Arc I: Band of Locusts Plot in Kindevion | World Anvil
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Arc I: Band of Locusts


Curse of the Frigid Wrath is a long-form D&D 5e campaign set in Kindevion and intended for play with a medium to large group. It is focused on combat, facilitated through Owlbear Rodeo, as well as inter-character roleplay. During the campaign, the players will be forced into a 3 month struggle against Vorston, a powerful Demon Lord who seeks to pass judgement upon the realm. The plot will take the party across Kindevion in order to collect artifacts necessary to kill Vorston, all while the players grapple with the cycle of violence they and the realm have fallen victim to.
  • This adventure is designed for 4-7 players, taking them from 1st to 13th level. By the end of this arc, the players should be level 3.
  • The campaign is split into nine arcs, each of which being between 2 and 6 sessions in length. The campaign as a whole can be completed in roughly 30-35 sessions.
  • Playable races include Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Drow, Orc, Half-Orc, Changeling, Halfling, Aasimar, and Warforged. Other races are excluded due to conflicts with Kindevion's lore, though conversation with the DM may allow additional races to be possible.
  • If you intend to use the pre-written story hook, Player Characters should each be mercenaries belonging to the Novodelian Steel Ravens, the Brilish Stag Rangers, or the Arbhorian Oaken Legion.
  • It is intended that the players' backstories are interwoven into the campaign's narrative. Pre-made characters are provided in the Appendix for this module and require little work to integrate, but player-made characters are recommended.
  • Due to the length of this campaign, it is advisable to run it with a smaller group that can meet consistently as to limit scheduling conflicts.
  • An optional prologue module, The Great Judgement, is also included with this campaign, adding an additional 4-5 session's worth of content set 2000 years before the events of Curse of the Frigid Wrath.

Notes for the Dungeon Master

Curse of the Frigid Wrath has several unique mechanics and nuances that set it apart from other campaigns.
  • Very early on, the players will be introduced to the Rings of Frigid Wrath, powerful cursed rings which find themselves upon people who are not pure of heart and cannot be removed. These rings bind the wearer's soul to Hel, a plane belonging to Vorston, which traps the wearer's soul in Hel when they die. The rings also occasionally (at the DM's discression) summon Fiends from Hel to fight the party. It is also possible for the rings to summon an Archdemon, a powerful fiend that takes the form of the wearer's deepest fears, regrets, or haunting memories. Tables for the Demonic Encounters can be found in the Appendix.
  • Kindevion is a world in which fantastical races once lived in excess, but are now far less common. The humans of Kindevion, in many societies, are hostile towards these magical races. When traveling to a town, city, or new country, the players will want to be wary of the local culture and adjust their approach accordingly.
  • The main antagonist of this campaign is Vorston, the Frigid King, a 2000 year old immortal Demon Lord. Vorston was once a human, a fact that will remain secret from the players until much later, and he became a Demon Lord in order to save the Human race 2000 years ago during the Great Magic War, an era that has become lost to modern history. Seeing that humanity has become corrupted during his absence, Vorston intends to create an eternal winter by eclisping the sun, then give Kindevion to his legion of demons. Vorston cannot do this until the Winter Solstice, 90 in-game days after the campaign begins. Vorston is also joined by his fellow Demon Lords; Emna, the Queen of Desire, Namek, the Pestilence Eternal, and Lod, the Commander of Ego. More information about these characters is provided in the Appendix.

Trigger Warnings

The Curse of the Frigid Wrath campaign tackles several mature themes in its narrative. Many players might be made uncomfortable by the subject matter presented in some chapters, and so it is your responsibility as the DM to discuss potential triggers with your players before play begins. It is advisable that this be done anonymously, such as through an online form.   Potential triggers discussed by the DM within this campaign include, but are not limited to:
  • Implied Abuse
  • Abduction
  • Violence
  • Blood
  • Gore
  • Murder
  • Death
  • Injuries
  • Hangings
  • Excecutions
  • Human Sacrifice
  • Child Death (No younger than 14 years old)
  • Torture
  • Substance Abuse
  • Religious Themes
  • Romance
  • Animal Death (Non-Explicit, Lacking Abuse)
  • Pregnancy
  • Miscariages / Abortion
  • Self-harm
  • Classism
  • War
Certain themes or triggers will never be discussed by the DM in this campaign, which include, but are not limited to:
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Activity (Including implied Pedophilia or Incest)
  • Shaming for Sexual Activity
  • Animal Abuse
  • Real-World Racism
  • Real-World Homophobia or Transphobia
  • Explicit Corelations to Real-World Tragedies
  • Explicit Corelations to or Criticism of Real-World Religious Beliefs
  • Suicide
If this campaign were a movie, it would be Rated PG-13 or R. Make sure your players are aware of this before starting. The DM should discuss a plan of action with their players in the case of a triggering scene. This can be as simple as the player leaving the room or lightly sumarizing/skipping the scene or triggering event.

Player-Initiated Romantic/Sexual Content

In some situations, a player may desire to initiate sexual content with an NPC or fellow PC. Before starting the campaign, discuss with your players if this is something they desire and to what degree. If not, you as the DM should never initiate romantic or sexual interactions between PCs or NPCs.
  • If this type of content is desired by the players, discuss whether it shoud be Explicit or Fade-to-Black. Explicit content is described in full, while Fade-to-Black ends the scene just before the content would begin.
  • In the event that a player attempts to initiate a Romantic or Sexual interaction with an NPC or PC at the table after it was decided to not be allowed, politely but sternly tell them that this conduct is unacceptable. If the conduct occurs a second time, this is reason to immediately eject the player from the table for the remainer of the session.

Chapter 1: The Battle of Fort Ramiel

Refered to as the Battle of Fort Ramiel hook, this story hook sees the players as participants in an undercover battle for resources, placing them at Fort Ramiel mere hours before Vorston, this campaign's antagonist, makes his first appearance. Following the battle, the party must travel to Yedirlu through the Swamp of Cartonia, where they will meet Myral Yandar. Myral has connections to a wizard named Ulrick Bolbin, a former collegue who could tell them how to stop Vortson.
Our story takes place in the realm of Kindevion, a world of island continents separated by vast seas. For decades, the kingdoms of Kindevion have lived in an uneasy peace, spanning from the villages and cities of Brilon, to the sandy wastes of Zakib, to the endless forests of Arbhor. In the past 5 years, various resources in each of the 15 kingdoms, such as lumber, coal, and steel, have begun to dwindle, with grudges between the other kingdoms preventing them from replenishing. In order to maintain their fragile alliances, various kingdoms have enlisted the help of unaffiliated mercenary bands to acquire these resources on their behalf. These mercenaries are often sent into the Neutral Territories to fight over these resources, as they have no official connections to any major countries. One such place is the Northern Neutral Zone, where a great battle is taking place…
Should you wish to create a different story hook, simply place your players in a small town near Fort Ramiel, such as Yedirlu. Vorston's Rings of Frigid Wrath will descend upon the town from the direction of Fort Ramiel, cursing the players with the Rings and giving them reason to investigate the fort.  

