His Office Organization in Jeslore | World Anvil
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His Office

"It's not actually insurance." - Anonymous ZSI employee  

His Office

His Office is a pseudo corporation masquerading as a multi industry conglomerate with several subsidiaries owned by Zartor. While it generally pretends to be a corporation and does fall in line with a lot of capitalist and corporate rhetoric, if not the ideology it is mostly just the way Zartor chose to theme his process of gathering souls and planets to keep himself sustained as well as keep track of everything. Zartor adores corporate culture, so everything from his armies, to the afterlife pocket-dimension he created, and even down to the way he dresses and presents himself is all in reference to it.    His Office is found all over the universe and most civilizations that have had to deal with view it as a positive influence on their planet, but that might be because anyone that had to deal with Zartor without the help of the Cykx Dominion, OOCOM, the CPA, or the Drosden crownest agency almost definitely failed to fight him off and got their planet taken over. Planets with ample protection overwhelmingly have negative opinions of Zartor and his office.   His office has 4 subsidiaries, each dedicated to vital parts of the processes he needs to survive. The first and most commonly seen subsidiary is Zartor Soul Insurance, which focuses on his ability to gain and maintain souls, both as a source of nutrients and as a way to store power for later use. Whenever he makes deals with mortals for their souls in exchange for worldly pleasures, powers or something else he can provide, he usually frames it as an insurance agreement where one of the clauses is access to a guaranteed afterlife, which for all clarity refers to the office void.  There is Zartor Real Estate which is a quasi legislative body/shadow government that manages conquered planets. Acquisition of planets is always done in the name of ZRE. While ZRE acts as a shadow government, it is generally very loose on moderation. It lets local legislators remain in power provided they obey him and don't act against the company. There is also Zartor banking service which is usually referring to his method of converting soul and anomalous energy into sustenance for himself. All of these companies do offer legitimate services corresponding to their ulterior motives, but that's mostly to increase workload on his employees. Lastly there is the salesmen, who act as the armed forces for his office.  

Zartor Soul insurance

Zartor soul insurance is the most commonly seen subsidiary of his office. It is the entity people deal with when they are willing to trade their soul away to Zartor in exchange for worldly pleasures, powers, chances, and anything else they can think of. There are parallels to draw between deals done by ZSI and the way a genie might work, but the key differences is that there is only 1 wish and terms and caveats are negotiable, but obviously Zartor and his company drive a hard bargain. Perceptive customers will notice that soul insurance and employment are listed as a perk and contractual obligation, respectively. This is to falsely imply that the two are separate, as soul insurance refers to the process of preserving a soul, so it can remain conscious forever. Without this insurance, the employment would work, as the soul would expire. When this is combatted, the terms will change and both the insurance and the employment will become contractual obligation, leaving more room for perks.   As the name implies, ZSI masquerades as an insurance firm. It does sell regular insurance types ranging from life insurance (which is not a sinister ploy) to car insurance, and wherever his office is in control, ZSI effortlessly outcompetes other insurance firms. Notably, there is even legal insurance, which will activate when the customer is sued. This is the most expensive insurance plan, because ZSI will not defend its client as much as it will use its influence on the government to exonerate a client.  

Zartor Real Estate

The Zartor real estate agency is primarily responsible for managing occupied planets. Whenever a planet is acquired, the deal is done by ZRE, instead of ZSI which primarily deals with people instead of property. Once ZRE owns a planet, it will basically act like shadow government. ZRE acts a lot like a colonial power lording over natives, but not as cruel or oppressive. In fact, ZRE largely lets planets run themselves and one of the things he demands is that his companies get tax breaks in occupied territories and that Zartor is allowed to tap into the planet's supply of anomalous energy to keep himself going. Neither Zartor nor ZRE enforce any sort of social laws, he will only intervene whenever he feels as if his control is being undermined. Whenever ZRE purchases a planet, it is not just the planet that becomes his property, the people there become interns for his companies, not becoming properties but definitely becoming tied to his conglomerate.   Zartor Real Estate, much like ZSI does offer legitimate services corresponding with the sort of firm it pretends to be. As the planet is essentially Zartor's property, any free land becomes his as well, and it will automatically put other real estate agencies out of business due to the fact all their inventory switched ownership without recompense. Zartor Real Estate is also far more efficient than independent real estate companies, as with a larger work force, control over different planets, and more efficient contact systems ZRE can help customers find a home twice as fast as other agencies with fewer failures.  

Zartor Banking Services

The primary role ZBS fills is essentially currency exchange for beings that deal in anomalous energy and souls. ZBS is capable of converting soul residue (basically excess soul energy that isn't necessary for his employees to remain functional and lucid) and anomalous energy into cosmic energy Zartor can use to sustain himself. The problem is that Zartor runs out of cosmic energy faster than all his planets so far are able to produce it, which is the reason he wants Jeslore so bad, as it is the most anomalous planet on record.   ZBS extends this service to regular customers, but instead of converting anomalous energy and soul residue into cosmic energy, ZBS converts currencies from across all its colonies at a 1:1 rate almost instantly. ZBS also has the best benefits available to customers of all banks in the universe.

War Crimes

  • Razing - His office has razed cities and nations in the past if they opposed them, and there was no way to make them stand down. They do not regret it.
  • Unlawful use of WOMDs - His office has used WOMDs from other planets for use in its campaign.
  • Unfair business practices - When his office takes over a planet, the subsidiaries will begin to outcompete local businesses. Due to the immense government backing and hostile practices, local businesses can not survive.
  • Illegal use of magic - Magic is generally outlawed in warfare when used as a form of ensuring loyalty (refering to the soul binding).
  • Arcane enticement - It is illegal to promise magical powers instead of monetary payment to soldiers/mercenaries. This is seen as demonic (academic term) behaviour.
  • Political infiltration - Referring to the numerous successful coups Zartor has overseen.
Designated Status: Demonic incursion   Status meaning: A demonic incursion is a force that must be fought at all costs as their goals are not ideological, they just wish to take planets over.

Fair prices for tainted souls!

Corporation, Conglomerate
Alternative Names
Zartor Soul Insurance
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Insurance and Real Estate   Political Ideology:
Free market capitalism   Alignment evil:
Chaotic evil   Power Type:
Economic/Military   Military Expertise:
Hostile takeovers



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Articles under His Office


Author's Notes

Soul residue, cosmic energy, sparks of life, and anomalous energy are all expanded upon in the Magicka article

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