Naioqjak Comiv

The original purpose of the Naioqjak Comiv, or Violent Games, was used by cultures in central Kald where they would pit criminals of major crimes against one another to fight to the death. Over the years, these games have evolved and grown greatly in popularity, so much so that civilians have started to take part. Civilian participation became prevalent as other cultures began melding in their ideas, as many others had fighting rituals that involved trained fighters, nobles, or other non-criminals. Pitting criminals against each other or wild nel is still prevalent nonetheless. Forms of the Naioqja Comiv have individually cropped up all over the world before many had a chance to interact with one another. It is mainly the central kaldn cultures that expedited its growth in popularity, taking in ideas from others to add to a never ending list of styles and potential rules.
  Many creatures, both rela and oql, are inherently violent due to a multitude of factors such as hunting instincts, being territorial, aggression to have a higher chance of mating, etc. It is through the Naioqjak Comiv or some other game of fighting that they are able to express these primal urges, whether it be through the viewing or participation of these games. Games of fighting was and are prevalent all throughout all of Kald; for ritual sport and general enjoyment, fighting is major aspect of many cultures. It is even seen in the young of many species, often called roughhousing.
  Companies and businesses have formed around these Violent Games, being both prisons and/or arena owners and/or coordinators. These businesses have also created huge gambling rings around the outcome of a single or series of games. They've also introduced pay by spectate where users must pay to view a game.
  Jailing systems, arenas, and coordinators that conduct Naioqjak Comiv are nearly always regulated by their governments. Different governments have different laws, but they all try to regulate what the jails, arenas, and coordinators are able to do. Though, as with many other forms of entertainment, there are plenty of underground games that skirt the law.  


Arenas often have a center stage surrounded by layered seats for spectators and a holding chamber for the participants to wait in before being brought to the stage.  


The stage, where the fighting takes place, has hazards, boundaries, and other alterations unique to each arena. Most arenas try and have a modular stage to set up bouts that would be more thrilling, such as adding a layer of fog to foes who fight with dazzling lights to turn the battle into a light show. Or to have rough terrain that a participant may use as cover or strategize with. Around the stage is a net of thin white-gold webbing that halts any projectiles or harmful degree from exiting the stage and falling to the crowd. Wards are also placed around the stage, to prevent the participants from conquering a spectators mind, leave without detection, or any number of things a participant might try.  

Spectator gallery

The spectator gallery are the seats or viewing areas that surround the stage. More basic arenas have a gentle slope ascending from the stage where as more modern arenas have several stories of seats, floating booths, and viewing rooms.  

Holding chambers

The holding chambers are tunnels where the participants wait to come out onto the stage. They have gates that allow the participants to pass through the netting and wards. They also keep the opposing sides in different holding chambers to not have them fight before it is time. These chambers also act as intensive care units for when the participants need immediate medical attention.

Types of combatants

  While the types of combatants are kept separate (ex: criminal v criminal or civilian v civilian) depending on the situation, laws, rulings of the arena/detention center/coordinators there can be cross pollination where civilians fight criminals or nel fight civilians.  

Thotee (Criminals)

  Criminals, in a broad sense, are anyone who is detained by some policing force as a consequence of an unlawful act. Most criminals are detained for some length of time or are kept in a detainment or detention center as a place of holding for their deed to be processed to determine their fate. As such, many criminals are not forced to play in the games and are merely kept within the centers. But for criminals who are convicted and sentenced for egregious crimes, they might be forced to play in the games, depending on laws and rulings.
  In cases where the criminal sentenced to death, some people offer them a chance to participate in Naioqjak Comiv games of death. This is to give the unfortunate soul a chance to die in a vainglorious bloodbath rather than quietly and without much fanfare. Some areas, however, force death row inmates to fight, seeing that they were to die anyways and that they would bring in a large crowd.
  Criminals view their participation in Violent Games as a means of, not only gaining glory and fame, but also as a way of interacting with the world outside their cell. Many criminals willingly choose to participate even if there is no reward, but in many cases there is a reward. Rewards offered can include money, trinkets, or even, in rare cases, a deduction to one's sentence.  