Fort Ramiel - Northern Neutral Zone

The Battle of Fort Ramiel is a sandstone fortress built on a cliff in the central Northern Neutral Zone. The cliff is in the middle of a grassy plain, bordered on three sides by ocean. The fortress is built atop a coal mine, making it a desireable location during this resource-poor time in history.
A lone hawk soars high above the battlefield. It dives and rises with ease, like a playful child, until the sound of cannonfire scares it off. You are running aross a great battlefield; the rolling and empty fields surrounding a rocky cliff, upon which lies Fort Ramiel. Mercenaries from across the realm fight tooth and nail, each locked into bloody combat. Roaring footsteps and pained screams ring out from all directions as they make their advance, swords drawn and banners held high. You identify three groups; the Novodelian Steel Ravens, who defend the fortress, the Oaken Legion of Arbhor, and the ruthless Brilish Stag Rangers. Fort Ramiel is known to be built atop a coal mine, a valuable resource in these times, though its capture is forbidden by international law. Luckily, international law means little to a mercenary.
  • At this point, go around the table and ask each player to describe their character and which force they're fighting for.
  • For players fighting for the Steel Ravens, their objective is to defend Fort Ramiel from the attackers.
  • For players fighting for the Stag Rangers or Oaken Legion, their objective is to infiltrate the fort and assassinate the Novodelian General Vykadeen, which would end the battle.
  • If a player falls to 0 HP during this battle, they fall unconcious and will awaken after the battle concludes with 1 HP. Depending on who wins, they will either awaken in the fort's barracks or imprisoned in the fort's courtyard.
  After the battle concludes, allow the victors time to revel in their victory in the fort's courtyard. Their commander is different for each group; The Stag Rangers are led by General Calius, the Oaken Legion by General Shmoder, and the Steel Ravens by General Vykadeen. The victors' commander will gift them 50gp for their efforts during the battle.   After they have collected the gold, describe the following scene:
Men and women around you celebrate the victory. Tankards of ale are passed from mercenary to mercenary as valiant and traditional war-chants echo throughout the fortress. The high sun dims slightly as clouds begin to roll in, carried by the first chill of autumn.
Allow the players a few minutes to continue celebrating or acknowledge the changing weather before describing further:
A chill sweeps through the courtyard; a cold breeze with a stench of smoke and gunpowder. The sky dims further as plump and dark storm clouds roll in. You expect rain, but it does not come. Instead, small flutering white particles drift downwards from the sky above as the steam of your breath manifests before you. The peculiar weather is captivating, and you almost do not notice the strange knight entering the fort on horseback. A thin layer of snow lays draped over the armor of the black, emaciated steed and her rider's dark cloak. A cloud of breath emits from the knight's rusted silver helmet.   "What is your purpose in this fort?" The rider says, his words echoing in a withered voice.
The mysterious rider is Vorston's Messenger, who has appeared to deliver Vorston's judgement upon the mercenaries. Continue with the following:
"I've always kept a disdain for mercenaries; theres no honor in it. You fight and kill and die for rocks in the ground, while you allow greedy men to pull the strings of your fate. Your occupation is exemplary of the corruption of your race. Your greed compells you, like a dog is compelled to heel. You have learned nothing from your ancestors, from my own sacrifice. You must be made an example of."   The knight lowers his visor, revealing a hideous and withered flesh beneath. He exhales, and a swarm of tiny silver insects emits from his breath, the rapid buzzing of their wings drowning the shocked screams of the other mercenaries. One of these locusts flies towards you with sickly speed, landing onto your ring finger with the speed of an arrow. It bites, drawing blood, then melts before your eyes into the shape of a ring, adorned with a single crimson jewel. Each and every mercenary in the courtyard has the same.   The rider shouts as his horse rises; "Hear me! These rings bind your soul to my domain; the frozen Hel which will become your afterlife. For the rest of your mortal lives, you shall be tormented by my demonic children. You, however, are just the first. In 90 days, on the winter solstice, I shall unleash my Frigid Wrath upon Kindevion, an eternal winter from which no survivors shall rise. Heed my warning."   Just as suddenly as he arrived, Vorston disappears, disintegrating into snow. As the sky clears, there is silence. A horse cries out as the general rides through the courtyard in a hury, leaving through the front gate. Panic errupts amongst the mercenaries, forcing out through the front gate. Before long, you are alone in the fortress.
The players have all been equiped with a Ring of Frigid Wrath, an irremovable ring which binds their soul to Hel and summons Fiends to attack them.   The barracks of the fort contain many weapons, and a DC 13 Investigation check allows a player to find one random Simple or Martial Weapon.   A pile of crates in the corner of the courtyard contain 1d4 Potions of Healing.   A DC 10 History check allows the PCs to recall that there is a town called Yedirlu southwest of Fort Ramiel, past the Swamp of Cartonia. It will take an hour to walk to the Swamp of Cartonia and 30 minutes to get there by horse.   Once the players leave the fort, they will see the countless armored bodies lying throughout the plains. The bodies can be looted, allowing them to find a random piece of Light Armor.  

Swamp of Cartonia

The Swamp of Cartonia is a chilly wetland located between Fort Ramiel and the town of Yedirlu. A thin cravel road passes through the swamp.
After an hour / 30 minutes of traveling, a wetland comes into view. Thin and sickly trees jut from the low-laying mist like pillars. A chill breeze carries the scent of mold. You see the road continues through the swamp, forming a thin, winding path across the shallow waters.
While the players travel through this location, they will experience their first Demonic Encounter, as their Rings glow and four Skeletons emerge from the misty waters. The Skeletons will want to engage in ranged combat for as long as possible. The waters of the swamp are considered rough terrain.   After the Skeletons have been defeated, they can be looted for 30gp. The party will arrive in Yedirlu after traveling the road for another two hours.  


Yedirlu is a small town of roughly 2000 residents, located on the Neurtral Zone's western coast. Following the Battle of Fort Ramiel, the general of the victorious force rode through Yedirlu and warned the townsfolk of the Demons. The people of Yedirlu are prejudiced against non-human races, and their leader Count Zenorick has insisted that the "Eleven Devils" amongst their town are responsible for the demons.   When the players arrive in Yedirlu, a public excecution will be taking place:
Before long, the cold waters of the desert give way to rolling hills of grass. The road winds through the countryside, past crumbling ruins of old and patches of forest. It has been two hours on the road, the afternoon sun shining dimly through flattened and scattered clouds, when the town of Yedirlu comes into view. The town sits nestled between the frigid sea to the west and a dense forest to the east; a hidden pocket of civilization in the wilds of the north. It is yet a small town, having no port to speak of.   As the road leads you into the streets of Yedirlu, you notice no passerbys, no citizens to greet you. The sounds of a croud lead you to the town square. The croud is gathered around a large gallow in the center of the square, it's three nooses hanging in the breeze. Armed guards are holding three people by the arm, each of whom has pointed ears. A pudgy man in noble attire stands at a podium before the gallows. "People of Yedirlu," he says with opulent fervor, "You all have heard the General's warning this afternoon! Fiendish demons are soon to descend on our poor little town, brought on surely by the wicked machinations of these devils, who hath lived under our very noses for so long! Fear not, my bretheren, your Count Zenorick will deliver these wretches to the feet of Divinity!"
There are effectively two choices for the players to make during this scene:  

Stand By

The party chooses not to intervene in the excecution. Perhaps intervention would draw unwanted attention, making themselves a target for the town guard. If this path is chosen, the players will have to locate Myral's Tavern on their own. Be sure to describe the tavern as a notably safe location where they could rest.  


The party chooses to intervene and stop the excecution. There are five Guards on the gallows platform, as well as Count Zenorick, who uses the Noble statblock. It is also possible to cut the nooses with a well-placed arrow shot or knife throw, creating an opportunity for the elves to escape. One of the elves is notably named Stepheroth, and if he survives the encounter will become an important character in a later arc. If this path is chosen, the party will be approached by Miral Yandar, a small elderly woman wearing a cloak, who will tell them "I know about the Dark Lord. Come with me," and will lead the party away from the crowd to Myral's Tavern.

