
No one entirely knows where the term "Fujiokan" came from, as no such nation as "Fujioka" has been unearthed to date, but, the term has stuck quickly with both the Fujiokans and the rest of the world alike.
Fujiokan describes a fair variety of creatures, though all of them share a common origination, being an eastern nation-state.
Scientific Name
Periculosum monstrum
+2 to One Ability Score: Fujiokan ancestries are varied. The Ability Score altered is determined by their ancestry.
Fujiokan: Fujiokans are humanoids with both the Fujiokan, and a special ancestry-based subtype.
Varying Size: Fujiokans are varied in size, determined by their anestry.
Varying Speed: Most Fujiokans have a base speed of 30 feet, but this is altered and added to by their ancestry.
Low-Light Vision(Ex): In dim light, Fujiokans can see twice as far as humans. Most Fujiokan Monsters have at least enhanced vision, though some do have additional sensory packages.
Natural Weapon(Ex): Many Fujiokans have built-in offensive capabilities, though what the "weapon" is, is something that varies from species to species.
Languages: Fujiokans begin play speaking Common and Fujiokan. Fujiokans with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language except for secret languages(such as Druidic).

Belios Wyvern

+2 to Dex: Belios Wyverns are notoriously quick.
Belios: Belios Wyverns are humanoids with the Fujiokan and Hiryu subtype.
Medium: Belios Wyverns are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Low-light vision(Ex): Belios Wyverns can see twice as far as humans.
Light Sensitivity: Sudden bright light has a chance of rendering you dazzled for 1d4 rounds, or 1 round if you succeed a DC10 Will save. Easing into lighter areas, or having light gradually turned up, though still uncomfortable, do not require such saves.
Natural Weapons: A Belios Wyvern gains two claw attacks.
Belios Movement(Ex): Belios wyverns possess a land speed of 30 feet, and a fly speed of 30 with average maneuverability. Prior to 5th level, though, a Belios must end their turn on the ground. In addition, a Belios in flight cannot use any handheld weapons, as their arms act as the wings for flight.
Ice Breath: As a standard action, a Belios wyvern can breathe a 30-foot line of frost that deals 1d6 cold damage. At 3rd level, a Belios wyvern adds 1-1/2 × his character level to the damage. A creature in the cone can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC = 10 + half the Belios's character level + his Constitution modifier).
Language: A Belios can substitute Fujiokan for the language of Riothian.

Cuga Wyvern

+2 to Dex: Cuga Wyverns are notoriously quick.
Cuga: Cuga Wyverns are humanoids with the Fujiokan and Hiryu subtype.
Medium: Cuga Wyverns are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Low-light vision(Ex): Cuga Wyverns can see twice as far as humans.
Sneaky: Cuga wyverns are excellent masters of discretion, and gain a +2 racial bonus to Stealth checks.
Natural Weapons: A Cuga Wyvern gains two claw attacks.
Cuga Movement(Ex): Cuga wyverns possess a land speed of 30 feet, and a fly speed of 30 with average maneuverability. Prior to 5th level, though, a Cuga must end their turn on the ground. In addition, a Cuga in flight cannot use any handheld weapons, as their arms act as the wings for flight.
Natural Kunai: A Cuga wyvern's tail quills can be dislodged once per round as an attack action. Their sharpness affords them 1d4 lethal damage. A Cuga only has as many as 5 + Constitution modifier quills per day. On a critical hit, the quills deal 1d4 bleed damage.