A Decisive Blow Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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A Decisive Blow

General Summary

Slightly weakened from their battle with Hadriel, the group engaged the trio of fallen angels in battle. Weakened by their imprisonment though they were, Zerato, Mastema, and Ophiel proved to be incredibly powerful and came close to slaying Benkei, Bitō and Conradus. However, with the use of an Enlargement potion, Genji was able to deal the finishing blows to each of the fallen angels and ended the combat before any casualties were incurred. After claiming Ophiel's scythe and Zerato's broadsword, the group settled down for a much needed rest.   While they rested Benkei had another dream about Kagutsuchi's forge, but instead of speaking to his patron, he came face to face with Ichirou, the Seeker that he had originally been before his death in the Grindstones. Ichirou admonished Benkei for having become weak and warned him that he refused to play horse to a king weaker than him. After defending the connections he'd forged with his new comrades, he awoke to find his Kyotouryu newly exalted.   The group spent the next month trudging through the Sabaku towards the Chasm; weathering sandstorms and avoiding confrontation with the local creatures. After scrying on the captured Isidor, they learned that Galbatorix hadn't been the one who'd killed Hiromasa, Septimus, and Galatea and that he had actually gone to Feng-Nao to meet with them. They also learned that Agony had been "spooked" by someone/something in the city and had refused to go within 6 miles of it. They also overheard Laxius mentioning business he and "Vendetta" needed to take care of, and that he'd be leaving the "Inquisitor" with Galbatorix. Eventually, they realized that the dark spot they'd been following on the horizon line was actually a massive area of legitimate night around the Chasm.   They pushed into the darkness and found the ruins of a Si-Xiong village where they encountered a scouting party of powerful demons who intended to take them to an altar. They defeated the demons and descended into the icy Chasm, following a crow they believed belonged to Laxius. It led them to a teleportation sigil that transported them directly to the altar in question where they finally laid eyes on Vazrimoth and Laxius, who were attempting to punch a hole to the Abyss through the use of an Abyssal Anchor and Si-Xiong sacrifices. Benkei took a huge gamble and using an invisibility potion, flew to the portal that the Anchor was opening and stole it. Vazrimoth flew into a blind rage but with Laxius' assistance, the group was able to safely teleport back to Tengoku with the recovered Anchor. They took the anchor back to Seraphix for the clergy to study before returning to Tengoku to plan what to do next.

Rewards Granted

Kyotouryu: Kiku-Ichimonji, Celestial Broadsword, Azrael, Abyssal Anchor
Before the Fall
Conradus Stonero
Level 19 Scourge Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of the Crown
(Faction Agent)
275 / 275 HP
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Report Date
19 Apr 2020


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