Myral's Tavern

Myral's Tavern is a small two-story tudor-style house, the first floor having been converted into a bar.
The winding streets of the town open up to a boulevard. On one side of the street, a large two-story house sits, its sign reading "Myral's Tavern." Warm lights from within illuminate the quickly darkening street through intricate windows. Something about the tavern's homeliness fills you with comfort.   A bronze chandelier illuminates the bar space of the tavern. You spy a strange symbol seemingly burned into the doorframe through which you entered. The eastern wall houses a well stocked bar, next to which is one of several doors leading to rooms for rent. Dispite the establishment's comforting atmosphere, you seem to be the only patrons.   [Arcana 15] The symbol appears to be the Runescript for Argath, the Goddess of Travel. You feel it hum with magical energy, but you cannot discern what it does.
If the party did not meet Myral in the town square, she will be here polishing glasses. After the party introduces themselves, she will inquire about their rings, her expression shifting from her usual bubbly demenour to a more serious one.   At the tavern, Myral will explain that she was once a scholar at the Royal Academy of Vush, where she studied the occult and learned abou Vorston, the knight who appeared at the fort. During her time there, she also served as an assistant to a professor named Sortis and his protege, Ulrick Bolbin. Ulrick is a powerful wizard. Myral will tell that, one day, the three of them discovered Vorston's existence, as well as that of his three kin, Lod, the Commander of Ego, Emna, the Queen of Desire, and Namek, the Pestilence Eternal.   Myral does not know what the rune on the door does, only that Ulrick had placed it there.   Myral will suggest to the players that Ulrick might know the key to stopping Vorston's Frigid Wrath and saving the realm. She will also tell that, ever since The Second Resource War, the Northern Neutral Zone has been crippled by international law to prevent another war, and so the only place with a port is Sharfa, located at the continent's southern tip.   Myral will also have a map of the Northern Neutral Zone to give to the party.   After the party has spent some time in the tavern, they will be interupted by Count Zenorick and his five Guards, if he has been left alive. Once all the enemies have died, the players' Rings of Frigid Wrath will begin to glow. Zenorick will then rise again as Snake Demon Zenorick. Once the party succeeds, they have the choice of either staying a night in the tavern to gain a Long Rest or setting out to the south immediately.   When the group departs from Yedirlu, the party reaches Level 2.

Chapter 2: Journey Through the Wilds

Chapter 2 sees the player characters attempting to cross the Neutral Zone and the Tarstan Colonies to reach Sharfa. Along the way, the players will encounter several notable characters such as Zachary and Kolri Crowweaver, Lief and Tilly Hobb, and Frennan Shessad. The Wilds of the Northern Neutral Zone are vast and mostly uninhabited. A map of the region can be found in the Appendix. Not every location on the map is important to the story, and those not mentioned here have short descriptions in the Appendix should the party choose to go there.  


Bandisar is a large town of roughly 5000 people, located in the Great Wheatfield of the Wilds. The town is surrounded by a coblestone wall 5ft thick and 30ft tall. There are two main gates into the town; a west gate and an east gate. Entry to the town is only permitted to those who can pay the 100gp fee at the gate or who are already citizens.   As the party arrives in Bandisar, read the following:
As you ride, the windswept hills begin to shift towards more temperate greenery. After 4 hours of riding, you believe you have crossed over into the Tarstan Colonies, an area of the Neutral Zone controlled by the Kingdom of Tarstan. After another 2 hours, the thick forests turn to a beutiful sight; a field of wheat stretching as far as the eye can see. The road passes through a town ahead, surrounded by a coblestone wall. There are two guards standing either side of the main gate into the town of Bandisar.
The two guards are on the lookout for anyone who might cause trouble. The town is wary after General Shmoder rode through and warned them of the demons. The guards in the town are looking for any valid reason to arrest the party, especially if they're caught stealing.   The party shouldn't have any real reason to stay in Bandisar, and can pass through on the main road if they so choose.   Bandisar has three main locations: The Goldwheat Inn, Arlind's Supply, and Fort Ravenguard.  

Goldwheat Inn

The Goldwheat Inn is the most popular inn in Bandisar. They party can expect to find a safe place to rest for the night, as well as a good place to eat or drink. While no major NPC's can be met here, there are several people the party could interrogate to gain more insight into the setting and their goal. This would also be a good place to make connections to a character's backstory. (For example, if a character is wanted in another country, they and the other party members might overhear a conversation about the results of their exploits.)   If the party chooses to travel here, read the following:
You notice a squat cobblestone tavern with a wheat-thatched roof. A sign out front identifies it as the Goldwheat Inn. Sweet, smoky aromas hang in the air as jubilant laughter echoes from within the establishment.   You enter the inn. A fire crackles at the far end of the large dining space, filled with tables of many men and women, all conversing merrily as a four-piece band plays on a stage to your right. Two women, twins, are running the barkeep to your right. A small staircase against the back wall of the establishment leads to rooms on the second floor, visible by a balcony overhead.
The two barkeepers, Helga and Henriette, are struggling to keep the bar running. A player may choose to assist them, which will reward them with 12gp after an hour of work. The barkeepers have various services and products which are available for the party to purchase: ProductQuantityPrice Room Rental. Allows the party residence in a room for 24 hours. Rooms come with a double bed, a dresser, and a mirror, as well as a small travel copy of the Scroll of Divinity.3320gp Rations. A simple pack of travel-worthy food in a small sack. Satisfies food and water needs for 1 long rest.85sp Medicine Kit. A small box containing various impliments for repairing minor injuries. 1 Action, heals 5hp. If the user is not proficient with this item, the Medicine Kit is consumed.25gp Ale. Simple Ale produced from wheat. After three uses within an hour, the drinker takes the Drunken condition. This condition imposes disadvantage on all Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks; except for Skill Checks based on Charisma, which gain advantage.
-- 4sp
Perpetual Stew. A bowl of soup which has been continously added to over the years. Grants 8 temporary hp. -- 2gp
Tarstanese Coffee. A cup of coffee from the Tarstan Isle, sweetened with cream and sugar. Grants advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws for 1 day. 5 5gp
Drunken Dragon. Cinnamon infused ale. When consumed, the user casts Burning Hands at 1st level, then takes the Drunken Condition. An old Arbhorian reciepe 3 10gp
Bread. Simple Bread. Produced locally in Bandisar. Grants 2 temporary hp. 7 4sp
  There are multiple people in the inn of note to the party:
  • A group of human Tarstanese nobles. They will cease conversation if interrupted. A DC 15 Perception Check will let the party overhear their discussion of a wizard who lives in the Tarstanese capital, Guksar, and how he is an excentric character.
  • A human wheat trader, Nala, dressed in shabby farming clothes. She trades with Shessad Shipping Co., the largest shipping company in the world. Their base of opperations is in Sharfa, located at the tip of the southern peninsula.
  • A Halfling, Westley, sitting by himself at a table. If interogated, he'll reveal he was originally enslaved in New Arbhor over 15 years ago, but escaped and fled to the Northern Neutral Zone for a new life.

Arlind's Supply

Arlind's Supply is a small shop on the town's main street. The store sells supplies for adventurers to brave the Wilds with, as well as cheap consumable magic items. Arlind is a blonde man in his fifties, and is originally from Arbhor.   Arlind has the following items for sale:
Item Quantity Price
Potion of Healing. Restores 2d4+2 hp when consumed. 4 40gp
Potion of Greater Healing. Restores 4d4+4 hp when consumed. 2 75gp
Potion of Water Breathing. Grants the ability to breathe underwater for 1 hour. 1 100gp
Rations. A simple pack of travel-worthy food in a small sack. Satisfies food and water needs for 1 long rest. 8 2gp
Bottle of Lightning. Roll a ranged attack. On a hit, the target takes 8d6 lightning damage, or half as much on a miss. 1 30gp
Any Simple Weapon -- 20gp
Flame Arrow. Adds 1d6 fire damage to the weapon. If the arrow strikes a flamable material, such as dried hay or cloth, it will ignite. 10 10gp
Lightning Arrow. When fired, a bolt of lightning strikes the target from above, dealing 8d6 lightning damage and half as much on a miss. 1 50gp

Fort Ravenguard

Fort Ravenguard is a large stone fortress in the middle of the town of Bandisar. It is where many of the Bandisar nobles live, including Lord Ravenguard, who governs the town. There are approximately 20 guards who protect the fort at all times.   If the party is caught committing a crime in Bandisar, guards will descend on their position. When reduced to 0hp by the guards, the party will faint and wake up in the dungeon bellow Fort Ravenguard. The dungeon is quite old, and one can break out of their chains with either a DC 16 Athletics Check or a DC 12 Slight of Hand check. The same can be said of the doors of the jail cells.   In the dungeon, a DC 16 Investigation Check will allow the party to find the Goblet of Darkness:

Goblet of Darkness

Wondrous Item


Create Darkness. As an action, the lid of the Goblet can be removed, causing magical darkness to spread from its location in a 15ft radius sphere. This effect is identical to the effects of the spell Darkness. This effect lasts for 10 minutes or until the user disables it as a bonus action.

