World Unifier Rank/Title in Kald | World Anvil

World Unifier

My only goal is, and always has been, to help those in need. I may not remember who I was in my previous life, but I know now how I define myself.
  World Unifier is the self-imposed and undisputed title of the Elder Gheforis. They had given themselves this role for one purpose alone, to create a better world.  


The Elder Gheforis spent untold thousands of years only able to observe the world around them without acting. Now that they have been uncovered and play an active role, they put this practice to use. They take in everything they can around them, processing all that information to make decisions. Through mostly informants, but also spies, far seers, wanderers, etc, the Elder Gheforis is kept up to date on nearly every important (and some not-important) aspect of Kald.

Many people look to the Elder Gheforis for information about this aspect of their role. They are generally accepting to give it away, though they share only what will, in the end, help them attain their goals. Though they are very busy and often in some kind of discussion, so these types of questions have a long, long queue only the most relevant of figures in the world are on.  
Don't count me as one of their lackeys. My pursuit is completely separate, and I refuse to fraternize with the ------.
— Witch of Knowledge


The other role the title affords is to unify. This is purposefully vague in premise and execution. To unify, according to the Elder Gheforis, is to live in any space without fear of harm from another. Their first and most successful action on this aspect of their role is the Lovunal R Rela.

Any action they wish to take should be for the means of unification of living beings. There has been so much bloodshed for so long, the Elder Gheforis has now taken the responsibility to see it stopped. So far, many say they've done a pretty good job. There will be critics and contrarians saying they are nefarious and have some ulterior motive that could spell doom for the world. They must be trying to rule it. If the Elder Gheforis were open to a full mind scan by dozens of professionals, maybe they would be free of these "grievances". They refuse.

Just as the role itself is more of a statement of ideals and is thus nebulous, so too are the responsibilities. While they will act to unify, they are not the be-all-end-all of unification. People will fight, that is nature at its core, but the Elder Gheforis will do everything in their power to fight against that. If they had to state their responsibilities, it would be thus:
  1. If beings are behaving in a way that would bring great harm with the premise of othering, the World Unifier will take action to remove them.
  2. The World Unifier will continuously occupy previous unification scenarios. Meaning: they will upkeep peace between peoples.
  3. The World Unifier will now allow any compromise in credibility, personality, nor morality.
I don't think the world would be like this without them. In fact, just looking elsewhere, it would be far worse. Though, I've also seen better.
— Grandmother Wayfarer


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Jul 11, 2023 06:09

A one entity United Nations, oracle and superspy.

Jul 11, 2023 15:38

Sort of. More like, one entity making the United Nations. Definitely nothing nefarious going on here... Right?

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 12, 2023 18:40

I resonate hard with the Witch of Knowledge. But I'm contrary to my core. So the Unifier could mean well all they wanted, but I'd still want nothing to do with it. <<

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 13, 2023 01:13

She's one of my favorite characters. Not exactly an anarchist, but definitely won't do something when told.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.