Dreia and Leda Expedition in Kaiter | World Anvil

Dreia and Leda Expedition

The Dreia and Leda Expedition is the first known major expedition into The Wilds after Disaster brought about the Age of Anarchy. It also marks the rediscovery of the fallen city of Gromont, and the beginning of renewed cooperation and communication between the Library of IFERA and other surviving settlements throughout the Wilds and Eastern Amrisa.   The expedition was made up of a group of Discovery Corps members led by Dreia Sharp and Leda Flamewalker . Its goal was to determine what had happened to humans who may have survived in other parts of the continent and establish diplomatic and trade relations for the good of all Amrisians.   The expedition first made its way eastward, crossing the dangerous expanse of the Wilds before making contact with New Haven residents on Eastern Amrisa. Along the way, they met some Wandering camps who helped them learn to navigate the new tundra environment and defend themselves from Great Wolves. It's first major finding was the rediscovery of Gromont, which had been a large city before The Disaster. After arriving in Gromont, the group split into two, with one group being led by Dreia Sharp to remain in Gromont to determine if there were survivors or important technology to be scavenged. The second group continued on, skirting around the south of the Weylan glacier before finally joining a Wanderer camp that was able to introduce them to a trading expedition from New Haven.  

Cover image: by Sayshara