A small goblet which uses a miniature skull as its vessel. The skull appears humanoid, and the skull cap acts as its lid.

Cost: 250gp
Weight: 2lb

  Whenever the party chooses, they may depart from Bandisar for Sharfa. When night falls, no matter if the party is still in Bandisar or not, have them be attacked by Demons once more.
  After departing from Bandisar, they will eventually enter the Verdant Forest. Read the following:
Before long, the hilly wheat fields surrounding the walled town Bandisar become a distant memory, giving way to dense forest, clear streams of water, and roaming herds of deer.

Hobb Family Farm

Located 1/2 a day's walk from Bandisar and past the Great Wheatfield, the Hobb Family Farm is a secluded farmstead in the middle of the Verdant Forest. The farm is ran by an old man, Leif Hobb, and his 15 year old daughter, Tilly Hobb. Lief is a jovial man and is quick to help those in need, while Tilly is shy and will be wary of the party. The Hobb family primarily raises goats and sheep on their farm. There is a single log house in the center of their farm, where the two of them live.   When they arrive at the farm, read the following:
You break through the treeline to see a small farmstead. You smell hay and the stench of farm animals. Fields of grazing goats and sheep surround a small log house, where an old man waves at you. A young girl stands by his side, hiding behind him.
  Lief Hobb's wife, Rose Hobb, left the family 3 years ago for a job opportunity in Arbhor, but never came back. Lief is hopefull for her eventual return, while Tilly feels like she abandoned them.   (Trigger Warning: Blood, Murder, Death, Child Death)   Lief will offer for the party to spend the night, as they don't often recieve visitors. If the party chooses to spend the night, Lief and Tilly Hobb are condemned to a horrble fate as a result of the Rings of Frigid Wrath the party wears. The party will each be plagued by vivid nightmares; visions from their past of their failures and most horrific memories. The party is being attacked in their sleep by Nightmare Eaters, a type of demon that consumes the victim's brain while they slumber, proceeding to take over the victim's brain and control them like a puppet. After the party has dealt with the Nightmare Eaters, they will find in the main bedroom that Tilly Hobb was overtaken by a Nightmare Eater, forcing her to murder her father in his sleep with a knife. Nightmare Eater   The party may move on from the Hobb Family Farm when they are ready.  

Encounter with the Crowweaver Twins

While the party traverses the Verdant Forest after the Hobb Family Farm, they will encounter two people on horseback traveling in the opposite direction of the party. These two are the Crowweaver Twins, Zachary Crowweaver and his sister, Kolri Crowweaver. The twins are originally from a coastal farming town called Bovadedir, but a woman who suddenly started a cult and destabilized the town a day ago. They are now patrolling the woods surrounding the town to protect it from "witches," which is what they believe the cult was comprised of. They have no intention of communicating exactly what happened to Bovadedir to the party, but may be interogated for that information.   To begin the encounter, read the following:
As you are traveling through the woods, you come across a peculiar sight. A man and a woman, each wearing black coats and with pale skin, are traveling in your direction on horseback. The two appear to be twins. The man has a hatchet, while the woman has a variation of a coiled chain with a spiked ball at its end latched to her hip. They stop when they notice you.   The man speaks. "Hey there! My name's Zachary, this is my twin sister Kolri, we've just got some questions for y'all. Are any of you witches?"
  The party may choose to decieve the twins or even run away from them, or potentially fight them. If the two are killed, 2 Potions of Healing and 50gp can be looted from their corpses, as well as a map leading back to Bovadedir. The party may choose to investigate the town, which is half a day's walk away.   It will take the party one more day of travel to reach Sharfa.  


While not strictly important to the main plot of this arc, the tiny town of Bovadedir and what happened to it is important to the overarching story of the campaign. Two days before the party arrived, a winged demon appeared before a young farmgirl, named Sintl, and convinced her that she was a messianic figure and granted her the power of blood magic. The girl founded a cult known as the Crimson Order, who then traveled south to Sharfa, but burned Bovadedir to the ground first. When the party arrives, only two people will be present in the town: Mother Eriah of the Ring of Divinity and a carpenter named Galliard Rythe. When the town arrives in Bovadedir, read the following:
The road leads you out of the forest and towards the continent's eastern coast. Smoke fills your lungs as you approach the ashen runs of Bovadedir. The town was clearly small before the fires, but now, only a few buildings remain. You take note of a barn on a hill to the north, as well as a standing curch in the middle of the town. A man is also working on rebuilding a crumbled building on the main street.
The Barn on the hill to the north is devoid of animals. Within the barn, a pile of animal bones lays in the center of a summoning circle drawn in blood. At the far end of the room, the wooden wall is covered in scratches, and the dirt floor has strange non-humanoid tracks in it. A DC 15 Investigation check reveals a strange and ornate knife left behind in the dirt.   The man working on the house is Galliard Rythe, a carpenter. He is quiet, and hesitant to speak to the party. Eventually, he would tell them of a group of cultist formed in the town overnight. He thinks there were at least 80 of them. They were led by a young girl who, strangely enough, had four arms and could levitate off the ground. He doesn't know where they went.   In the Church, a woman of the cloth, Mother Eriah, is praying at a desecrated altar. Mother Eriah worships the Ring of Divinity, the most prominent religion in Kindevion. Mother Eriah says that a cult, formed around the practice of Dark Magic, razed the town to the ground overnight. Eriah had sent Zachary and Kolri Crowweaver into the woods to protect the town from the cult in case they came back, as well as track where they went. So far, all has been unsuccessful. Mother Eriah will give the party a Scroll of Revify if they promise to help track down the cult.   A DC 16 Survival check will allow the party to track the cult's movements south towards Sharfa.   Sharfa is a day's travel away by foot and half a day's travel by horse.  

Chapter 3: Sharfa

Sharfa is a large port city on the edge of Ailia's southern peninsula. It is the largest city in the Northern Neutral Zone and a hub of trade and culture for the region, with a primarily human population. A giant stone wall separates the city's northern edge from the Wilds. The city possesses the largest port on the continent, much of which is owned by Shessad Shipping Co, the most prolific shipping company in the realm. When the players enter the city propper (i.e. not the Wilds Beyond section), read the following:
As you pass through the city gates, the glimering shine of the Tarstanic Ocean is laid before you, with countless tiled-roof buildings leading the way towards the shoreline. You find yourself in grand city; a jewel in the wilds of the Neutral Zone. Children play in the streets, many of whom are races other than human. While the city seems to have a mostly human population, plenty of halflings and elves can also be seen in the beautiful seaside city.
Sharfa Player Copy
Sharfa DM Copy   The following are a list of Sharfa's districts and what can be found at each:
  • Lodge District: Middle-class Residential district. No shops can be found in this district.
  • Char District: Mercantile and Restaurant district. Shops of all kind can be found here, including Borts Bombastic Emporium.
  • Copper Ring: Economic district. Primarily home to banks, accountants offices, and other deskwork jobs.
  • Siklhorn: Textile district. Full of factories, leather shops, and bookbinding services.
  • Hunter's Ward: Home to hunters who live on the city's edge. They provide most of the meat that the city uses.
  • Northgate: A middle-class residential district.
  • Brighthook: Upper-class residential district.
  • Daggerheart: A residential district home to mercenaries and assassins. The city's mercenary guild and bounty hunters opperate out of this district.
  • High Docks: Dock and shipbuilding district. Shessad Shipping Co. opperates out of this district.
  • Duskport: A poorer dock and shipbuilding district than High Docks. Home to Sharfa's criminal underground.
  • Underway Ward: A small logging town outside of Sharfa.
  • West Slums: A lower-class residential district.
  Sharfa has multiple optional plotlines the party may choose to involve themselves in.