Thoroo (Civilians)

  From the influence of other cultures, many arenas and coordinators accept civilian participants. Civilians are any oo who it would be unlawful to force to participate in the games. Arenas or coordinators who have civilian participants must abide by their regulating body's laws, giving civilians rights (ex: a right to abandon a match in progress if they have a worthy reason for doing so). These laws can also limit the number of oo who are able to participate, such as age limits, gender/class limitations, etc.
  Most civilians are incentivized by either cultural pulls (Ie rituals) or, more commonly, by some sort of reward. Rewards offered are more than likely some sum of money but can be anything from goods to services to secret knowledge and beyond. Held games often have the civilian participants cross some barrier to entry, either a payment of some kind or proof of capability if needed. Some civilians play more for the sport than the rewards, finding it a joyous past time with some benefit. Others, the bloodthirsty, participate to fill their cravings of violence. These scant few are seen as manic, unhinged people who may cause harm without the Naioqjak Comiv as an outlet.  

Nel (beasts)

  Some games pit nel against criminals, civilians, and other nel. Unlike Thoroo or Thotee, nel are often pitted against the other two types of combatants. Many see the fighting with a Nel as a form of hunting, and is more greatly respected than fighting other rela or oql.
  Some breeders have cropped up, having vicious and powerful creatures breed to produce even more dangerous offspring to win with in games. Governments have tried to crack down on these breeders, seeing their intervention as dangerous and unfriendly with the sport. Many people see breeding strong nel as a bad thing as it expedites Natures Dominance.  


  Each area the games take place in have their own set of rulings, but overall there are some aspects that many specify. The number of participants to fight on the stage, the use, or lack thereof, of weapons and ghoa, and what the winning conditions are. These rulings are not strict, and may be mixed and matched in an number of ways (ex: a team game where they are allowed to use armor and both vital and substantial ghoa and the winning condition is knock out). There are plenty of rulings that can be made beyond these, such as more winning conditions or more in depth allowance of weapons (ex weapons tied to the head are allowed but not tied to a limb with a winning condition of whoever gains more favor over the crowd).  

Number of participants

  Awyaw (One on one): One oo fights against one other oo.
  Emnt (Team): Two or more oo fight against any number of other groups of one or more oo.
  Noinoi (Free for all): three or more oo fight against all others.  

Weapon usage

  Weapons are defined as any object the participant brings in from outside the stage prior or during the match.
  No weapons: No weapons are permitted.
  Select weapons: Predetermined weapons are permitted (such as only solid blunt weapons if the fight is to a knock out).
  Anything goes: All forms of weapons are permitted, whatever the participant is able to bring with them is allowed. This form is often used in games involving criminals as they have little they are allowed to own while in prison.  

Ghoa permissions

  The rules for what ghoa is allowed in any given match can be vague or highly specified.
  Vital: Ghoa relating to ones outward manipulation of the world. This can include anything from generating elements such as fire or spears of stone, manipulating the physical things around you (ex: controlling the ground, wind, flames, or whatever is around).
  Spiritual: Ghoa relating to one's spiritual self, such as telekinesis, mind control, attacks on one's aura, time alteration, and anything that relates to The Soul or any dealings of the mind, aura, energy, etc.
  Substantial: Ghoa relating to one's physical body. This can be muscles, skin, horns, teeth, or any other part of the participants physical form. This can also relate to one's senses, if they have a heightened sense of smell, sight, etc.
  Encompassing: any combination of two or all three permissions of ghoa.  

