in her son's name upon her father's death.
  • The above point has led to controversy over the Mhanek's insistence to keep his grandson within the imperial palace. Many speculated that he sought to completely skip his own son inheriting the crown, but this has now been thrown into disarray with the vris Mhanek's marriage and many houses are now struggling to gather themselves or reform old alliances.

Tenemus mundi fatum

Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Controlled Territories
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