Wilds Beyond

The Wilds Beyond is the area north of Sharfa where the Wilds meet the city. When the party arrives there, read the following:
You continue through the Wilds. Before long, the towering stone walls of a city come into view above the forest canopy. The bustle of people, muffled by the oppressive wall, can be heard. To your left, you hear the pained sounds of a man.   "Please! Someone help me!"
The party may choose to help the man in distress, or they may continue into Sharfa's Char Disrict.   If they choose to help the man, read the following:
You travel in the direction of the man in distress. You break through the woods into a small clearing. A partially digested horse lies next to the charred corpse of a man. Sitting against a rock, a dark-skinned man in noble clothing writhes in pain as a disgusting worm-like creature is consuming his left leg, its toothed maw all the way up to his thigh.   "Please get this thing off me! I promise I'll repay you!"   [Perception 12] The charred corpse seems to be wearing the same uniform as the (Mercenary Band who won the Battle of Fort Ramiel). He must have ran off from the fort on horseback.   [Medicine 13] The nobleman's leg within the creature shows intense lascerations at the point of the bite. The leg is likely beyond saving.
The nobleman is Frennan Shessad, the owner of Shessad Shipping Co., which opperates out of Sharfa. Should the party help him, Frennan will offer to take the party into the city through his carriage and give them lodging at Shessad Manor.   The creature gripped onto Frennan's leg is a Helworm, a vile demonspawn which hides underground and latches onto unsuspecting victims. Frennan's leg is unsavable and must be amputated.   Frennan was on a foxhunt with some other nobles and got separated. He is now in possession of a Ring of Frigid Wrath, which previously belonged to the fallen soldier in this area.   If Frennan is saved, he will ask the party to join him on his carriage back into the city. He will also pay them 50gp each for their effort. If they arrive in the city this way, they will be in the Char District just outside of Bort's Bombastic Emporium. He will ask them to join him at his manor when they are ready.  

b. Bort's Bombastic Emporium

Bort's Bombastic Emporium is a magical item shop located in Sharfa's Char District. It is owned and opperated by Bort Tabernackle, an old halfling from Mathna who immigrated to Sharfa 20 years ago. When they enter the shop, read the following:
You notice a small shop with polished marble statues on either side of its entrance. Through the window, you can see a plethora of items, trinkets, and weapons.   You step through the door, and the curious scent of roses and mildew hits you. Rows of display cases, bookshelves, and weapon racks fill the space, including a second floor balcony above. Sashes of cloth arc across the ceiling, and countless melted candles flicker along the walls. A halfling man, standing on a stool behind the cashiers counter, welcomes you. "Please feel free to look around; everything is for sale!"   [Perception 15] You spy a strange symbol burned into a banister on the southern wall of the shop. It looks identical to the one you saw in Myrla's tavern.
  On the wall, there is a news board, where stories are posted by the City Watch. One of the stories is talking about missing bloodbags stolen from several hospitals in the Copper Ring District.   Bort does not know what the strange symbol on his wall is for, only that a strange man put it there one day, assuring Bort it was for his own safety.
Product Quantity Price
Potion of Healing. Heals 2d4+2 hp. 5 50gp
Potion of Greater Healing. Heals 4d4+4 hp. 2 100gp
Flame Arrow. Adds 1d6 fire damage to the weapon. If the arrow strikes a flamable material, such as dried hay or cloth, it will ignite. 10 10gp
Lightning Arrow. Adds 4d8 lightning damage to the weapon. If the arrow strikes a metal surface, such as a metal roof, the damage is automatically dealt to all creatures touching the metal. 2 50gp
Absword. Uncommon Greatsword. +1 to hit, 2d6 slashing. Requires 16 Strength to wield. Deals double damage to all creatures of size small or tiny. 1 200gp
Ice Arrow. Adds 4d8 cold damage to the weapon. If the arrow reduces the target to 0 hp, either with intent to kill or pacify, the target becomes a frozen statue. 1 75gp
Draconic Box. A small silver box in the shape of a slumbering dragon. The box cannot be destroyed or forced open, except by the spell Wish. When the box's owner obtains the ability to cast 3rd level spells, the box openes and reveals an Immovable Rod. 1 25gp
Potion of Poison. Looks identical to a Potion of Healing. The spell Identify will reveal its true nature. DC 13 Constitution save, 3d6 Poison damage when consumed. The target then becomes poisoned, the damage repeating every 6 seconds. The target may repeat the save each turn, a success reducing the damage by 1d6. The effect ends when the damage reaches 0. 1 50gp
  Bort will suggest the players have a drink at Sharfa Lights Tavern, located just down the street, if they're looking for a good time.   Bort will have other magic items for sale at the players' request. Use your best judgement to determine if the item would be in stock.  

c. Sharfa Lights Tavern

The Sharfa Lights Tavern is one of the highest-rated establishments in the city and is very popular, especially after dark. It is also one of the best places to go to learn about the city and to make connections. When the players arrive, read the following:
The sounds of joyful chatter fill your ears as you approach Sharfa Lights Tavern.   The interior of the space is filled with people of all types, and is slightly warmer than the autumn chill outside. Smokey air fills your lungs, though not from pipes or cigars. Countless lit lanterns hand from the vaulted of the tavern. While there are several of the city guard in the tavern, there are also plenty of workers, and even some shady characters who might be criminals. A well dressed man serves the bar. You make note of some hooded figures at a table by themselves, as well as a group of mercenaries.
  The Bartender of the Sharfa Lights is Jacob Haleran. Jacob, who is 30 years old, was originally from Brilon, but fled to the Neutral Zone after his family's inn was siezed by the Brilish Monarchy. Jacob has lived in Sharfa for 10 years, and is familiar with the locals. He can point the party in the direction of Bort's Bombastic Emporium if they have missed it, and knows the directions to Shessad Manor. Jacob knows that Sharfa has a criminal underground, but does not know where they opperate. He would suggest the party asks around if they're looking for that information.   Jacob is also aware of a group of red-hooded figures who came to Sharfa recently. The group went to the High Docks district and many of them boarded a boat, but roughly 15 of them stayed behind. He doesn't know where the group might be living, but they have been seen frequently in the Copper Ring District.   The two shady characters at the table by themselves are all members of the Thieves Guild. A DC 15 Perception check would allow a character to overhear that they are planning to rob a wealthy bank in the Copper Ring District called Garrison Financial. If confronted, they will threaten the party's life, but can be swayed to reveal the location of the Thieves Guild Hideout if they believe a member of the party would be valuable to their opperation. They could be convinced to reveal that the bank has a diamond within its vault worth 1,000pp. The men at the table are all wanted for various other robberies. They have a hideout in the Duskport District, located below the abandoned Duskport Market, where fish and other foodstuffs were once sold. The theives' names are John Glamm and Hariet Tuchs.   The mercenaries hanging out in the corner of the bar are all from the Daggerheart District of the city. They would welcome the party should they meet, bonding over their shared mercenary experience. Several of the mercenaries are searching for John Glamm and Hariet Tuchs, who are wanted within the city and are also present in the bar. If the party turns them over, they will each be given 200gp for their efforts.   Drinks can be purchased at the tavern. Ale costs 5cp, while wine costs 1sp. They also possess Elven Wine, which inflicts the Drunken condition after a single drink.  