Winning conditions

  Unlike the number of participants or weapons, many games choose one or more conditions for victory, such as if a participant falls unconscious or dies, the other is the victor. Or if the other party submits, is knocked out, or dies the other is the victor.
  Submission: Fight until a satisfactory number of parties submit. Submission is the act of recognizing the other party or acting parties as victors.
  Knock out: Fight until enough participants are knocked out, or fall unconscious, that there is a defining winner. If the participant is still able to fight and only wishes to submit, the fight must continue. If the opposing party is killed, depending on the laws/rules/stipulations, there might or might not be consequences for either the offending party, their supporters, or the arena/detention center the games are held in.
  Death: Fight until the number of participants who need to lose die (the most uncommon form of Naioqjak). Some implement rulings where submission is the same as death, when a party submits, they allow the other or others to kill them.

Terms -

Oo: living beings
Rela, Oql, and Nel: Various levels of sophont
Ghoa: Magic
Kakeh: A subspecies of wingless drake
Vinsel: Cat/dog like creature
Nexn: The father god

Chi-muden Final Match

  Welcome, one and all, to the conclusion of this grand tournament. We’ve seen many feats of fortune, calamitous clashes, and brutal beatings, and now we've come to the cream of the crop, the crest of the mighty, the toughest of the tough, please welcome our finalists: Searing Lukea the unmovable and her opponent, devious Nulfl the riotous blur!
  The rules are the same, their weapons have been reviewed by our most generous of hosts, Chi-Muden. Lukea has chosen to proceed without weapons, never having need them before why would he need them now. Nulfl has come out with leather armor and claws of steel, what use could those possibly have in stopping Lukea’s might!
  The stage is the same that you’ve seen, balls of noxious gas rain from the sky, our contestants having to avoid them, unless they think they need more sleep. Keep in mind, this battle will only end when one of the contestants is knocked out, no submission, no mercy. And without further ado, let the battle begin!
  And the Kakeh Lukea has taken the initiative, heating up the ring with her blazing aura. What is the little vinsel do, he can’t even get close without burning up! What’s this, Nelfl has taken to the air, hopping around the sky, gracefully dancing around the noxious balls. Lukea isn’t taking this sitting down, she’s charging at Nelfl before he can get too high. Oooh, that was nearly game just there, Nelfl kicking a ball into Lukea’s face, but that’s why these two are our finalists, neither would go down so easily. The balls, as before, just turn to vapor when they get too close to the big girl, her heat too much for anything to handle!
  Lukea has now no way of getting to Nelfl, the sly little bundle of fuzz is just too high in the air, still bounding through the sky. He can’t stay up there forever and Lukea knows it, it’s only a matter of time before he falls and Lukea will have… What's this! Nelfl has started pounding the noxious balls back into the sky, what is he thinking. The more he touches the balls the less he’ll be able to stay awake, this is madness. The audience is baffled, shouts of distress, confusion, and rage echoing everywhere!
  Great Nexn, look out! There’s no time, Lukea scorches the ring with a burst of heat, the balls Nelfl kicked away now falling on her all at once. All that is forgotten, Lukea burnt all the balls into a giant cloud of darkness, it’s still falling on her! Oh, she is out like a light, that much of the stuff will do anyone in. Rela and oql, we have a winner: Nulfl!


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Jul 22, 2018 02:03

A very detailed description of the various aspects and variations of Violent Games and their cultural reception. I especially liked the report of the final match in the sidebar. Good article!

Jul 22, 2018 14:38

Thank you, the side bar was actually a last minute addition :P

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 22, 2018 04:37

I love how detailed the article is and how there's a lot of variation of the rules, it seems like a catch-all arena sport. I also like how this sport reflects the races' cultures and behaviors as having primal urges yet civilized.

Jul 22, 2018 14:39

Thanks! It's not really a "catch-all" as it is just two or more creature fighting each other, nothing more nothing less. Sportsball and other games aren't part of the sport.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 22, 2018 06:25 by Tina

I too liked the story style in the side bar. good use of it. I loved your layout too. It made it easy to read.

Jul 22, 2018 14:39

I'm glad it made it easier to read, without the columns the article was twice as long.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.