Elder Ascension


The Chiran people were not originally of the Kanøu faith, and have adapted their ancient traditions to fit into the faith's beliefs.


A pit is dug at the base of an elder Yug tree where others of the deceased's family have been buried. This pit is dug by the hands/paws/etc of those who will participate in the ceremony, excluding the priest. The priest holds the body above the ground while waiting for everyone to dig the pit. Once the pit is finished, roots of the yug exposed, everyone takes a step back and the priest rests the body in the pit.
  The priest then begins to pray, signaling for everyone else to scavenge the forest for first leaves, second twigs, and third grass (moving from leaves to twigs if they are unable to find enough leaves, and then to grass if they are unable to find twigs). They place the leaves atop the body, repeating the fetching and placing until the pit is filled and the body is obscured from view.
  The priest says one final prayer and the group sits around the pit with their eyes closed. The yug tree whisks the soul of the departed to Paradise Waiting to await the great war. They had first covered the body with things of nature to keep demons from spying it, so they could not lead the soul astray during the transfer.
  After minutes in silence, the group disbands to return to their daily lives for thirty days. The morning after thirty days have passed, during the early dawn, the one closest to the deceases, usually their spouse, walks to the nearest substantial body of water, lake, pond, or river, and takes up silt, dirt, and/or sand from the bed to carry to the priest who waits a respectful distance from the tree, far enough that they pit cannot be seen. The other members of the ceremony arrive after the Sayk (see Sakzyg Oiov) has risen over the trees, waiting with the spouse while the priest buries the body in the wet sand.
  After the pit has been filled, the group gathers around and air their grievances and love for the deceased. This begins with the ones closest to the deceased, and ends with the ones who knew them the least. They do not do this prior to the deceased's ascension for their stray soul would be unlikely to understand them. Now that they are within Waiting Paradise, they have their wits about them to hear their loved ones. As they say their farewell and the watery dirt dries, their link with the departed soul disappears and the dead is now at peace.

Components and tools

Leaves, sticks, and/or grass
  Wet dirt, sand, or silt from a riverbed or lakebed


Loved ones of the deceased - their only part of the ceremony is to mourn, to air their grievances and praise the dead. This is optional to all, but after the ceremony is over they will no longer have a way of airing their feelings to their loved one. This can be family, friends, and anyone who loved the deceased.
  Priest - Priest(s) play a key role in the ceremony. It is their duty to view the decaying corpse (or the missing corpse) and fill the hole with watery dirt or sand. They are the ones to do this so the family does not gaze upon the decaying corpse of their loved ones, if the body is missing, or anything that would distress the loved ones of the deceased.


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