d. Thieves' Guild Hideout

The Theives' Guild Hideout is located in the Duskport District below the abandoned Duskport Market. When the players arive at the market, read the following:
You arrive at the Duskport Market, a clearing in the middle of the Duskport district. Countless abandoned market stalls crowd the space, and no people can be seen. A high vaulted glass skylight protects the space from the rain.
One of the stalls has a sign which says "Loch's Locks: The most seccure padlocks in Sharfa." The mispelt word "seccure" is a codeword in Thieves Cant which indicates a safehouse nearby. Any players who know Thieves Cant will be able to identify this. Below the stall is a wooden hatch which leads to a mausoleum where the Hideout is located. When the party arrives in the hideout, read the following:
The hatch reveals a large underground space; a mausoleum filled with countless unmarked stone coffins placed in alcoves in the walls. The space is illuminated by candlelight. In the heart of the space, countless people dressed in identity-concealing attire chatter quietly. A hooded woman stands before a large stone sarcophagus, a map of the city spread across its surface. Other thieves stand around her, listening to her orders.
The woman before the sarcophagus is Miss Patsy, an elven woman and the leader of the Sharfan Thieves' Guild. Miss Patsy is not her real name; her true identity is Xylris, and she grew up as a slave in a Brilish labor colony. Nobody in the guild knows this information.   Miss Patsy wants the guild to rob the Garrison Financial Bank in the Copper Ring District. However, after a failed jewelry robbery 2 years ago, the Guild is lacking members, and so she is heasitant to go through with the plan. She will allow the party to rob the bank if they wish, and will allow them to keep 2% of the profits (2,000gp). Miss Patsy does not know that the diamond within the bank's vault is a Dragonblood Diamond, which was formed from the ancient blood of a dragon. Alternatively, the party may turn her and the guild in to the City Guard or any one of the mercenaries from the Daggerheart district, or choose to rob the bank on their own. The map of the bank, as well as all the info Miss Patsy can tell the party about it, can be found in the Appendix.  

e. Changeling Hideout

As there are in many cities, Sharfa is home to a Changeling Hideout, located in the Duskport District. This hideout exists to house Changelings and offer them services to survive. The Sharfa Hideout is located within an Ale Brewery. Any Changeling characters would be able to determine the location of the hideout within several hours of arriving in Sharfa, as Changelings can detect eachother in groups. When the party arrives at the brewery, read the following:
On the edge of the Duskport district, you find a small unmarked building which appears to be a brewery. Upon heading inside, you find a stark space with only a few tables, some stacked barrels by the walls, and a single man behind a counter polishing a glass.
A DC 17 Insight check will allow an unaware character to detect that something is fishy about the man behind the counter. Afterwards, a DC 16 Arcana check will allow a character to determine that the man is not human.   If the party has a Changeling with them, they will be permitted to rest in the safehouse bellow the brewery for free and be provided with one day's worth of rations.  

f. Crimson Order Hideout

The Crimson Order has established a hideout in the sewers beneath the Copper Ring District. They have been hiding out in Sharfa in order to collect bloodbags from hospitals in the city and send that blood to the City of Sacrifice in the foreign country of Emyel, where the rest of the Crimson Order has gone. The Crimson Order is also interested in stealing the diamond located in Garrison Financial Bank, which is actually a Dragonblood Diamond, containing ancient Dragon blood. They want the diamond so they can sacrifice it using Blood Magic and sow catastrophy in the realm. When the players arrive in the Copper Ring District, read the following:
You enter the Copper Ring District, the financial district for the city. There are also several hospitals here, one of which you notice at the heart of the district: Sharfa Medical Center. Several of the City Guard stand on the sidewalk in front of the hospital, questioning a nurse.
The Nurse, Mary, has worked at Sharfa Medical Center for 15 years. Recently, many bloodbags have been stolen from the hospital, which the City Guard are questioning her about. Mary was working the front desk overnight when the blood was stolen, but never saw anyone enter or leave the hospital. Furthermore, the magical alarms placed at all of the hospital's doors and windows were never tripped.   If the party chooses to investigate the hospital, have them make a DC 17 Investigation check. On a success, read the following.
While searching the hotel, you find a large grate in the bathroom. It shows obvious signs of tampering. Its possible the thieves entered through the sewer system.
If the players choose to go down the grate into the sewers, they will officially enter the Crimson Order Hideout.  

h. Garrison Financial Bank

Garrison Financial Bank is one of the most wealthy banks in the city. Within the banks vault is a Dragonblood Diamond, which is worth 1,000pp. When the party arrives at the bank, read the following:
You have arrived at a tall townhouse building with deep green and gold sashes hanging above its windows. Marble pillars on every corner of the building climb upwards to a sign reading: Garrison Financial Bank.
  Instructions on how to run the Garrison Financial Bank dungeon can be found in the Appendix.  

a. Shessad Manor

Whenever the party is ready, they may travel to Shessad Manor. Frennan Shessad lives in the Brighthook District, in a large mansion on a hill facing the sea. He lives there with his butler, Adam Levinson, who is secretly a Brilish Spy sent to keep tabs on Frennan, who is one of Brilon's most valuable financial allies. Frennan and Adam will have prepared a feast for the party when they arrive. If the party has not saved Frennan before entering the city, Shessad Manor will be inaccessable. When the party arrives, assuming the party saved Frennan from the Helworm in the Wilds Beyond, read the following:
You walk the streets of the Brighthook District, passing many extravegant homes and beautiful parks. You climb a hill on the districts edge, arriving at a stunning manor surrounded by a grand iron fence. Several modest hedges mark the way beyond the gate to the main entrance. The pleasant scent of grass and flowers hangs in the air. The door opens, and a thin blonde man in a tuxedo moves swiftly towards the gate, enthusiastically unlocking it and holding it open for you.   "Hello there, I don't believe we've met. Adam Levinson, at your service. Welcome to Shessad Manor."
Upon entering Shessad Manor, read the following:
Adam opens the double doors, leading into a grand parlor with an ornate staircase at the end. Two sculptors are crafting a bust in Frennan's likeness. Frennan enters the room from atop the stairs. Where a gnarly and mangled stump once was there is now a gleaming metal leg. It cranks with hidden gears and springs as he walks down the stairs.   "Friends! It is so good to see you! Adam and I have prepared dinner for us. Please, would you join us in the dining room?"
The party may dine with Frennan if they wish. He wants to get to know them better. His new leg is actually a part from an ancient attomaton which Frennan Purchased. The party will also be granted free lodging in the manor for the night. Frennan will also be present, and his statblock is located here:     Once the party has gone to bed, a Flesh Golem and two Skeletons will spawn, drawn by the Rings of Frigid Wrath. The party will be awakened by the bright glow of their rings. The party must fight the foes in order to complete their long rest.   In the morning, Frennan will lead the party by carraige down to the High Docks, where he has arraged for their passage on a shipping vessel. The vessel will arrive in Guksar, Tarstan in 2 days. When the party arrives here, read the following:
The waves of the Tarstanic Ocean lap at the hull of a massive sailship, anchored squarely in the middle of Sharfa's High Docks. The vessels name, the S.S. Shessad's Glory, is painted onto the side of the hull.   "She's beutiful, isn't she? I've arranged for your safe passage to Guksar, the Tarstanese capital. I hope you all find what you're seeking there."
The party may board the vessel. They will have peaceful travel for the next two days. This is considered downtime, where the party is able to roleplay and hone their skills. There are several other passenger on the boat. Their characters are up to the DM to determine.   When the party departs on the boat, the party reaches level 3.  

Chapter 4: Arrival in Guksar, Tarstan

Guksar is the capital of Tarstan, a tropical island nation. The city of Guksar is surrounded by stone walls, covered with golden decorations, for which the city gets its nickname; The City of Gold. The city is full of merchants and is a hub for trade in the region. It is here where the wizard Ulrick Bolbin lives, dwelling within an isolated tower near the city's center. When the party arrives here, read the following:  
You are awoken by the southing of the quartermaster.   "Land ho! We've arrived in the Kingdom of Salt and Sand! All passengers must collect their items and disembark within the hour!"   When you step aboard the deck of the ship, the warmth of the sun and smell of salty beaches are the first things you notice, then accompanied by the gleaming reflection of sunlight on gold on a shoreline to the south. As your eyes focus, you can clearly make out a city, nestled on the shore where a grand river meets the ocean. Countless sailboats dot the choppy seas surrounding a port. The buildings here are constructed from white sandstone which, combined with the gold encrusted upon Guksar's walls, the sight makes the city a glimering jewel in the middle of the sea.
  The ship will come to port on the edge of the Nightbreak District. Ulrick's tower is visible from the boat, standing tall in the middle of the district.   There are only two places of interest in Guksar: Nightbreak Market and Ulrick's Tower.  

Nightbreak Market

The Nightbreak Market is the most bustling place of retail in the city. Here, the party will be able to find many magical weapons, armor, and items to prepare for their journey. There are other shops than what is listed here, but most of them sell non-magical products like food or clothing.

