Sir Anton Smit, KR Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Sir Anton Smit, KR

A decorated Major in the Zoluren Militia, Anton saw combat on numerous occasions while fighting barbaric tribes in the Ash Fields and outside Eagleview Watch. His tenacity earned him a number of commendations, including the King's Cross, Zoluren's highest commendation for bravery above and beyond the call of duty.

Along with this honor, he was awarded a Knight of the Realm (KR) In Good Order, by King Roger Vorclaf II, the highest honor that can be bestowed without creating a barony.

While in River Crossing celebrating his achievement in 179, he was introduced to Princess Jeymei Smit (Vorclaf, at the time), and the two quickly began courting and were married in 181.

Tragically, just days after the royal wedding, while on their honeymoon, their vessel, the Elune's Kiss, was lost with all hands somewhere in the Reshal Sea.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Major (then Captain) Smit distinguished himself in combat against a numerically superior force of well-entrenched native peoples ambushing his platoon. After taking heavy casualties from the initial javelin and longbow volley, and himself wounded twice, Captain Smit coordinated the remaining men into a defensive perimeter in an effort to defend themselves against an estimated nine-to-one odds.

When the ambushers expended their ammunition and began making their way from their entrenched, elevated position, Captain Smit, severely wounded and risking his own life, rose from cover and, despite the pleas of his men, charged headlong into the fight, meeting the ambushers head-on, alone. He is credited with sixteen enemy kills with his sword before it was wrenched from his hands, wherein he drew his service knife from his belt and fought off a pair of goliaths. When the blade of his knife shattered against an armored foe, he then dispatched that enemy with his bare hands.

Captain Smit's ferocity in the face of the enemy forced them to flee, en masse, freeing his unit from a withering crossfire and saving the lives of more than fifteen survivors.

By Captain Smit's heroic decision to complete his mission regardless of the consequences in utter disregard of his own life, and by his gallant and valorous execution of this decision, he has rendered a service to Zoluren in the defeat of it's enemies which will everlastingly be outstanding in the annals of the Nation's history.


Princess Jeymei Smit


Towards Sir Anton Smit, KR


Sir Anton Smit, KR


Towards Princess Jeymei Smit


Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Fifth day of the ninth month
Date of Death
Circa the first day of the fifth month
156 AV 181 AV 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Lost at sea
Place of Death
Wavy and thick, but kept short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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