Virnos Settlement in Kalin | World Anvil


Once the envy of nearly all of the Fallen Cities, no city has fallen further than Virnos over the last decades, save perhaps Halteri.   The city was conquered by Atresa following a prolonged rebellion that saw the overthrow of the ruling Grand Magus and the Order of Technomancy. The dual crises led to massive damage to the city and its population.   Since then, Atresa has invested a massive amount of resources into rebuilding the city. Between Atresan investment and hard work, the city has rebuilt much that was damaged, but will probably never truly retake the grandeur it once had.


80% Human, 10% Orc, 10% other. Mostly humans in the upper class, with other races usually on the bottom class. The class disparity has gotten somewhat more even over the last decades due to the more egalitarian governance.


The city is now ruled by the Virnosian Senate, a body of 90 elected representatives (40 of which represent the city and its various districts) that are allowed to make internal Virnosian decisions. They also choose a Prime Minister to act as the head of the government and act as the primary representative/negotiator to the Atresan government. When it comes to external diplomatic arrangements, all major decisions are made by the Atresan government.


Virnos has its "own" military and navy, though both are subservient to Atresa.

Industry & Trade

A lot of inventing and technomancy keeps the city afloat, with creations from Virnos being prized.


Workshops are more common in Virnos than anywhere else as inventors and Technomancers ply their trade.


Victorian England/Diesel punk
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Gears
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location