Merida's Rings

A small stand which sells various magical and non-magical rings. Operated by a young halfling woman named Merida.
Product Quantity Price
Non-Magical Ring -- 10gp
Ring of Protection 1 100gp
Ring of Water Walking 2 75gp
Ring of Warmth 1 50gp
Ring of Spell Storing 1 200gp

Nightbreak Potions

A large carriage converted into a shop which sells various potions. Owned and opperated by an old elven man named Vylrin, who's hair is turning gold with age.
Product Quantity Price
Potion of Healing 4 50gp
Potion of Greater Healing 2 100gp
Potion of Climbing 4 25gp
Potion of Advantage 2 50gp
Potion of Flying 1 200gp
Potion of Giant Strength 1 350gp

Galant Armor Co.

A large tent owned by the Galant Armor Company from Galant, Novodelia. The store sells armor of various types. The cashier is a human woman named Sharla.
Product Quantity Price
Leather Armor 5 10gp
Chain Shirt 4 50gp
Scale Mail 4 50gp
Half Plate 2 750gp
Breastplate 3 400gp
Chain Mail 3 75gp
Plate Armor 2 1500gp

Wently's Weapons

A small weapon stand with various magical weapons in display cases. Owned by a muscular human man named Wently.
Product Quantity Price
Any Martial or Simple Weapon -- 30gp
Any +1 Weapon -- 100gp
Javelin of Lightning 1 100gp
Bloodrage Greataxe 1 150gp
Flame Tongue 1 500gp
Sunblade 1 500gp

Ulrick's Tower

Located in the heart of Guksar's Nightbreak District, Ulrick's Tower is a tall stone tower inhabited by Ulrick Bolbin. Ulrick has lived in this tower for the last 50 years, and constructed it himself. The tower is also connected to a hidden cave directly below it, and that cave is connected through a hidden water passage to the Khame River, which leads out of Guksar. The cave contains the Naughtiloft, a prototype skyship which Ulrick built in his youth. When the players arrive at this location, read the following:
You come to you destination; a tall stone-brick tower in the heart of this district, located in the middle of a city park. A single door at the tower's base leads into the structure.   Just as you reach for the handle, the door opens. Standing on the other side is an elderly man, dressed in purple robes. His long, grey dreadlocks droop past his shoulders and scatter across his chest and back. You notice he is not wearing any footwear.   "I've been preparing for this day for some time. Vorston has come, yes? Please join me upstairs, we have much to discuss."   He closes the door with his foot after you all have entered, setting the latch with his toes.
Ulrick will know all of the party members by name. Ever since his expulsion from the Royal Academy, he has been preparing for the coming of the Frigid Wrath. He has been using a potion known as the Sortis Serum, named after Ulrick's mentor, which allows the user to see glimpses of the future. The potion allowed him to know the identities of the party long before their meeting, and so Ulrick has been attempting to study them and their origins to the best of his ability. The Serum has shown him that it is not his destiny to stop Vorston, only to be the heroes' helper, and so he has been unable to complete their quest before them.   Once the party reaches the top of the tower, they will enter the main chamber of the tower. In this room is an Alchemy Table, as well as a fireplace and a bed. Ulrick will pull a metal brand from the fireplace, its edge glowing with heat. The party may recognize the brand as the same symbol placed on the walls of Myral's Tavern and Bort's Bombastic Emporium. Ulrick will want to brand the party with the Rune of Argath, which would allow them to instantly teleport as an action to any places where runes have been etched. At this point, the party will only be able to travel to the locations mentioned previously. The Rune of Argath is incredibly difficult to replicate, requiring proficiency in both the Runescript language, Mason's Tools, and a special item called a Runecarver's Chisel, which can only be manufactured at the Royal Academy of Vush. If a party member meets all these requirements, they can spend 3 hours carving a rune to replicate the Rune of Argath, marking that location as a new fast-travel point.   Once the party has all been branded with the Rune of Argath, Ulrick will go to a table and pick up a murky-blue potion. This is the Sortis Serum, which he will ask any willing member of the party to imbibe. These potions allow the party to see their next objective through a cryptic vision. It takes Ulrick 5 days to produce another potion. When it is consumed here, read the following:
You consume the serum. At first, all you notice is a slight sense of lightheadedness. You feel lighter, and the sensation of tiny pinpricks, like spraying water, begins to wash over your skin. You begin to see lights; branches of time stretching thoughout the space, passing through your allies, through you, and through the windows and walls, intersecting through everything like ghosts. Everything melts around you.   A pruple-jeweled scepter seems to be important. It is held by a king wearing a crown of thorns, siting on a golden throne. The throne room has a cieling, but no walls; an open space through which you can seen the environment beyond. Mountains surround the room on all sides, moving slowly past. The room seems to be moving somehow. Before the mountains, plains form a massive countryside. The smell of dirt and smoke fills the room.   You see flashes of some other objects, but you can't discern what or where they are. You see an amulet, a glass orb, a strange gyroscoping device, a thin sword, and a red-jeweled crown.   Before long, everything fades, and you find yourself back in Urlick's Tower.
After hearing the description of the vision, Ulrick will suggest that the mountainous landscape from the vision sounds an awful lot like the plains of Noran, a country far to the north. He will suggest the party goes there and collects the scepter they saw.   To aid them in their efforts, Ulrick will take the party downstairs to the secret cave below the tower. There, he will show them the Naughtiloft, a small wooden sailboat which has been converted into a skyship. The Naughtiloft can be piloted normally as a sailboat, and a lever next to the steering wheel can be pulled as an action, allowing the ship to fly. The Naughtiloft can cover 100 miles in one day by air, and 50 miles by sea. When the party is ready, they may depart for Noran.  
~End of Arc, Continue with Arc II: Shadow of Stone~


Pre-Made Characters


1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Soldier Background Human Race / Species / Heritage Chaotic Good Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d10+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+5 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
-2 Wisdom
-1 Charisma
saving throws
+2 Acrobatics DEX
-2 Animal Handling WIS
+1 Arcana INT
+5 Athletics STR
-1 Deception CHA
+1 History INT
-2 Insight WIS
+1 Intimidation CHA
+1 Investigation INT
-2 Medicine WIS
+1 Nature INT
-2 Perception WIS
-1 Performance CHA
-1 Persuasion CHA
+1 Religion INT
+2 Sleight of Hand DEX
+2 Stealth DEX
-2 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Longsword +9 STR 1d8+3 Slashing
Light Crossbow +8 STR 1d8+3 piercing
 (range 80/320)
Longsword x2, Light Crossbow, Dungeoneers Pack

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 10, Platinum: 0 Money
Common, Dwarvish

Languages & Proficiencies
Toland is from the kingdom of Brilon, in which he was an elite knight, known as a Black Lance, whos purpose was to protect the child king of the nation. There were 10 Black Laces in total. All but Toland perished in a failed assassination attempt against the king one fateful night. The perpetrator used a dark magic which anihalated Toland's friends, but somehow left him alive. Now, he has enhanced strength, and is working as a mercenary while he flees the country that he feels he has failed.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
To print this sheet: Expand the spell book (if you have any entries there), then click "Print Sheet" at the top, select "Print to PDF" and format A3. Then print the resulting PDF to whichever format you need with "fit to page" selected.


