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The federal army has engaged rebel militia on a few occasions, emerging as the clear victor in most. The Bill for the end of slavery is altered greatly in the wake of the crisis. The alteration ends the import of new slaves into the country, and ends the sale of slaves throughout the admitted states, but not the ownership of those already enslaved. Premier William Short forces the vote, taking advantage of rebel senators’ absences. The notion passes, with Chancellor Elbridge Gerry signing into law. No firm plan for the recently freed slaves had been emplaced, with many ranging from assimilation to reparation.
  Rebel militia prove to be ill effective. By the end of the year, nearly all rebel militias are defeated, either routed or captured, in the states of Virginia and Tennessee. Government officials that supported rebel efforts are forced to resign. Domestically, Gerry and Augustus I are heavily criticized for their aggressiveness towards the insurrections. Many cabinet and military officials resign out of protest, many believing the efforts were immoral or supported the rebel efforts. Abolition papers and Libertarian speakers attempt to paint the rebel leaders as fanatics gripping to what is increasingly seen as an outdated form of economy and agriculture. This sees mixed success, and many of the public view the situation as the Federal Government’s inability to govern. Rebels use Pro-French Canadians and Spanish Caribbean forces to get supplies. This fuels anti-French and Spanish sentiment among the Unionists and Libertarians.
  Prince Augustus is able to gain a report with Louis Bonaparte, now called King Louis I of Holland, as he is able to play on Louis’ desire for independence from Napoleon. While this eases tensions from opposition towards the monarchy, many Americans begin to protest engagement in European wars. However, Prince Augustus effectively takes over the role of Commander-in-Chief from his father, as August the Elder's health begins to decline.
  Prince Augustus and Princess Elizabeth Monroe welcome their third child, Prince John, or Johan.

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