Highshield Pass Building / Landmark in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Highshield Pass

A mountain pass connecting Genlith and Raendor during the Stone War   in which a small force of Genlith warriors led by a sergeant at arms named Murdrig, held off a much larger army of Raendor .   To commemorate this victory a large shield displaying the House Genlith crest was carved high on the cliff walls over looking the pass
Cardun and the Krennel borders
An area on the border between Genlith and Raendor, adjacent to the lands of House Krennel.   Shown are Highwater Tower, Bandesbridge and the dread fortress of Cardun
Founding Date
The pass was named in 511, the shield was created over the next five years.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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