
Basic Information


Vampires, in general, have anatomy that is most similar to humans, as they once were humans before their curse changed them. Internally, their body chemistery allows them to only digest blood, and so certain organs have reduced dramatically in size. Vampires' intestines are a fraction of the size of the usual human's, as most of their nutrients are processed through the kidneys. The stomach moved lower so that it can extend beyond the rib cage, allowing vampires to consume nearly two gallons of blood at one time if needed.

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to their heritage, having come from humans, vampires reproduce in the same way humans do. Vampire babies also nurse from their mothers, but after about six months begin to struggle to digest their mothers' milk. At this age parents begin feeding them blood.

Growth Rate & Stages

Babies are weaned onto blood at about six months of age. At about one year, they begin getting teeth, beginning with their fangs. It isn't until the child's adult fangs come in, around ten years of age, that the child's body begins producing venom. Until then, they are unable to catch and kill prey without help.

Vampire parents acquire blood for their families, and teach teenage vampires where to best acquire blood when they can be trusted to do so themselves.

Vampires typically begin to reproduce around the age of 25. Most do not form monogamous partnerships, though some choose to. Often, vampires form family groups that include multiple adult members of varying genders, and the children born to group members. These groups may be loosely formed, with members coming and going from the group as they please, or more tightly bonded, with members sometimes remaining for life.

As they approach the end of their lives, elder vampires need more and more help from other group members to feed, as their bodies become less mobile and their fangs dull.

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires thrive best in remote areas where they can keep domesticated livestock or human companions to sustain their need for blood. Living closer to urban areas allows vampires to acquire blood from the system of hidden shops and live-feeding clubs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampires can only live on the blood of mammals. Humans are often preferred, but any mammal will do. As all species have blood that tastes differently, some vampires or groups of vampires have preferences as to what they will consume.

Biological Cycle

Excessive heat is unpleasant for vampires, and causes them to become sluggish. Vampires do best with cold weather, and thrive in cold climates and winter seasons. Despite popular misconception, vampires are perfectly able to move about in sunlight, though many prefer feeding at night as the darkness offers some protection.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Vampires tend to live in extended family groups made of both related and unrelated members. Some of these groups occupy large geographical areas with much movement among group members.

All groups are subject to a council of vampires from the country in which they live. This council is elected by residents and exists to ensure the safety and overall wellbeing of vampires in its country. In very large countries, there are often state or regional councils as well. Members of these councils meet on a yearly basis at an international, worldwide session.

Facial characteristics

Vampires tend to have a pale complexion unless they have recently fed. Their facial structure tends to be angular.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vampires live throughout the world, though most take great pains to hide their true identities from humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vampires can smell fresh blood for over a mile.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Many vampires keep livestock, human companions, or pets to use for food. The term "pet" may refer to the usual types of domestic or exotic animals, but some vampires also refer to human companions as "pets" as well.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The truest ideal of beauty among vampires is the flush of having just fed, but without the distended stomach of a full meal. Many vampires consume many small meals of blood to accomplish this, feeding when each blush fades after a few hours.

Gender Ideals

Vampires, in general, are exceptional in regards to gender equality. Many are also welcoming of ideas of genders outside the binary of male and female.

Courtship Ideals

Family groups often encourage vampire youths to attend events that will allow them to interact with others outside the family to increase genetic diversity. There is little time spent on courtship, however. If vampires have an agreeable relationship after a few meetings, they usually move on rather quickly, with one or more vampires joining the family group of another.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships typically take the form of polyamorous groups that focus heavily on communal childrearing. Relations between those of the same gender are usually not frowned upon in most families.

Common Etiquette Rules

Rules of etiquette vary between family groups, but an overall unwritten rule among all vampire groups is that no one takes the meals of others. This applies not only to vampires happening upon others while they are feeding, but also to the livestock, pets, and human companions kept by some vampires. Vampires are expected to leave others' sources of food untouched and unbothered. Conflicts caused by those breaking this rule are expected to be resolved by those involved, but the Consilium Internationale has a court system in place to handle large infractions of any nature.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Vampires pay tribute to Nicias every year on Halloween. This celebration was once held at other times of the year, usually depending on when local celebrations made it possible for vampires to celebrate unnoticed. Over time, with the rise of the Halloween tradition, more and more vampires turned to celebrating their founder on that holiday.

Honoring Nicias involves a fast of several days, broken by a feast during which blood from many types of animals is consumed. Humans are often invited to these celebrations as a source of blood. In some cases these celebrations that include humans become orgies due to the arousing effects of vampire venom on humans.

Some vampire families use this holiday to remember and honor their past leaders and memorable ancestors, as well, by setting up altars for these ancestors at the location of the feasting.

Common Taboos

Drinking Vampire Blood - The most common taboo among nearly all vampire groups is the drinking of vampire blood. This is akin to cannibalism to vampires and is not typically tolerated.


The origin of vampires goes back to Nicias, an ancient Greek man. He had been wounded and left among the dead following a battle with its details have been lost to time. So overcome with the desire to live, he lapped at the blood of a dying soldier beside him, thinking the blood to be medicine in his pained and fevered state. This angered God, because Nicias had devoted himself to purity and the worship of one god, not the multitudes of his fellow Greeks who worshipped the angels as gods. Thus angered, God cursed Nicias, his extended family, and all their slaves, to only be able to survive on blood forevermore.

Common Myths and Legends

There are many fictional accounts of vampires, some of which were written by humans once in the employment of vampires, or who were their lovers. Much of this fiction contains only bits of truth. Any of those who have attempted to disclose the entire truth of vampire existence have been hunted down and their work destroyed. Only those who make changes have been permitted to continue their work. The Consilium Internationale has a special committee that focuses on reading, watching, and listening to things about vampires in order to determine if writers have stepped beyond the allowable amount of truth.

120 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
4ft-6ft (some variation on either end has been noted)
Average Physique
Most vampires are thin and agile, as they derive little fat content from the blood they consume. What fat reserve their body does create can be rapidly depleted in times of low blood consumption.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale. Any red or pink on any part of the body shows that a vampire has recently fed.
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