1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Outlander - Baldur’s Gate Background Wood Elf Race / Species / Heritage None Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d10+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+2 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
-1 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics DEX
+3 Animal Handling WIS
+0 Arcana INT
+2 Athletics STR
-1 Deception CHA
+0 History INT
+3 Insight WIS
-1 Intimidation CHA
+0 Investigation INT
+3 Medicine WIS
+0 Nature INT
+5 Perception WIS
-1 Performance CHA
-1 Persuasion CHA
+0 Religion INT
+3 Sleight of Hand DEX
+3 Stealth DEX
+5 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Quarterstaff +0 STR 1d6 Bludgeoning
Shortsword +5 DEX 1d6+3 Piercing
 Finesse, Light
Shortsword +5 DEX 1d6+3 Piercing
 Finesse, Light
Longbow +2 STR 1d8 Piercing
 Ammunition, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed
Leather, Quarterstaff, Shortsword, Shortsword, Longbow, Arrows, Backpack, Clothes Traveler's, Hunting Trap, Pouch, Crowbar, Hammer, Piton, Rations (1 day), Rope Hempen (50 feet), Tinderbox, Torch, Waterskin

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 10, Platinum: 0 Money
Common, Elvish, Abyssal

Languages & Proficiencies

™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
To print this sheet: Expand the spell book (if you have any entries there), then click "Print Sheet" at the top, select "Print to PDF" and format A3. Then print the resulting PDF to whichever format you need with "fit to page" selected.

Kyra Goldenleaf

1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Criminal / Spy Background Lightfoot Halfling Race / Species / Heritage None Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d8+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
-1 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+3 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+2 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+1 Arcana INT
-1 Athletics STR
+4 Deception CHA
+1 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+2 Intimidation CHA
+1 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
+1 Nature INT
+0 Perception WIS
+2 Performance CHA
+2 Persuasion CHA
+1 Religion INT
+3 Sleight of Hand DEX
+5 Stealth DEX
+0 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Dagger +3 DEX 1d4+3 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Dagger +3 DEX 1d4+3 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Shortbow -1 STR 1d6-1 Piercing
 Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed
Rapier +5 DEX 1d8+3 Piercing
Leather, Dagger, Dagger, Shortbow, Rapier, Arrows, Backpack, Clothes Common, Crowbar, Thieves' Tools, Ball Bearings (bag of 1000), Bell, Candle, Crowbar, Hammer, Lantern Hooded, Oil (flask), Piton, Rations (1 day), Rope Hempen (50 feet), Tinderbox, Waterskin, String

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 15, Platinum: 0 Money
Common, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant

Languages & Proficiencies
Kyra grew up in the capital city of Arbhor: Aurora. She was taken in as an infant by a man named Kovi Augfolium, a human who ran an underground crimianl organization within the city known as the Dark Oaks. Kovi trained Kyra in the ways of thieving, teaching her how to lie, cheat, and steal so that she might be of use to the organization. When he believed she was ready, Kovi sent Kyra to collect a payment from a man who owned an orphanage in the city, alongside two other thieves. Upon arrival, the other thieves killed the owner of the orphanage and set fire to it, seemingly on Kovi's own orders. In retaliation, Kyra killed the other thieves, then returned home to kill Kovi, her own adoptive father. Afterwards, Kyra escaped into the Arbhorian wilds, eventually joining up with the Oaken Legion mercenaries to escape the country.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
To print this sheet: Expand the spell book (if you have any entries there), then click "Print Sheet" at the top, select "Print to PDF" and format A3. Then print the resulting PDF to whichever format you need with "fit to page" selected.

Demonic Encounters Table


Notes on the Demon Lords

Vorston, the Frigid King
Character | Mar 18, 2024
Emna, Queen of Desire
Character | Mar 18, 2024
Lod, Commander of Ego
Character | Mar 18, 2024
Namek, Pestilence Eternal
Generic article | Apr 30, 2024

Map of the Neutral Zone


A small fishing town located on the northern coast of the continent. There are frequent ships that leave this town to go to the Great Northern Ice Shelf. Many refugees from all across the realm travel here in order to escape persecution.


A small wheat-growing town on the western edge of the peninsula. Located in a small windy valley. The people of Emish use the wind to power large windmills, thus powering their agricultural economy. At the beginning of Autumn, the people of Emish hold the Equinox Festival, in which people gather for a week long celebration; dancing, eating, and drinking throughout the town.


A large mining town located along the road to Sharfa. Diransheli uses their geographic position along the road to foster tourism and trade. Caravans will sometimes form in Diransheli and transport pilgrims to Sharfa.


A small fishing town located on the peninsula's north-western coast. The town supplies fish to most of the region.


A large trading town on the continent's southern edge. Traders from Arbhor often make the journey to this town in order to sell their goods, which are then distributed throughout the rest of the region.


A small mining town and religious hub. A very large cathedral dedicated to the Ring of Divinity is located here. The town also has many jewelry stores on its main street.  

Crimson Order Hideout Dungeon

The following is a list of notes for how the DM should run the Crimson Order Hideout, a 2nd Level optional dungeon within this module.
DM Copy
Player Copy  

1. Sewer

Each of the doors in this section is an iron gate. These gates require a DC 15 Athletics check to break open or a DC 13 Slight of Hand check to picklock. Various magical effects, such as Gaseous Form, can pass through the gate.   In this area, there are 4 Giant Rants.   A tunnel in one of the sewer passages leads to a wall. A DC 14 Perception check will allow the party to notice that one of the walls glimmers in the light. Hitting or touching this wall reveals a passage which leads to Room 2.

2. Secret Tunnel

The secret tunnel was carved through magical means. At the end of the tunnel is a door. The door has four gemstones placed on its surface. The gemstones are an Emerald, a Pearl, a Nepharite, and an Onyx. The door will open if they are pressed in an order in which their names spell the word "open." (Onyx, Pearl, Emerald, Nepharite)   Certain magical effects can bypass this door, such as Gaseous Form or Teleport.   Once this door opens, it leads to Room 3.

3. Bedroom

The bedroom is patrolled by 4 Cultists. The door to the north leads to Room 4.

4. Library

The library is patrolled by 3 Cultists. A DC 16 Investigation check in this room will allow the party to find 1 random Spell Scroll.   The door to Room 5 is trapped. A magical rune placed on the door will cast Burning Hands in the western direction if someone attempts to open it. A DC 15 Arcana check will allow the party to deactivate the rune. The effect on the door only occurs once.

5. Storage Room

The storage room contains several chests. Roll 1d4. If the number is 1, the chest the party opens will be a Mimic. Otherwise, the party can loot 2 Potions of Healing and 2 Flame Arrows from this room.

6. Secret Ritual Chamber

The secret ritual chamber is hidden by a false wall. a DC 14 Perception check will allow the party to notice that the wall glimmers in the light. Hitting or touching this wall reveals a passage into Room 6.   Inside the secret ritual chamber, 2 Cultists and 1 Cult Fanatic are casting a spell which will teleport them into the main vault of the Garrison Financial Bank. If the cultists are killed, the spell can be completed if the party has a spellcaster who spends 1 hour in this room casting the spell and passes a DC 17 Arcana check.  

Garrison Financial Bank Heist Dungeon

The following is a list of notes for how the DM should run the Garrison Financial Bank Hiest, a 2nd Level optional dungeon within this module.  
Garrison Financial Bank DM Copy
Garrison Financial Bank Player Copy  

1. Main Lobby

The main lobby is patrolled by 5 Guards. The door that leads to the backstage area requires a key to open, which both a guard in the main room and an attendant behind the counter possess. The door can also be picked open with a DC 18 Slight of Hand Check.   The registers behind the counter have 80gp in them each.   The vault door can be picked open with a DC 25 Slight of Hand check or a DC 25 Athletics check. The door can be opened by one of the attendants, who possesses a magical signature which opens the door if they willingly chooses to do so.

2. Public Vaults

The public vaults are patrolled by three Guards.   The vaults in the room can be picked open with a DC 25 Slight of Hand check or Athletics check. Each vault contains various items which total 1d100+25 gp.

3. High-Security Vaults

The high-security vaults are unsupervised. Each of the vaults in this section requires a DC 25 Slight of Hand or Athletics check to open. On a failed check, the vault casts Poison Spray on the person who attempted to unlock it.   The southern hallway leads to a chest, protected by the Arcane Lock spell. The chest is also affected by the spell Alarm, and will create a high-pitched bell sound if opened that can be heard by everyone in the bank. The hallway is trapped with a tripwire. The target must succeed a DC 12 Perception check to notice the wire. Otherwise, the trap is triggered when a player goes down the hallway. Once triggered, the vault door upstairs automatically locks and the vault fills with the spell Cloudkill.


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