Fallis Imarioth

A drifter by necessity, this strange wyvern woman has bounced from job to job, ultimately landing a spot as part of Joe's grocer's receiving team, where she applies her muscle to help unloading the trucks for the freight crew to stock.
Fallis Imarioth CR 1/2 (XP 200)
0400/2000 XP
CN medium humanoid(dragonkin) Barbarian(street warrior) 1
Init +3;Senses: darkvision 60 ft;Perception -1;
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 armor +0 size)
HP 14(1d12+2 Con) ;Hit Die:d12;
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: claws +5(1d6+4), knife +5(1d4+4 P)
Ranged: scrap-made revolver +4 (2d6+2, 30 ft range)
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks:
Str 18(+4) Dex 17(+3) Con 14(+2) Int 10(+0) Wis 08(-1) Cha 08(-1)
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats: iron will
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Intimidate +3, Profession(receiving) +4, Survival +3(+4 competence bonus on Survival checks in urban areas) ;
Languages: Common, Riothan
Trait(s): blue collar, resilient
SQ: urban survival
Gear: leather jacket, knife, cell phone, day pack, casual clothing, scrap-made revolver, .44 rounds(10), 10-gauge shells(2), $285;
Factions: SDI +0(noticed), Cobalt Syndicate -1(wanted)
Leather Jacket - price: $120.0; weight: 4 lb(s) ; AC bonus: +1; maximum dex: +0; armor check penalty: -0; spell failure chance: 0%; speed(30ft / 20ft): -;
Knife - price: $15.0; weight: 1 lb(s) ; dmg(S/M) : 1d4 P; critical: 19/x2; range: 10 ft; special: -; Tiny size blade
Scrap-made Revolver - price: -; weight: 3 lb(s) ; dmg(S/M) : 2d6 P; critical: 20/x4; range: 30 ft; special: -; A homemade revolver, swiped from the Cobalt scrapyard as a reminder to return there and retrieve her stolen belongings.
Cell Phone - price: $80.0; weight: 0 lb(s) ; A digital communications device that comes in a hand-held model or as a headset, a cell phone uses a battery that lasts for 72 hours before it must be recharged. It works in any area covered by cellular service.
Day Pack - price: $20.0; weight: 2 lb(s) ; This is a small backpack, the sort often used by students to carry their books around, or by outdoor enthusiasts on short hikes. It holds 8 pounds of gear and fits comfortably
Casual Clothing - price: $80.0; weight: 2 lb(s) ;

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Rage (Ex): A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. At 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. For each level after 1st she possesses, the barbarian can rage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as that gained from bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive. While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). A barbarian can end her rage as a free action, and is fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. A barbarian can't enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends.
STREET WARRIOR The following features pertain to the Street Warrior archetype.
URBAN SURVIVAL At 1st level, the Street Warrior gains a +4 competence bonus on Survival checks in urban areas, which includes the ability to follow tracks, hunt feral animals, find (or lose) individuals in urban maze, find safe places to crash, and avoid hazards peculiar to a city environment. This ability replaces Fast movement.
Skills Expanded
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Acrobatics +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +7
Appraise +0 rank(s) (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Bluff +0 rank(s) (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Climb +0 rank(s) (+4 {STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +4
  () +0 rank(s) (+0 {INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
Diplomacy +0 rank(s) (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Disable Device +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
Disguise +0 rank(suntrained} (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Escape Artist +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +3
Fly +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
Handle Animal +0 rank(suntrained} (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
Heal +0 rank(s) (-1 {WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Intimidate +1 rank(s) (-1 {CHA}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +3
  (Arcana) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Art) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Behavioral Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Civics) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Current Events) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Earth and Life Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Dungeoneering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Engineering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Geography) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (History) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Local) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Nature) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +0
  (Nobility) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Physical Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Planes) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Popular Culture) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Religion) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Streetwise) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Tactics) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
  (Technology) +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Linguistics +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Perception +0 rank(s) (-1 {WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = -1
  () +0 rank(s) (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
  (receiving) +1 rank(strained} (-1 {WIS}, +3 class{ } +1 trait +0 misc) = +4
  () +0 rank(suntrained} (-1 {WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Ride +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
Sense Motive +0 rank(s) (-1 {WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Sleight of Hand +0 rank(suntrained} (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +3
Spellcraft +0 rank(suntrained} (+0 {INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +0
Stealth +0 rank(s) (+3 {DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
Survival +1 rank(s) (-1 {WIS}, +3 class{✓} +0 misc) = +3
Swim +0 rank(s) (+4 {STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +4
Use Magic Device +0 rank(suntrained} (-1 {CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = -1
Wealth Track
$1000 + 100 + 2000 = $3100 for three weeks of work.
Equipment Track
Scrap-made Revolver (gained in the Cobalt scrapyard, given away to make amends with Rukah)
Year of Birth
1987 ASF 25 Years old
6' 4" (193.04cm)
194 lbs (87.00kg)